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shān xuē
  • cut out;simplify by cutting out unnecessary details;reduce
删削 [shān xuē]
  • [reduce] 删去不必要的文字

删削[shān xuē]
  1. HL-1装置等离子体删削层的热通量研究

    Study on heat flux of plasma scrape-off layer in HL-1 TOKAMAK

  2. 在HL-1托卡马克装置中采用石墨圆筒屏蔽的钼探针,研究了删削层等离子体离子侧和电子侧的热通量及其径向分布。

    A study of the heat flux of plasma scrape-off layer ( SOL ) in HL-1 tokamak has been performed by a probe shielded with circular graphite tube .

  3. 喷气能降低删削层(SOL)处等离子体温度,注入的杂质增加了SOL处的辐射功率,使靶板的负载降低。

    Puffing gas can reduce the plasma temperature in the scrape off layer ( SOL ) . Injected impurity can increase the radiation power in SOL . Both of them make the heat load on the plate target smaller .

  4. 剧本已经被大刀阔斧地删削过了。

    The play has been ferociously cut .

  5. 经过对条款的层层斟酌删削,避免核战争便成为一个目标而不是一项义务了。

    By a series of carefully hedged conditons , the avoidance of nuclear war became an objective rather than an obligation .

  6. 残卷编者对五臣注的删削表明了其遵循着去同存异的编撰体例,然而也时有越出此一原则的情况。

    Fragments of editors Five Ministers of the scrape-off that followed to reserving differences Compiling Styles , however , when this principle is beyond .

  7. 带偏滤器的托卡马克中等离子体稳态径向输运的数值解托卡马克删削层与偏滤器中等离子体输运的解析研究

    Numerical solution of the steady radial plasma transport in a tokamak with divertor the analytic study of plasma transport in Tokamak divertor region and scrape off layer

  8. 散文极讲究剪裁,删削冗繁,敢于割爱,寓繁于简,清明疏朗,给人一种净美的感觉。

    Very particular about tailoring the prose , by cutting excessive propagation , dare to glaze , laws in enterprise , through its graceful , giving a net beautiful feeling .

  9. 从版本方面来看,《玉篇》在成书以后经历了多次删削修改,不同时代的本子在面貌上有很大的不同,反映了不同时代语言的发展变化。

    Being revised and abbreviated for many times after accomplished , the Yu Pian 's versions of each period have their own features . The different versions reflect the developments and changes of different times .

  10. 可是,这样的叙事脉络忽略了古代思想世界具体的历史环境、政治刺激和社会生活,也使得中国思想史常常出现后设的有意凸现或者无意删削,并且由于脉络化而线索变得很单一。

    However , this kind of thread neglects the concrete historical environment , political stimulation and social lives of the ancient intellectual world , and has constantly made the metatheoretical intentional emphasis or unwitting deletion in the studies of Chinese intellectual history , with the clue becoming simplistic .