
  • 网络The Hindustan Times
  1. 在非恐怖主义和暴力环境下,我们仍然敞开与巴基斯坦就重大问题举行双边会谈的大门莫迪在一次独家采访时告诉印度斯坦时报。

    We remain open to bilateral dialogue with Pakistan on all outstanding issues in an environment free from terrorism and violence , Modi told Hindustan Times in an exclusive interview .

  2. 在印度斯坦时报的大会上,爱莎集团的董事ShashiRuia在钢铁产量,汽车产量和贸易方面对两国进行了比较。

    At a Hindustan Times conference on India , Shashi Ruia , chairman of Essar Group , compared the two countries on steel production , car production and trade .

  3. 数十万美元的年金每个月都会被存入已往生者的银行帐户中,印度斯坦时报说。

    Tens of thousands of dollars worth of pensions were being deposited monthly into bank accounts of the deceased , The Hindustan Times said .

  4. 这位功夫巨星对《印度斯坦时报》说他将与唐季礼回到印度拍摄《功夫瑜伽》,唐季礼是《红番区》和《警察故事》的导演。

    The martial arts superstar told the Hindustan Times he would be returning to India to filmKung Fu Yoga with regular collaborator Stanley Tong , the director of Rumble inthe Bronx and Police Story .

  5. 此人毫不掩饰自己作为首相粉丝的身份。他最近因为制作了一个赞颂首相穆迪的视频而登上各大媒体头条,此举被《印度斯坦时报》称为“阿谀奉承”,也算嘴下留情了。

    An unabashed and self-declared fan of the prime minister , he was in the headlines most recently for making a video praising Mr Modi that the Hindustan Times newspaper charitably called a " cringe fest . "