首页 / 词典 / good

  • write;compose;compile
  • 才能:“异乎三子者之~”。

  • 写作,著书:~著。~述。~写。~文。~稿。~次(编辑、排列)。~序(撰写叙述)。~录。~集。杜~(臆造,没有根据地编造)。

  • 持,拿着:“~余辔兮高驼翔”。

  • 指天地阴阳等自然现象的变化规律。


(写作) write; compose; compile:

  • 撰文

    write an essay;

  • 编撰


  • 杜撰

    fabricate; make up; concoct;

  • 为报纸撰稿

    write articles for a newspaper

  1. 合理地确定基础文本对修撰美学史十分重要,因为基础文本中蕴藏着核心问题。

    It is important to write the history of the Chinese aesthetics by using the basic texts reasonably , because the most important problems are contained in them .

  2. 弟子惟钦如下请求,要我敬书拙撰〈药师赞颂〉,以便他收集于他即将出版的《药师佛法露》一书中。

    Disciple Jui Khin requested below that I write the praise to Medicine Guru Buddha I composed in calligraphy so he may include it in his forthcoming book on Medicine Guru buddha 's teachings .

  3. 初撰本主要以纪事本末体和典志体为主

    The original drafts were mainly chronicles and compilations of regulations .

  4. 在合撰的一篇文章中写道。文章于今年8月发表在英国医学期刊《柳叶刀》(TheLancet)上。

    wrote in an article published in August in the British medical journal The Lancet .

  5. 这可能是对赫芬顿的准确写照,如果不总是有条理的话。她曾就从毕加索(Picasso)到政治等各种话题撰书。

    If it is not always coherent , that is perhaps an accurate reflection of Ms Huffington , who has written books on topics from Picasso to politics .

  6. 为迎接我国加入WTO,特撰此文将中国海洋运输货物保险条款(CIC)与伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款(ICC)进行比较,以便正确学习和运用之。

    The essay is written , greeting China 's entry to WTO , to make comparison between China Cargo Insurance Clauses and London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses in sea transport for the purpose of study and appliance .

  7. 为此本人针对淤地坝工作及其3S技术应用发展前景特撰此文,使3S技术在淤地坝建设及其他领域的中有所启示。进而加快水土保持工作中3S技术的普及。

    Based on this , this article deals with the prospect of application of 3S in the warp land dam , wish it will inspire the application of 3S in the warp land dam construction , and consequently accelerate the popularization of 3S in the soil and water conservation .

  8. 撰山子金矿矿床地质特征及找矿方向

    Geological Characteristics of Zhuan-Shan-Zi Gold Deposit and its ore prospecting orientation

  9. 为纪念老舍诞辰110周年,特撰此文,寄托哀思。

    This article is to commemorate the110th birthday of Lao She .

  10. 徽州私撰家谱与公修族谱的差异

    The difference between privately-written pedigree and publicly-written clan pedigree in Huizhou prefecture

  11. 史学观念最终决定史撰的表现形态。

    Theoretical conception of history invariably determines what appearance historical writing wears .

  12. 有否撰备管理报告以对批出的折扣进行分析?

    Are management reports prepared to analyse the discounts granted ?

  13. 五年以来,她一直在为那家报纸撰搞。

    She has been contributing to the paper for5 years .

  14. 第一章、绪论:首先,笔者对前人有关《唐六典》撰修研究的成果进行了总结概述。

    First , the writer summary the study achievement of the past people .

  15. 《唐六典》撰修研究

    Researches on Compilation of " Tang Liu Dian "

  16. 弗朗西斯。菲利浦撰于英国巴克斯。

    Francis Philips writes from bucks in the uk .

  17. 从其修撰的目的能够看出,《新唐书》就是为了补充《旧唐书》的不足之处。

    Their purpose was to supplement the inadequacies of Old Book of Tang .

  18. 有人请我给那份语言杂志撰篇稿。

    I 've been asked to contribute an article to the language magazine .

  19. 我们已大致撰写出关于人类全部基因组的第一份草稿。

    We now have a rough first draft of the complete human genome .

  20. 这里有多种颜色,但我撰择了蓝色。

    There are so many colours , but I PICK the blue one .

  21. 这部分敕撰本出现了一些有关西北地区的专门著作。

    These books include some special northwest works .

  22. 撰山子金矿床数学模型研究与成矿预测

    Study on the mathematic model of Zhuan Shan Zi Gold Deposit and its metallogenetic prognosis

  23. 历史与叙事&浅谈大陆学者所撰台湾文学史的理论视野

    History and Narration & on theoretical perspective of Taiwan literary history written by mainland scholars

  24. 第二节特殊的政治经济地位介绍了孔氏家族显赫的政治地位、雄厚的经济基础以及在此基础上进行的修撰家谱活动。

    The second section introduces prominent political status and solid economic foundation of KONG clan .

  25. 撰史学士与撰史著士,也出现于南朝后期。

    The historical scholar and historical chronicler also appeared in the late of the southern dynasties .

  26. 从作者角度看,书有自撰与代拟之分;

    From the angle of the authors , the books are written by self and others ;

  27. 元立翰林国史院,其职责变为以修撰国史为主。

    Yuan Li the academician national history courtyard , its responsibility becomes composes the national history primarily .

  28. 凯勒已经开始撰

    Caleb already started a narrative

  29. 敕撰三集:因袭中的新变

    Three Volumes Composed by Order of the Emperor : New Changes in the Process of Taking over

  30. 关于《唐六典》撰修结构及内容的研究概述。

    Concerning construction and contents .