
  • 网络Recording method;The Recording Process
  1. 本文介绍了一个采用数字录音方法研制的多路音响模拟装置。

    In this paper , multiple sound simulation device designed by means of digital record is introduced .

  2. 为了利于对IP电话业务的安全性管理及其健康的发展,本文介绍一种在IP网络对IP电话进行呼叫监控,协议分析以及监听录音的方法。

    In order to manage VOIP business safely and develop the VOIP business healthily , this paper introduces the method used in IP networks , which monitors the calling , analyses the protocol and records the voice .

  3. 我打算采用同期录音的方法为这部影片配音。

    I intend to use simultaneous recording to dub this film .

  4. 笔者采用课堂录音的方法,描述性地研究了优秀英语教师英语课堂的话语特征。

    This paper presents an analysis of English classroom discourse of five excellent teachers of English .

  5. 在此基础上,阐述了从Wave文件中提取音频采集时的录音参数的方法和根据Wave音频数据信息再现波形的技术。

    Based on that , the means of extracting record parameter when conducting audio-collection is introduced and the technology to restore waveform according to Wave audio data is carried out .

  6. 能不能给我介绍一下这台录音机的操作方法?

    Could you explain to me how this tape-recorder works , please ?

  7. 作者在实验班使用了录音档案袋评价方法,在控制班使用传统的教学评价方法。

    The author developed recording portfolios in the experimental class while traditional summative assessment was used in the control class .

  8. 为了研究教师的课堂言语,本人通过课堂录音和录像的方法,收集了11位初级阶段对外汉语教师,共1025分钟的课堂教学资料,并将其转写下来。

    Through the method of audio and video recordings classroom , collected 11 primary TCFL teachers , teaching material is 1025 minutes , and transfer .

  9. 首先要加强英语教师自我发展的意识,其次教师通过自学、反思教学、记教学日记、反观自己的录音录像教学等方法实现英语教师的自我发展。

    Firstly , English teachers should enhance consciousness of self-development . Secondly , English teachers carry out self-development by means of self-study , reflecting on teaching , writing teaching diaries , video record .

  10. 介绍了利用Microsoftwindows中的录音机软件、声卡、传声器及常见家用电器制作wav格式的录音素材的方法。

    This paper presents the method for producing audio recording materials in WAV format by means of the recorder software in Microsoft Windows , sound card , microphone and commonly found household electric appliances .

  11. 通过对多种电话录音系统的深入研究,提出了一种对模拟语音信号进行数字化录音的方法,并将其应用于电话录音系统中。

    Through thorough research of many telephone recording systems , the authors put forward a method to record the analog voice signals with digital coding , and have applied it to the telephone recording systems .