
kè chénɡ biāo zhǔn
  • criterion for curriculum
  1. 作业难度不得超过国家课程标准要求。严禁布置重复性、惩罚性作业。

    The difficulty of the homework should not exceed national curriculum standards , and there should be no repetitive or punitive homework .

  2. 音乐课程标准与基础音乐教育的改革

    The Standard of Music Curriculum and Reform of Radical Music Education

  3. 课程标准起源和演进的历史考察

    A Historical Study of the Origin and Evolution of Curriculum Standards

  4. 新课程标准下历史新课堂的营建

    On the Construction of New Classroom of History under New Curricular Standard

  5. 充满理想色彩的语文教育改革&对语文新课程标准的实施及师资培训的几点思考

    New Curriculum Criterion of Chinese Language Teaching and Teacher Training

  6. 新课程标准下教师应有的课堂教学理念

    A Required Classroom Teaching Conception for Teachers Under the New Curriculum Criteria

  7. 新课程标准下物理教学方法的探索

    An Exploration into Physics Teaching Methodology under the New Curriculum

  8. 初等教育五年制大专数学课程标准的探讨

    Junior Educational Mathematical Curriculum Standard 's Discuss on Five-Year College

  9. 语文课程标准在此过程中究竟应该为语文教育提供什么?

    What can criterions afford to native language education in the process ?

  10. 论新课程标准下的初中古诗词教学

    On Junior Middle School Poet Teach in g under New Course Criterion

  11. 数学竞赛改革与新课程标准的若干思考

    Some thoughts on the reforming of mathematical competition and new curricular standards

  12. 新体育课程标准与学生个性的培养

    On cultivating students ' personality in accordance with new physical education standard

  13. 课程标准;三维目标;课堂生成。

    Curriculum standards ; three-dimensional targets ; classroom generated .

  14. 上海与新加坡高中生物课程标准比较研究

    Comparative Study on Biology Syllabuses for Senior High School between Shanghai and Singapore

  15. 新《课程标准》的实施与教师角色的转变&谈体育函授课程改革

    Execution of New Standards for Sports Curriculum and changes of teachers ' roles

  16. 高中历史新课程标准学习随感

    Some Thoughts on the New Curriculum Criterion of History for Senior Middle Schools

  17. 新课程标准下的高中数学教师素质的调查研究

    Investigations on the Qualities of High School Mathematics Teachers in the Curriculum Reform

  18. 基于新课程标准的中学地理图形教学设计

    Graphic Teaching Design of Geography in Middle School Based on New Curriculum Standard

  19. 普通高中课程标准必修化学教材比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Curriculum Standard Compulsory Chemistry Textbooks for Senior High School

  20. 语文课程标准所预示的范型转换

    On the Transition of Exemplary Mode foreboded by the Curriculum Standard of Chinese

  21. 从教学大纲到新课程标准演变的原因研究

    A Study of the Cause of the Shift from Syllabus to New Curriculum

  22. 坚持三原则,深入理解信息技术课程标准

    Stick to three principles , deeply think over the standard of IT curriculum

  23. 新课程标准及学生交际能力的培养

    New Curriculum Standard and Students Communicative Competence Development

  24. 理科新课程标准和数字化实验技术

    Science New Curriculum Standard and Digital Experiment Technology

  25. 俄罗斯国家课程标准述评

    Comments on the National Curriculum Standards of Russia

  26. 数学课程标准强调数学史在数学教育中的作用。

    Mathematics curriculum criterion stresses the role of history of mathematics in mathematics education .

  27. 对新课程标准下学校体育服务、教学、教师问题的研究

    Study on Service , Teaching and Teachers of School P.E. under New Curriculum Standard

  28. 《体育与健康》课程标准下体育隐性课程在体育教学中的目标与控制

    Goal and Control of the Recessive Curriculums under Physical Education and Healthy Curriculum Standard

  29. 简要介绍了《义务教育阶段国家数学课程标准》的特点。

    This paper introduced the characters of country mathematics curriculum standards on compulsory education .

  30. 在这种背景下,新《语文课程标准》的颁布便有了特殊的价值和意义。

    Under this background , the printing of new possessed special value and significance .