
  1. 其次,结合Grice和Austin的相关语用理论,论述了假设复句可以表达丰富的会话含意,具有以言成事行为的语用功能。

    Second , according to relevant pragmatic theories of Grice and Austin , thought that the Supposed Compound Sentences could express various conversational implicature , and had the functions of the perlocutionary act .

  2. 本文通过例句分析,认为满语动词词缀ci在动词式中应该划分为动词的假定式和引发式,ci在假设复句和承接复句中起连接前后句作用。

    Based on the example sentences , the paper thinks that the verb affix ci in Manchu should be divided into two forms : supposition and initiation , and ci plays a connecting role between two sentences in supposition sentence and continuous sentence of two or more clauses .

  3. 选择复句和假设复句关联词交叉现象略谈

    Co-relationship of the Conjunctions for Selective Complex Sentences and Hypothesis Complex Sentences

  4. 《孟子》假设复句的分句形式

    The clause form of supposed compound sentence in the book of Meng Zi

  5. 本文的研究工作围绕有标假设复句展开。

    The research work of this paper goes around marked hypothesis compound sentences .

  6. 反事实假设复句的逻辑分析

    Logic Analysis of Anti-Reality Hypothesis Compound Sentence

  7. 在假设复句的语用方面,着重分析假设复句的预设情况;

    The assumption that the pragmatic aspects of complex sentences , complex sentences analyzed assuming the default situation ;

  8. 选择复句和假设复句是汉语中常用的两种复句,它们之间的区别较为明显。

    Selective complex sentences and hypothesis complex sentences are used very often in Chinese , and their difference is obvious .

  9. 本文选取其假设复句作为研究对象,试图探究其语法格式的表现形式和能表现的语法意义。

    This paper chooses its assumed compound clauses as studying subject and tries to investigate its grammatical forms and grammatical meanings .

  10. 确指类反问假设复句是一种通过反问表示确指的假设复句。

    Assumnptive Rhetorical Complex with Assurance are a kind of assumptive complex that can produce the meaning of assurance by asking .

  11. 根据关联词语所反映的是充分条件关系还是必要条件关系,可分为假设复句、条件复句以及五条件句;

    According to relation conjunctions reflects , conditionals can be divided into three types : hypothetical compound sentence , conditional compound sentence and unconditional sentence ;

  12. 据此,反事实假设复句可以揭示事物间的因果联系、论证某个命题和表明说话者的主观态度和情感。

    So anti-reality compound sentence can reveal cause and effect relation among sentences , demonstrate certain proposition and indicate speaker 's objective attitude and emotion .

  13. 在假设复句的语义方面,分析超常规的假设和推论以及反事实假设复句;

    The assumption that the semantics of complex sentence , the analysis of extraordinary assumptions and hypothetical reasoning , and complex sentences against the facts ;

  14. 对反事实假设复句的逻辑分析就是要揭示出它所蕴涵的逻辑思维形式,即差异推理(求异法)、反证法和比喻推理。

    The logic analysis of anti-reality hypothesis compound sentence is to reveal its hidden logic thinking modalities which are different reasoning , counterevidence and figurative reasoning .

  15. 吧和呢作为现代汉语中的语气词,在假设复句的分句末尾时,可以使其前面的成分话题化,使之成为具有语义对比作用的话题。

    As modal particles in modern Chinese , ba and ne used at the end of subjunctive clause can turn the preceding elements into discourse of comparison .

  16. 假设复句是较为复杂的一种复句类型,中古汉语假设连词的使用情况也相当复杂,前人对它们研究得还不够深入,还有很多悬而未决的问题。

    Ma was published , people in the grammar fields have had a great many of divergences on the classification of Chinese hypothetical conjunctions and the relation types of complex sentences .

  17. 本文以现代汉语假设复句为研究范围,采取描写与解释相结合的研究方法,运用语用学理论,对该类复句的语用诸问题进行了集中探讨。

    This paper took the Modern Chinese Supposed Compound Sentences as the range of study , mainly discussed several pragmatic problems of them , by applying both the description approach and the explanation approach , and using some relevant pragmatic theories .

  18. 结果表明,汉语假设条件复句的项目表达顺序为结果→假设条件时,所形成的心理表征中项目发生互换,其结果为假设条件→结果。

    It is easy for the reader to form a suppostion condition → result constant psychological representation while the item order of the Chinese conditional clause of supposition is result → suppostion condition . The items of psychological representation will be exchange .

  19. 第三章主要描述了老榆林话的偏正复句中转折、条件、假设、目的关系复句。

    The third chapter describes the subordinate complex sentence in turning , condition , assumption , and the purpose relationship .

  20. 依据假设连词引导这两类假设复句的能力,又将假设连词分为专表可能性假设连词、兼表可能性假设连词和专表反事实假设连词三类。英汉假设条件句比较

    According to the capacities of the two types of hypothetical complex sentences , we continued to divide the hypothetical conjunctions into three types . They are : hypothetical conjunctions specialized for possibility ; A formal description of Chinese expressions of hypothetical conditions in comparison with English