
shān chú
  • delete;omit;erasure;omission;excise;excision;cut out;strike out;cut off;scissor
删除 [shān chú]
  • [delete]删去

  • 删除重复的部分

删除[shān chú]
  1. 我选定了一个文件,按下了删除键。

    I selected a file and pressed the Delete key .

  2. 在下拉列表项中选择“全部删除”。

    Select ' Delete all ' from the drop-down list .

  3. 这台计算机编程时已设计在信息删除前提醒用户。

    The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted .

  4. 资料里有一些需要删除的不适用信息。

    There is some noise in the data which needs to be reduced .

  5. 重新起草这个报告,删除带有性别特点的语言。

    The report was redrafted to remove gender-specific language .

  6. 必须把资料保存起来,这样才不至于无意中删除。

    Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion .

  7. 这一指令把文档从目录中删除。

    This command deletes files from the directory .

  8. 这本书因含有需要删除的问题章节而被撤回。

    The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted

  9. 看起来那些名字被意外地从计算机磁盘上删除了。

    It appears the names were accidentally erased from computer disks .

  10. 不幸的是她已经删除了那条短信。

    It was unfortunate that she had erased the message .

  11. 那艘船的名字已经从选择菜单中删除了。

    The name of the ship had been effaced from the menus .

  12. 他还从计算机系统里删除了文件。

    He also deleted files from the computer system

  13. 某些学校正在对圣诞颂歌进行修改,删除提及耶稣的内容。

    In some schools , Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ .

  14. 采取了将所有等待进行静脉曲张手术的病人从名单上删除的简单做法,这一权宜之计使得外科手术等待名单得以缩减。

    Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations

  15. 你可以选择删除或保存该文件。

    You can elect to delete the file or save it .

  16. 编辑删除了文章中的两段内容。

    The editor deleted two paragraphs from the article .

  17. 我一点了没改动,一点也没删除。

    I haven 't altered or left out a thing .

  18. 可能某一点给删除了。

    Perhaps some point has been left out .

  19. 从预算中删除不当开支。

    Slice a little fat off the budget .

  20. 删除无关紧要的空话。

    Slough off unimportant verbiage .

  21. 当她开始为希特勒说好话时,微软公司将她关闭,并删除了最丑恶的留言。

    When she started saying nice things about Hitler , Microsoft turned her off and deleted her ugliest messages .

  22. 您可以在这儿添加和删除可部署语言和零售产品。

    Here you can add and remove deployable languages and retail products .

  23. 截断事务日志将删除事务日志中不活动的条目

    Truncating the transaction log will remove inactive entries from the transaction log .

  24. 已经决定删除这个条款。

    The excision of the clause has been decided .

  25. 有时候,删除请求反而引起更大的注意和兴趣。

    In some cases , asking for removal results in more attention being brought to the images .

  26. 不必是篇小说,但别让收信人纳闷这是谁,然后让他们按下删除钮。

    Doesn 't need to be a novel , but don 't let them wonder who this is and have them push the " Delete3 " button .

  27. 如果WASHOME目录存在,那么删除它和其中的内容。

    If the WAS_HOME directory exists then delete it and its contents .

  28. 删除所有个人设置和个人web部件。

    Remove all personalized settings and private web parts .

  29. 使用此网页可临时禁用web部件或删除个人设置。

    Use this page to temporarily disable web parts or remove personal settings .

  30. 您将使用COMPANY表来查询、更新、删除和插入数据。

    You will use the COMPANY table to select , update , delete , and insert data .
