
  • 网络Masque;Masques or Masks;Masquesc or Masks
  1. 韩国假面剧;文学特征;载体;审美接受;审美功能;艺术风格。

    Korean masque ; literary characteristic ; carrier ; aesthetic reception ; aesthetic function ; art style .

  2. 但琼森后来为了投合宫廷所好而去写假面剧。

    Jonsson congenial to court to try to get away but later wrote Norma drama .

  3. 假面剧一种戏剧性娱乐,由代表神话或寓言中人物的佩戴面具者表演,该娱乐形式在16世纪和17世纪早期的英国很流行。

    A dramatic entertainment , usually performed by masked players representing mythological or allegorical figures , that was popular in England in the16th and early17th centuries .