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yìn zhèng
  • confirm;verify;corroborate
印证 [yìn zhèng]
  • (1) [corroborate;confirm]∶证明与事实相符合

  • (2) [verify]∶肯定或肯定事实,证明是真的

印证[yìn zhèng]
  1. FDI业绩指数与潜力指数也印证了各地发展模式的差异。

    The FDI performance index and potential index confirm the different development modes .

  2. HPLC-FLU分析结果与荧光定量PCR检测结果能够相互印证,相互吻合。

    The results of the analysis of HPLC-FLU and Real-time PCR can confirm each other .

  3. 这一最新的证据更加印证了她的理论。

    This latest evidence lends support to her theory .

  4. 这个发现似乎能印证流行占星术的一些说法。

    This discovery seems to validate the claims of popular astrology .

  5. 劳工部的数据进一步印证了经济复苏状况的不稳定。

    The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery

  6. 这种说法已得到了科学的印证。

    This view has been confirmed scientifically .

  7. 所有事实都印证了这一点。

    All the facts have corroborated that .

  8. 她的经验印证了一句格言:活到老,学到老!

    Her experience lends credence to the adage " We live and learn ! "

  9. 现已十岁的佩吉印证了那句老话:活到老学到老,同时,她还在“兼职”和克洛伊夫妇的另外两只牧羊犬一起放牧。

    Now aged3 ten , Peggy 's still proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks and works part-time with the couples ' two other sheepdogs .

  10. 该研究进一步印证了“溜溜球节食效应”的普遍性,它是指减肥者陷入反复减肥的恶性循环。共有2.5万人参与了此项调查。

    The study of 25000 people provides further evidence of the prevalence1 of ‘ yo-yo dieting ’ where slimmers get into a cycle of losing weight and regaining2 it .

  11. 结论:MRI在评价脊柱转移瘤方面优于X线平片及CT并可与核素骨扫描相互印证补充。

    Conclusion : MRI was superior to X-ray plain-film and CT , and mutually complementary with radionuclide bone scan in evaluating spinal metastatic tumour .

  12. DP熔体的超声降解行为也能在流变实验中得到印证。

    The ultrasonic degradation behaviour of DP melt is also proved by the rheological experiment .

  13. 常言道,人生恰似高中时代,许多雇主仍然关心求职者的SAT分数便印证了这个说法。

    Proving the adage that all of life is like high school , plenty of employers still care about a job candidate 's SAT score .

  14. CHF模型等。用吉尔算法和阿当姆斯算法相互印证求解,通过确定合适的算法,实现准确地实时仿真低温堆堆芯热工水力过程。

    Using appropriate arithmetic , the real time simulation of thermo-hydraulic process in the core is truly fulfilled .

  15. 得出结论,三方面制度对IPO抑价都产生影响,从而印证了初步推断的前半部分。

    Concluded that three aspects have an impact on IPO under-pricing system , which confirms the initial inference part of the first half .

  16. 用红外光谱特征推断蜡泌物的主要基团和化学构成在GCMS检测中得到印证。

    The main chemical function groups and compositions of the wax secretion are conjectured based on its infrared absorption spectra , and verified with the results of GC / MS.

  17. 正是这种互补的合作关系再次印证了GRASSHOPPER在欧洲橱柜五金制造业的地位。

    It is the close cooperation relationships that prove the importance of GRASSHOPPER in the European Kitchen industry .

  18. 加利福尼亚州立大学(CaliforniaStateUniversity)和沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)在2011年所做的一项研究,印证了史蒂夫的感受:管理层不应把员工的孤独感当作一个私人问题,而应该当作一个会影响业务的问题来处理。

    A 2011 study from California State University and the Wharton School confirms what Steve knew : that management should not treat loneliness as a private problem but rather one that affects the business .

  19. 本文旨在通过研究J2EE架构下的各项关键技术,印证传统J2EE存在的问题,并通过实例体现出Spring框架的优势。

    This paper aim to prove that pre-J2EE has significant issues through research the kernel technology in J2EE Architecture . There are some instance prone to testify the advantage of Spring Framework .

  20. FDIC的最新报告印证了这一点。

    The FDIC report confirms that fact .

  21. 但是任何事物总有其脆弱的一面,对GPS系统来说,其脆弱的方面在于其抗干扰能力差,这从不久前的伊拉克战争中已经得到印证。

    But everything has its vulnerability , GPS has no exception , one of the vulnerability was its poor ability of anti-jamming , which has been proved in the Iraq War not long ago .

  22. 针对这两种层析技术的优缺点,采取多参数(波速、吸收系数)综合地震层析成像的方法,使波速CT与吸收CT两者能相互印证、互为补充。

    According to the advantage and disadvantage of the two seismic tomography technology , we could take multiparameter integrate seismic tomography imaging method to confirm and makeup the the velocity CT and the absorption CT each other .

  23. 该方法利用驻留在局域网各机器监测Agent和网络监测Agent所收集的证据和初步判断,并由协作Agent对这些证据和初步判断进行融合印证并做出最终结论。

    In this new method , monitor agents in each network computer and network make initial decision based on their evidence , then cooperative agent makes final decision based on the evidence from all monitor agents through data fusion .

  24. 采用瞬变电磁法(TEM)和激电法(IP),合理布线展网,反复印证,得到多个物探组合异常。

    By transient electromagnetic ( TEM ) and induced polarization ( IP ) methods with rational exploration line and network , a lot of geophysical assemblage anomalies have been discovered and repeatedly confirmed .

  25. 1968年x射线拍片显示图特木乃伊的颅骨处有类似骨折碎片的东西,据此印证了一个猜想,即图特卡蒙法老是头部遭重创而被谋杀的。

    X-rays of King tut 's mummy performed in1968 reealed what looked like a bone fragment in his skull , which fueled the belief that King Tut may hae been murdered by a blow to the head .

  26. 这是一个我们在生活中就可以得到印证的真理。不过,新的研究表明,这个真理在Facebook尤为明显。

    It 's a truism that we all realise at some point in our lives , but new research suggests that it 's on Facebook that this home truth is most evident .

  27. 通常在单一频率下的单个面给定一个单一的RCS值,几乎不能印证真实的设计效果。

    The common practice of providing a single RCS value for a single aspect at a single frequency yields little information about the actual effectiveness of the design .

  28. 为了印证德•卡德内的观点,RM拍卖行最近举办了一场拍卖,会上三部美国产汽车共计拍得650万美元。

    To illustrate de Cadenet 's point , auction house RM recently staged a sale in which three American-made cars realised $ 6.5 between them .

  29. 这一点印证了企业的资产结构和经营绩效间存在着某种线性或非线性的联系,可以通过建立BP神经网络模型来将企业的资产结构和经营绩效对应起来。

    This confirms the asset structure and business performance of the enterprise there is some kind of linear or non-linear contact , through the establishment of the BP neural network model to corresponding assets of the corporate structure and business performance .

  30. 结果表明由外源DNA导入获得转化株系的变异,与其种子醇溶蛋白电泳图谱出现供体的某些组分和缺少受体的某些组分相印证。

    The results showed that variation of transformation line was obtained by the introduction of exogenous DNA , accompanied with the appearance of some components of donor and the absence of some components of receptor on the electrophoretic patterns of seed gliadins proved each other .