
  • 网络Printing newspapers;print a newspaper
  1. 5年后,谁还会阅读印刷报纸和杂志?

    Who will read printed newspapers and magazines in five years ?

  2. 九月时,印刷报纸的工厂共有40家。

    Newspaper printers numbered 40 ( as at September ) .

  3. 木浆造的廉价纸张,用于印刷报纸。

    Cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers .

  4. 油墨印刷报纸时用的

    Hmm. Oil-based , used in newspaper print .

  5. 他们天天印刷报纸。

    They print the newspaper daily .

  6. 最后,没有时间增加新的报道了,印刷报纸的时间到了。

    Finally , there is no more time left for adding new stories and the time for printing has come .

  7. 本文探讨了电子报纸的定义、发展概况及其与印刷报纸的关系,并重点从网络传播的角度对电子报纸的特点作了有选择的剖析。

    The paper discusses the definition and development of electronic newspaper as well as the relationship betWeen electronic newspaper with primed ones . The focus of the paper is the characters of electronic newspaper in a angle of internet communication .

  8. 印刷版报纸传统上受到物理分发成本的约束,相比之下,Facebook和其他社交媒体具有以有限成本、甚至无成本方式跨境传播信息的威力。

    Where printed newspapers were traditionally constrained by the cost of physical distribution , Facebook and other social media are , by contrast , equipped with the power to transmit information across borders at limited or no cost .

  9. 杂志的图片印刷优于报纸。

    Graphic reproduction of the magazines was superior to that of newspapers .

  10. 网上的报纸所包含的文章数量要少于印刷的报纸。

    The online copy of a newspaper can contain fewer articles than the print copy .

  11. 展开印刷的报纸就展开了大世界的全景。

    Opening up the print version of the news opens up a panoramic view of the big picture .

  12. 而如此之多的免费在线新闻,会否注定更昂贵的印刷版报纸将慢慢消亡呢?

    And will the availability of so much free online journalism also doom their pricier print editions to a slow death ?

  13. 一些新闻史研究学者根据前人诗话和笔记认为唐代出现过雕版印刷的报纸。

    Some of the history of journalism researchers based on predecessors Poetry and notes that the Tang Dynasty woodblock printing newspapers .

  14. 他发现,在其它条件相同的情况下,网速快的人不太可能去阅读印刷版报纸。

    He found that people who had access to fast internet connections were , other things being equal , less likely to read the print edition .

  15. 他还发现,虽然很多人既阅读印刷版报纸又看网站,但他们往往不会在同一天这么做。

    And he also found that while many people read both the print edition and the website , they tended not to do so on the same day .

  16. 每天印刷出报纸,让我感觉像是在办一本校园杂志。我的同事们把自己的文章称为故事,似乎大家仍是贪玩的青少年。

    Putting out the newspaper every day felt suspiciously like making the school magazine . My colleagues called their articles stories , as if we were still teenagers at play .

  17. 那个用油墨和暗室的化学药品印刷出报纸的时代已经过去,人们时而也会怀念那个时代。

    It 's all light years away from when the paper was first published back in the days of typewriter ink and dark room chemicals , a bygone age still occasionally missed by some .

  18. 那个初露头角的新闻业者在早年之时就出版印刷自己的报纸。

    The budding journalist was printing his own newspaper at an early age .

  19. 印刷版的报纸是收费的,但是网络版的是免费的。

    Charge for the printed paper ; give free access to the Web version .

  20. 我们印刷书和报纸。

    We print books and newspapers .

  21. 印刷机是报纸出版商主要的资金支出项目,它能用几十年,慢慢变旧而不需投入新的资金。

    Printing presses , the main capital outlay for newspapers , last for decades and are depreciating peacefully with little need for new cash .

  22. 星期二由于印刷工人和报纸发行商奔向罢工彩车,报亭中看不到全国报纸,这很像学生对去年夏天采取的大学改革表示不满。

    National newspapers couldn 't be found at kiosks Tuesday as printers and distributors jumped on the strike bandwagon , much like students angry about university reforms adopted last summer .

  23. 就我个人而言,尽管我每天会花好几个小时上网和使用便携设备,但只要印刷书和报纸存在一天,我就会阅读一天,并一直珍爱下去。

    Personally , while I spend hours every day on the Internet and on hand-held devices , I will read and cherish printed books and newspapers for as long as they survive .

  24. 本文的研究属于实证性研究,因为其主要是基于定性分析所采集的数据,这些数据主要来源于发布在印刷杂志或报纸上的相似体裁的广告,也有些来源于网站上登载的广告。

    The study of this thesis is an empirical one because it is mainly based on the qualitative analysis of the data collected from related topics of similar genres published in the printed magazine or newspaper and some of them from the websites of the ads products .

  25. 请用印刷体填写电报纸。

    Will you please fill out the telegraph form in block letters ?

  26. 这些印刷品看起来象报纸,但几乎和报纸粘不上边。

    These printed things look like newspaper but have hardly anything to do with them .

  27. 平面媒体是指通过单一的维度和单一的视觉传递信息的媒体,包括印刷版的纸质报纸和期刊。

    Print media which mainly spreads information via single dimension and view consists of newspaper and magazine .

  28. 随着我国报纸发行数量的增多和印刷彩色化,报纸印刷存在印力不足问题,解决方法之一是提高设备有效利用率,提高报纸印刷生产效率。

    With the increase of newspaper 's circulation in our country , the productivity of newspaper printing became deficiency .

  29. 我们认为汽车公司应该用这张照片当成平面印刷广告,例如报纸,杂志等。

    We think the car company should use this picture in their print ads , such as newspaper , magazines , etc.

  30. 知情人士表示,方正印捷已开始在北京印刷并分销外国报纸,并将于下月将这种尝试扩大到上海。

    Founder Easiprint has already begun printing and distributing individual copies of foreign newspapers in Beijing and will expand the trial to Shanghai next month , a person familiar with the situation said .