
  • 网络Video Document;videorecording
  1. YouTube上发表的录像资料显示了爆炸后机场的情况。

    This video that was posted on YouTube shows what the airport looked like after the bombing .

  2. 业余爱好者拍摄的录像资料显示,IanTomlinson慢慢地离开警戒线。

    Amateur footage shows Ian Tomlinson walking slowly away from a police line .

  3. VOA获得的这份录像资料显示,本月,难民洗劫了世界粮食规划署在Badbaado难民营的一个食品运送点。

    This footage , ed by VOA , shows looters ransacking a World Food Program delivery of dry food at Badbaado camp this month .

  4. 通过第二届中国CUBA乙组男篮决赛15场比赛的现场观察,录像资料统计,对比赛中全部1035次篮板球的反弹方向、落点及分布区域进行数据处理、归纳分析和研究。

    By the on-the-spot observation of 15 matches in the 2nd CUBA minor league finals and statistics of the video material the rebound directions , the placements and the distribution areas of the 1035 rebounds in the matches were data-processed , summed up , analyzed and studied .

  5. RigoEstrada:“但是现在我看了第一手录像资料,我经常到沙滩上进行清洁,我帮助开发了排水系统,我还教给小学生节约用水的重要性,我了解了环保的重要性,这确实是一个非常严肃的话题。”

    RIGO ESTRADA : " But now that I have seen firsthand videos , I have done beach cleanups , I have helped develop like water-catchment systems , I have taught elementary schools like the importance of water conservation , I know the importance of green and that it actually is a really serious topic . "

  6. 我找到了一些逮捕他时的监控录像资料

    I dug up some surveillance of the arrest .

  7. 其中可能包括地方或地点的照片和录像资料。

    These could include the places or locations of photos and videos taken .

  8. 录像资料保存途径的探索

    The exploring of approaches to save video datas

  9. 去找所有属于这个房间的安全录像资料,所有的所有。

    Find the security cameras archives that belong to this room , anything and everything .

  10. 利用高速路录像资料的交通流测量新技术

    Measuring Method Study of the Traffic Flow Model Parameters Based on Video Recording of Expressway Traffic

  11. 录像资料的数字化处理和利用

    Digitization and Utilization of Video Cassettes

  12. 实现了整个系统内的录像资料查询、下载、回放、抓图。

    Realize the whole system of video information query , download , playback , catch figure .

  13. 主要运用文献资料、录像资料分析、数理统计、问卷调查等方法,阐述目前我国高水平女子长拳自选套路运动员难度动作编排及完成情况特点。

    It mainly uses literature materials , video material analysis , mathematical statistics and questionnaire survey .

  14. 我们研究的目的是检测在结肠镜检查前常规指导中增加内镜录像资料指导的影响。

    We aimed to examine the effects of adding an information video to our usual preprocedural information .

  15. 本文提出一种利用城市高速道路交通录像资料测量交通流模型中各种参数的新方法。

    A method is proposed to measure the various parameters of traffic flow models applying video tape information of urban expressway traffic .

  16. 反对派积极分子上传到互联网上的录像资料显示,数千人在霍姆斯主要广场席地而坐。

    Video footage put on the Internet by opposition activists shows thousands of people sitting on the ground in the main square of Homs .

  17. 大部分最严重的暴力发生在霍姆斯市,一家社交媒体网站上发布了相关录像资料。

    Much of the worst violence took place in the city of Homs , with film of it posted on a social media website .

  18. 以示范课录像资料中教师描述性和控制性语言为考察对象,分析了优秀英语教师课堂礼貌策略的使用情况。

    In order to establish and remain good interpersonal relationship with students and create favorable classroom atmosphere , teachers should take politeness strategy into consideration .

  19. 方法:对2000年5月至2001年12月在临床工作期间,我科显微手术的60例鞍区肿瘤,包括脑膜瘤、垂体腺瘤和颅咽管瘤进行术中观察和录像资料进行回顾分析。

    Method From May 2000 to December 2001 , the data of microoperation in 60 cases with sellar meningiomas , craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas was collected and retrospectively analyzed .

  20. 方法通过离心机试验,获得不同+Gz作用下志愿受试者佩戴飞行头盔和装显示器飞行头盔的录像资料,对录像资料进行图像分析,获得头盔的位移曲线。

    Methods By means of motion video analysis technology , the displacement curves were obtained from video data of subjects , wearing helmet with / without mounted display devices during + Gz tests in human centrifuge .

  21. 他们期盼在一个后期展览上展示他们这一行为艺术(你可以这么说)的成果,录像资料和照片、日记等等。

    Afterwards they want to show the results of this performance or action art as you might call it in an exhibition . A video and photographs are made , diaries are kept and so on .

  22. 提供野生果树的生长环境等录像资料,使用户更加直观的了解野生果树的分布情况。(5)提供给用户丰富多样的知识内容。

    Offer the video about grow environment etc. of wild fruit trees , to enable users to more intuitive understanding the distribution of the wild fruit trees . ( 5 ) Provide a variety of knowledge contents to users .

  23. 它充分利用PowerBuilder6.5所提供的多项先进功能,将文字资料、图片资料和录像资料完美地结合在一起,不仅满足了系统全部功能,并且给人以一种类的享受。

    In this system many advanced function of Powerbuilder 6 . 5 were fully utilized , words , pictorial and video materials can be put together successfully , not only satisfied all needed functions of that system , but gives users aesthetic feelings .

  24. 通过对第12届亚洲杯足球决赛中、日、韩男子足球队同场比赛录像资料的观察统计,对中国男子足球队运动员对抗中技术运用能力的现状进行了对比分析。

    Through analysis on the statistical recording data of Chinese , Japanese and the Korean men 's soccer teams in the 12th Asian Cup Final , this paper focuses on the comparative analysis on current situation of technical usage of our man 's soccer team .

  25. 通过文献资料研究并分析了1999年世界艺术体操锦标赛录像资料及现场看1995~2000年每年的全国艺术体操比赛,提示中国艺术体操与世界先进水平的差距之一在于运动员的艺术表现力较差。

    By Reviewing literatures , watching and analysing 1995-2000 China RSG match each years as well as the record types of the 1999 world RSG match , the author think that the one of problems for Chinese PSG is the poor of the art expression ability .

  26. 文章采用最新国际艺术体操评分规则对十运会及世界艺术体操锦标赛集体项目前3名的比赛录像资料进行对比分析,研究我国运动水平与世界运动水平艺术价值上的差距及解决途径。

    In order to explore the gap in the art value field between our groups and others and find out solving methods , the authors analyse video data resources of top 3 groups in 10th national games and world championship with new scoring rule of international rhythmic gymnastics .

  27. 健身排舞的理论资料偏少但录像教学资料非常丰富。

    Fitness line dance theories material scarce but video teaching material is very rich .

  28. 通过查阅网站、图书馆及大型书店,搜索出有关于健身排舞的论文四十二篇,书籍仅一本,但录像教学资料三百余部,相当丰富。

    Through consulting website , libraries and large bookstores , search out about fitness line dance papers and articles , books , but only a more than 300 video teaching materials , quite rich . 5 .

  29. 正像你的大学、学校或城市里的图书馆一样,公司图书馆里存有图书、杂志、报纸和期刊,以及电子文件,电影、录像和录音资料。

    Just like your university , school or city , a company library contains books , magazines , journals and periodicals as well as electronic documents , films , videos and audio materials .

  30. 数十亿的信件、自传、录像和音频资料、图画、地图、条约、海报和其他情报资料讲述着美国作为一个国家的历史。

    Billions of letters , photographs , video and audio recordings , drawings , maps , treaties , posters , and other informative materials exist that tell the stories of America 's history as a nation .