
shī fàn
  • teacher-training;normal school;pedagogical;model;pedagogical school;fine example;follow the example of
师范 [shī fàn]
  • (1) [model;fine example]∶学习的模范,榜样

  • 为人师范

  • 君学成师范,缙绅归慕。仰高希骥,历年滋多。--《后汉书.赵壹传》

  • (2) [follow the example of]∶效法

  • 相如好书师范 屈 宋。-- 刘勰《文心雕龙》

  • (3) [pedagogical school]∶师范学校的简称

  • 她初中毕业后考上了师范

师范[shī fàn]
  1. 增强师范生有恒性与自律性的训练和研究

    Enhancing Training and Research of Teacher-training Students ' Self-discipline and Persistence

  2. 注重学术性彰显师范性突出地方性

    Stress on Academic Quality Manifestation of Teacher-training Emphasis on Local Trait

  3. 这个大学的前身是女子师范学校。

    This university grew out of the Women 's Normal school .

  4. 这所学校附属于师范学院。

    The school is attached to the Normal College .

  5. 他考取了师范大学。

    He 's been admitted to a normal university .

  6. 他在北京师范学院执教多年。

    He taught at Beijing Teachers'College for many years .

  7. 他是一个师范学院的毕业生。

    He was graduated from a normal college .

  8. 相反,它比爱因斯坦的广义相对论所预期得更平滑,广义相对论帮助确定了物质在大爆炸后应如何分布。奈尔·杰弗里博士�巴黎高等师范学院

    Instead , it 's smoother than predicted by Einstein 's theory of general relativity , which helps determine how the matter should have spread out after the Big Bang .

  9. 大庆师范学院校园网VLAN设计

    Design of Campus Net VLAN in Daqing Normal School

  10. 通过近八年的教学改革实践,浙江师范大学外国语学院RICH教改组部分教师的教学观念逐渐发生了变化。

    The past 8 years of teaching reform have seen some teachers of the RICH group at Foreign Languages College of Zhejiang Normal University gradually change their concepts of teaching .

  11. 运用回归分析和灰色系统GM(1,1)理论,对温州师范学院教师队伍发展趋势进行组合预测。

    By using recursive analysis and gray systems GM ( 1,1 ) theory , the development tendency of staff of Wenzhou Normal College is forecasted .

  12. 宣威师范学校学生的心理健康状况好于陆良师范学校学生,两校学生除人际关系敏感一项无差异外,其余因子得分经T检验,差异异常显著(P<0.001);

    The difference is extraordinary notable by T test ( P < 0.001 ) ; 2 , The psychological health state of Xuan wei Normal School students is higher than that of Lu liang Normal School students .

  13. SCIE收录华东师范大学论文的统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Papers Published by ECNU in SCIE

  14. 以B/S体系结构及WWW技术为基础,结合唐山师范学院教务管理的实践,阐述了唐山师范学院教务管理信息系统的总体设计思路。

    Based on B / S and WWW technology , the Teaching Management Information System of Tangshan Teachers College is generally designed in combination with the practice of teaching administration .

  15. 方法采用身高标准体重法和Broca改良公式,对玉林师范学院2000年与2005年的学生进行营养状况评价。

    Method With the weight for height and Broca modified formula , the nutritional status of in Yulin normal university in 2000 to 2005 are assessed .

  16. 链霉菌S-81-24菌株系从福建师范大学校园土壤中分离得到,能产生糜蛋白霉抑制剂。

    A strain of streptomyces S-81-24 was isolated from soil samples collected from Fuzhou , Fujian , China .

  17. HW02是华中师范大学创制的新型除草剂。

    HW02 is a novel herbicide which is discovered by Central China Normal University .

  18. 方法采用临床症状自评测量量表(SCL90)对经济欠发达地区的部分高等师范院校处于成年早期的高年级学生进行了团体问卷调查。

    Methods Clinic Symptom Self-evaluation testing questionnaire ( SCL-90 ) was used to evaluate psychological health status of senior students of some normal school in low-economic area .

  19. 山西师范大学高性能计算机群设计及性能优化

    Shanxi Normal University High Performance Computing Cluster Design and Performance Optimize

  20. 关于师范院校图书馆服务于地方基础教育的思考

    Comments on Higher Teachers College 's Library Served Local Elementary Education

  21. 新时期师范院校通识教育探析

    On General Education at Teachers Colleges in a New Historical Period

  22. 师范院校学生信息素养及其教育

    On the Information Literacy and Its Education of Normal Collegial Students

  23. 高等师范院校实践教学评价标准体系的建构

    Constructing the Evaluation Standards for Practical Education System of Normal University

  24. 关于建立高水平示范性职业技术师范大学的思考

    Thoughts on setting up a high-level exemplary vocational technical normal university

  25. 立足师范教育,实现办学模式的多样化;

    Base upon normal education , realize variation of teaching mode ;

  26. 师范生心理发展与素质培养研究

    Study on Teachers-College Students ' Psychological Development and Their Quality Training

  27. 广西高等师范美术教育课程探究

    Inquired into the Guangxi Higher Pedagogical Fine Arts Education Curriculum Reforms

  28. 师院物理专业的非师范专业初探关于地方性多科性本科院校非师范专业建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Non-Teacher Majors Construction of Regional Multi-Discipline Four-Year College

  29. 论体育师范生创新意识的培养

    Innovation Consciousness Training for the Normal School Students of Physical Education

  30. 高等院校师范专业人才培养模式探究

    On the Mould of Training Qualified Normal Graduates from Higher School