- 网络safety regulations for blasting

The old and the new safety regulations for blasting are compared and the blasting damage criteria is analyzed .
The results indicate that the assessment conclusion educed form the application of this method and application of the 《 Blasting Safety Regulations 》( GB6722-2003 ) are consistent .
Safety evaluation of pier was made according to safe criterion of blasting . Comparing to the numerical results , some recommendations were proposed .
Combined with the blasting safe regulation , it can be determined that the maximum permission vibration velocity of houses in Xin Qiao mining site is 2.3 cm / s , and the section detonation greatest dose is enhanced 41.8 % compared to originally .
The analysis models and finite element dynamic calculating models and measuring study of building structure vibration responses are discussed . The existed problems at present study and methods to solve them are pointed out . This has a directing effects to make a new blasting vibration safe criterion .