
  • 网络Recording telephone;Answering machine;answer machine;answerphone;answer phone
  1. 大多数人不论是家里还是办公室都有一部录音电话。

    Most people have an answering machine in both their home and office .

  2. 她不在家,因此我在她的录音电话上留了言。

    She wasn 't in so I left a message on her answerphone .

  3. 我们公司是商务录音电话和SKYPE的专业生产厂家。

    Our company is recording phone business and professional SKYPE manufacturers .

  4. 本文对所研究的QDC自动应答录音电话的原理、结构及性能进行了简要介绍,另外还对所采用的语言处理器作了扼要说明。

    This paper presents a brief introduction of the principles , structure and performance of the QDC & telephone answering machine to be studied , and it also gives a brief description of the speech processer to be used .

  5. 琼斯先生:第二。我不喜欢录音电话。

    Mr jones : 2 . I don 't like answering machines .

  6. 这录音电话每天几乎都放在实验室里。

    The Dictaphone has been in my lab pretty much the entire day .

  7. 我给他打电话时,他不在,所以,我在他的录音电话中给他留言。

    He is not in when I call so I leave a message on his answerphone .

  8. 在有些人的录音电话中留下详细的口信,可以使你免受长时间谈话之累,还会使你更快地得到答复。

    Leaving a detailed message on someone 's voice mail prevents you from getting tied up in long conversations and will get you an answer more quickly .

  9. 鲜花像雪一样堆在我们的门口,录音电话上的指示灯总是惊慌地闪烁,超载着她的崇拜者们给她的留言。

    Flowers piled up at our door like snowfrifts , and the light on the answering machine always blinked in a panicky way , overloaded with messages from her admirers .

  10. 本文提出了一种方案,可以在一个模块上实现32路DTMF/MFC信号的接收、发送,ADPCM语音压缩解压缩、IVR、录音,电话会议。

    This article introduce a method to integrated following functions in a single module : DTMF / MFC Codec , 2:1 ADPCM speech Codec , IVR , recorder , telephone conference , all these could work simultaneously in 32 channels .

  11. 他买了一台能在别人打来电话占线时播放他录音留言的电话答录机。

    He bought an answering machine that plays back his messages when he calls

  12. 你们有卖内置录音机的电话吗?

    Do you have any phones with a built-in answering machine ?

  13. 录音中的电话交谈是在一家大的航空公司和它的供应商之间关于合同的天谈话。

    These telephone calls are about a contract between a large aircraft company and one of its suppliers , also known as a subcontractor .

  14. 那些经常迟到或旷课的马萨诸塞州高中学生日前正疲于应对吵醒自己的“突然袭击”&一通来自校长的录音“闹钟电话”。

    Chronically tardy and truant students at a Massachusetts high school are getting a rude awakening-a pre-recorded morning wake-up call from their school principal .

  15. 这段录音证明,电话另一端的小型企业的职员并未意识到他们在与一台机器交谈。

    The recordings gave no evidence that the small-business employees on the other end of the line caught wise to the fact they were conversing with a machine .

  16. 在哑光铝合金的金属外壳内部两端都有麦克风,用于录音和接听电话,左侧有一个扬声器,用于听音乐或接听来电。

    Inside the metal housing - aluminum alloy with a matte finish - are microphones on two sides for recording audio and taking calls , and a loudspeaker on the left to listen to music or incoming calls .

  17. 目前普遍使用的有磁带录音机,录音电话,PC机控制的磁盘等。

    Tape recorder , phone recorder and harddisk controlled by PC are often used now .

  18. 如今,完全可能做到边开车边吃东西边听录音书籍边打电话&要是你敢这么做。

    These days it is possible to drive , eat , listen to a book and talk on the phone & all at once , if you dare .

  19. TBC的数字录音器开始录音,录音时间从电话振铃起到呼叫结束自动停止。

    TBC 's digital recorder will begin recording from the time the phone rings and stop automatically when the call is finished .