
lù qǔ tōnɡ zhī shū
  • acceptance letter;letter of admission
  1. 清华大学将该录取通知书贴在了其官方微博上,并写道:“当你在盛夏八月穿过这座'二校门',一个全新的世界将在你面前徐徐铺开,一个崭新的清华将等待你探索与创造。”

    The university posted the acceptance letter on their official Weibo account , captioned " When you cross the Old Gate in August , a new world will emerge in front of you , and a brand-new Tsinghua awaits your discovery and creation . "

  2. 面谈前请将您大学时期的成绩单准备好,还有您在中国有牢固约束力的证明,美国学校的录取通知书以及I-20表。

    Be sure to prepare your undergraduate transcripts , proof of ties to China , and acceptance letter and I-20 from your University .

  3. 当她的家人拿到她的北京大学录取通知书时,她正在另一个城市做兼职。

    She was doing her part-time job in a different city when her family got her admission letter from Peking University .

  4. 来自云南的学生崔庆涛拿到北京大学的录取通知书时,正和父母一起在建筑工地上工作。

    Cui Qingtao , a student from Yunnan , working with his parents on a building site when he got an admission letter from Peking University .

  5. 这名学生收到了十所大学的录取通知书。她前途无量!

    The student received offers from ten universities – the sky 's the limit for her .

  6. 现在,清华大学3D打印版的“二校门”出现在了该校2018年的录取通知书上。

    A 3D-printed version of a 2nd gate at Tsinghua University is now appearing on the school 's 2018 admission letter .

  7. 利用VB实现EMS大中专录取通知书自动打印功能的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Automatic Print System about the College Diploma of EMS Used by VB

  8. Unit1祝贺篇1.恭贺升学亲爱的爱丽娜:我很高兴地得知你已经成功收到了牛津大学的录取通知书,并将在今年的九月份开始大学生活。

    Dear Alina , I was delighted to learn that you have successfully received the offer from University of Oxford . , and will start your university life in this September .

  9. 如果学生申请人的开学日期临近,我们建议您联系您所申请的院校并请校方在电子录取通知书(CAS)中添加校方可接受的最迟入学日期等相关说明。

    If the start date is imminent , please contact your sponsor and ask them to add a sponsor note to the CAS stating a latest acceptance date .

  10. 学习的珍妮是一个非常容易的任务,GRE考试容易在大学生通过的工作繁忙时间,珍妮已收到澳大利亚的大学录取通知书。

    Learning to Jenny is a very easy task , GRE test easily adopted in the university students are busy times for work , Jenny has received an Australian university admission notice .

  11. 变更就读学校的须提交Jw201或Jw202表及录取通知书;

    In changing the school submit the JW201 or JW202 form and notice of admission ;

  12. MarchMadness是美国大学中一个热闹的篮球赛季的名字,然而三月份也意味着另一种形式的疯狂--焦急地等待学院和大学的录取通知书。

    This is the VOA Special English Education Report . March Madness is the name for the busy championship season in American college basketball . But March also means another kind of madness -- the nervous wait for admissions letters from colleges and universities .

  13. 邮件合并在打印录取通知书中的妙用

    The Magical of " Mail Merge " in print admission tickets

  14. 菲律宾高等教育委员会发的录取通知书;

    Acceptance notice from the Philippine Commission on higher education ched ;

  15. 我刚收到北京大学的录取通知书。

    I 've just received a notice of acceptance from Peking University .

  16. 你收到了不止一所高校的录取通知书。

    You 've been accepted to more than one college .

  17. 阿美:我已经收到北大的录取通知书了。

    May : I have received the admission letter from Peking University !

  18. 我已经拿到复旦大学的录取通知书了。

    I have got the enrollment notice from Fudan University .

  19. 二月,罗贾斯收到第一封来自耶鲁大学的录取通知书。

    The first call came from Yale University in February .

  20. 一些农业大学将录取通知书设计成乡村风格。

    Some agricultural colleges designed their admission letters in a rustic style .

  21. 最终拿到了哈佛大学和布朗大学的录取通知书,而他选择了哈佛。

    He only got into Harvard and Brown , and he chose Harvard .

  22. 当我收到录取通知书时,激动的难以言表。

    When I got my acceptance letter , I was a little speechless .

  23. 南茜收到法学院的录取通知书时开心极了。

    Nancy was riding high after she received her acceptance to law school .

  24. 还有就是我收到这里的录取通知书。

    And the day I received my acceptance here .

  25. 很快,西北政法学院的录取通知书下来了。

    Very quick , northwest institute of political science and law'sadmission notice got down .

  26. 约克大学有条件录取通知书;

    Conditional offer of the University of york ;

  27. 后来我收到了圣彼得堡大学的录取通知书

    I was accepted into the University of Pittsburgh

  28. 收到录取通知书后,我的心才落槽了。

    My mind was set at ease at last after receiving the admission notice .

  29. 1994年,德雷塞尔大学也曾失误向25名学生提早寄了录取通知书。

    In 1994 , the university mistakenly sent early acceptance letters to 25 students .

  30. 那录取通知书今天就到了。

    Well , college letters are arriving today .