
  • lip-synch;mime
  1. 这巴掌是因为你拐我跟你录《CallMeMaybe》的假唱影片。

    That 's for suggesting we make a lip-synch video to Call Me Maybe .

  2. 不过我听说现在有很多流行歌手都假唱。

    But I heard that many pop stars do lip-synch these days .

  3. 他对口形假唱了《退回寄信人》。

    He lip-synced ‘ Return to Sender ’ .

  4. 她对口形假唱一首披头士乐队的歌曲。

    She lip-synced to a Beatles song .

  5. 这个组合在音乐会上假唱。

    In concerts , the group mime their songs

  6. 在营业性演出中以假唱等手段欺骗观众

    fooling audience with lip-syncing in commercial performances

  7. Drew不会唱歌但他假唱时像个天使

    Drew couldn 't sing , but he lip-synched like an angel .

  8. 应该是musical.ly,这是个即时音乐视频-一个在少女群体中极端受欢迎的app(>1亿用户)用于制作对嘴假唱视频的。

    Probably musical.ly - instant music videos - extremely popular app ( > 100M users ) for lip syncing videos especially among teenage girls .

  9. 因此当有传言称,她可能是在假唱,还强迫MarineCorps乐队一起作假,不免让人有些扫兴。

    . and then it went just a bit flat with word that she was probably lip synching , forcing the Marine Corps Band to fake it .

  10. 她大概还忘记了舞蹈动作,《GimmeMore》也是假唱的,她本人看上去也不够迷人。

    She seemed to forget her dance moves , flubbed her lip-syncing to " Gimme More , " and looked less than interested in performing .

  11. 但是,众所周知,《周六夜现场》执行制作洛恩·迈克尔斯(LorneMichaels)严禁一切假唱行为,节目的本质就是要真实。

    However , it 's well known that executive producer Lorne Michaels banned lip-syncing on the show as it goes against the show 's essence of being live .

  12. 现在很多明星在舞台上假唱。

    Many pop stars lip-sync on the stage nowadays .

  13. 观众们愿意听真唱,胜过听放录音的假唱。

    The audience prefers live singing to recorded singing .

  14. 歌手假唱是很不道德的。

    The singer 's lip-synching is very immoral .

  15. 还有假唱谢天谢地

    and your lip-synching oh , thank goodness .

  16. 知道我在假唱吗?看我的口型

    Got that synching feeling ? Read my lips

  17. 假唱歌手最怕被要求做即兴表演。

    A lip-synch singer is mostly afraid of being asked to make an improvised performance .

  18. 我知道这很让人扫兴,但很多艺人都假唱。

    Oh , I know it was cold , and plenty of entertainers lip synch .

  19. 一些网上评论者对此并不感到惊讶,认为假唱在中国并不罕见。

    Some internet commenters were not surprised , believing lip-synching is not uncommon in China .

  20. 这个职业歌手在由地方电视台播放的音乐会上被抓住假唱。

    The professional singer was caught lip-syncing during a concert broadcast by the local TV station .

  21. 这次的“假唱事件”成了中国民众热议的话题,尤其实在博客里。

    The switch became a hot topic among Chinese and raced across the country 's blogosphere .

  22. 采访中,麦当娜还提到了与埃尔顿·约翰之间的恩怨后者曾在2004年指责她假唱。

    Madonna also addresses her feud with Elton John , who in2004 accused her of lip-synching .

  23. 最近,在四川有这样一个案例,两个歌手被指控假唱。

    Recently , there is a case in Sichuan which two singers are accused of lip-synching .

  24. 麦当娜随即否认假唱,并尖锐地指出她没有花时间诋毁其他艺术家。

    Madonna swiftly denied lip-synching and pointedly said she did not spend her time trashing other artists .

  25. 这位业余歌手不愿意以虚情假意去假唱糊弄听众。

    The amateur singer is reluctant to cheat the audience by lip-synching with a false display of affectation .

  26. 碧昂斯承认在美国总统就职日表演现场假唱。

    Beyonce has admitted singing along to a pre-recorded track when she performed the national anthem on Inauguration Day .

  27. 对我来说,这个来自西方的对于假唱杂凑的批评只不过反映了文化上的差异。

    To me , the hash criticisms on the lip-synching from the West reflected nothing but the differences in culture .

  28. 接著中国文化部发布一项官方命令,正式禁止对嘴假唱,并扬言将撤销累犯的表演证。

    The Culture Ministry then issued an edict formally banning lip-synching and threatened to revoke the performance licenses of repeat offenders .

  29. 很显然他们是在假唱,或许“不来电”是从这儿来的?

    It sure looks like they are lip-synching this performance * maybe the " lack of Chemistry " comes from that ?

  30. 开幕式时关于伪造烟花以及一个漂亮的小女孩假唱的质疑无人关注。

    Doubts about faked fireworks at the opening ceremony and a mimed performance by a perfect little girl singer were brushed aside .