
lù xiàng
  • picture recording;videotape;record a video of;video record;be recorded on film;recording;video
录像 [lù xiàng]
  • [videotape;videorecord;be recorded on film] 用光学、电磁等方法把图像记录下来,也指记录下来的图像

  • 录像设备

录像[lù xiàng]
  1. 基于USB接口的TV/AV数字录像卡的设计

    Design of av / TV digital picture recording card based on the USB interface

  2. 运动录像解析系统的操作也相对复杂,需要有一定的基础知识和严格培训才能操作。

    Move picture recording analysis systematically handling certain difficult , to complicated , need to have and training ability operation strictly .

  3. 录像是一种学习外语的好方法。

    Video is a good medium for learning a foreign language .

  4. 这部电影的录像带将于六月份发行。

    The movie will be released on video in June .

  5. 我们观看了重放的婚礼录像。

    We watched a replay of the wedding on video .

  6. 专题小组将就最近发行的录像提出他们的意见。

    The panel will give their verdict on the latest video releases .

  7. 给学生录像可以成为有用的教学活动。

    Videoing students can be a useful teaching exercise .

  8. 婚礼是极好的录像主题。

    A wedding is the perfect subject for video .

  9. 他把录像带插入录像机中。

    He slotted a cassette into the VCR .

  10. 他整天闲坐着看录像。

    He just sits around watching videos .

  11. 录像机会自动停止录像吗?

    Does the VCR turn itself off ?

  12. 我们有空白录像带吗?

    Do we have a blank video ?

  13. 警方认为那盘录像带可能录有能确认凶手身份的一些重要线索。

    The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer .

  14. 你要做的就是拍一段家庭录像片。

    All you have to do is make a home video .

  15. 录像用简单易懂的语言解释了新税法。

    The video explains in simple terms how the new tax works

  16. 几部让人翘首企盼的录像片终于将在这个月到货。

    Several long-awaited videos will finally arrive in the shops this month

  17. 我希望他们没把您的录像带弄乱。

    I hope they haven 't messed up your video tapes .

  18. 我把大量业余时间花在看录像上。

    I spend a lot of my spare time watching videos .

  19. 学校的一名技术人员做盗版,从黄色录像到计算机游戏什么都有。

    A school technician pirated anything from video nasties to computer games .

  20. 两个技术人员正在准备上周节目的录像带。

    Two technicians were preparing a videotape recording of last week 's programme

  21. 心理学家用一段录像对一组6岁的儿童进行了测试。

    Psychologists tested a group of six-year-olds with a video .

  22. 对录像片内容实行了更为严格的监管。

    Stricter controls were placed on the content of video films

  23. 他用这个节目的录像带教授英语。

    He uses tapes of this program to teach English .

  24. 这款便携式摄像机可以使录像带快速倒回或前进。

    The camcorder winds the tape back or forward at high speed .

  25. 采用了演示及播放电影和录像带的形式,以起到教育作用。

    Demonstrations , films , and videotapes are shown for your edification .

  26. 俱乐部专门为高尔夫学员制作录像,以纠正他们的错误。

    The club specialises in videoing its student golfers to correct their faults .

  27. 我本来就宁可去电影院看,而不是看录像。

    I 'd rather see it at the pictures than on video anyway .

  28. 他甚至将记录他以前伟绩的录像带通通锁起来了。

    He had even locked away all the videos of his previous exploits .

  29. 该录像带的盗版版本据说已在英国出现。

    Pirate copies of the video are already said to be in Britain .

  30. 采自该录像带的模拟信号被转换成数字代码。

    The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code .