
kè běn
  • textbook;tutor;coursebook
课本 [kè běn]
  • [textbook] 学习一个学科的教材;教科书

  • 供中学使用的化学课本

课本[kè běn]
  1. 我将课本还给他了。

    I gave the textbook back to him

  2. 我不知把英语课本丢在哪儿了。

    I mislaid my English textbook .

  3. 学生被问到有关他们所学课本内容的问题。

    The students were questioned on the books they had been studying .

  4. 赶时髦的教师正在剥夺孩子学习经典课本的机会。

    Trendy teachers are denying children the opportunity to study classic texts .

  5. 我们在抄课本,因为课本不够。

    We 're copying from textbooks because we don 't have enough to go round .

  6. 日本文部省下令实行这项改革,以鼓励学生从课本中走出来。

    Japan 's education ministry ordered the change to encourage students to tear themselves away from textbooks

  7. 他给儿子一些钱购买学校的课本。

    He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books .

  8. 这个课本抽换了三篇课文。

    Three of the lessons in the textbook have been superseded .

  9. 我们英语课本的后面附有词汇表。

    There is a vocabulary at the back of our English book .

  10. 我们的课本包括8篇故事,2篇短剧和2篇杂文。

    Our textbook includes eight stories , two short plays and two essays .

  11. 那个小姑娘伤心地看着被撕成两半的课本。

    The little girl looked sorrowfully at her text book torn in half .

  12. 我的课本掉了一页。

    One page is missing from my textbook .

  13. 这课本有二十课。

    The textbook has twenty lessons .

  14. 他怕揉搓坏了课本,包了书皮。

    He was afraid that his textbook would get worn , so he put a cover on it .

  15. 她租的经济学课本和统计学课本各花了约20美元。

    She rented her economics and statistics textbooks for about $ 20 each .

  16. 沃尔弗顿说他这个学期在数字课本的和程序的访问代码上已经花了500美元。

    Wolverton said he spent $ 500 on access codes for digital books and programs this semester .

  17. “你要支付120美元,而不是250美元(印刷课本的价格),”斯奈克说道。

    Rather than $ 250 ( for a print textbook ) you 're paying $ 120 , said Senack .

  18. 曾经他们可以购买二手课本,或者和朋友共享复印本,但数字系统根本无法避免。

    While they could once buy second-hand textbooks , or share copies with friends , the digital systems are essentially impossible to avoid .

  19. 例如,我在编写课本时会自然而然地去检查十几个关键词的定义,这样我就能深入挖掘它们的核心、理解它们的含义。

    For example , when I 'm writing a textbook , it has become second nature to check a dozen definitions of a key term , which helps me dig into the core and understand its meaning .

  20. 他们捐钱给他们买课本和文具。

    They donated money for them to buy textbooks and stationery .

  21. 有的学生拉着装满沉重课本的带轮子的袋子,有的学生背着背包。

    Some students pull wheeled bags filled with heavy textbooks and others carry backpacks .

  22. 鲍勃发现他很难记住英语课本上所有的生词。

    Bob finds it difficult to remember all the new words from the English textbooks .

  23. 父母希望孩子们时时刻刻都在读课本。

    Children are expected by their parents to be reading a textbook all the time .

  24. 但我认为除了课本之外,我应该读更多的书,越多越好。

    But I think I should read more books besides the textbooks , the more , the better .

  25. 我和我的朋友们经常去博物馆学习我们从课本上学不到的东西。

    My friends and I go to museums from time to time to learn what we can 't get from textbooks .

  26. 如果每个人都复印课本,作者和出版商的努力将完全白费。我无法想象!

    The efforts of the writers and publishers will be totally wasted if everyone photocopies their textbooks . I cant imagine that !

  27. 数据显示,青少年阅读课本的时间比阅读小说、电子书、杂志等其他阅读材料的时间要长得多。

    The data shows that teenagers spend much more time reading from school textbooks to some other reading materials , such as novels , e-books , magazines and so on .

  28. 那男孩忘记把课本放在什么地方了。

    The boy forgot where he put his textbook .

  29. 每个男孩都有课本。

    Each boy has a textbook .

  30. 除了出版中国课本以外,英国还将推广“上海掌握教学模式”。

    Apart from publishing textbooks , Britain will also spread the Shanghai Teaching1 for Mastery Programme in the country .