
  • 网络academic fraud;academic cheating;plagiarize;academic dishonesty
  1. 这位教授在学术造假丑闻被揭露后就立即辞职了。

    The professor resigned immediately after his academic cheating scandal was exposed .

  2. 遏制高校学术造假行为之思考大学生学业作弊现状及相关心理因素分析

    Reflection on restraining academic cheating in universities An Analysis of Academic Cheating and Its Related Psychological Factors in the College Students

  3. 严惩学术造假、保护学术生态已成为共识。

    It has become a consensus to punish academic fraud rigorously and protect academic environment .

  4. 高校学术造假事件濒濒曝光,有着诸多主客观原因。

    The prevalence of Academic Corruption in Chinese universities and colleges has its subjective and objective reasons .

  5. 学术造假,缘何在人人喊打中繁荣依旧?值得整个学术界和关注学术领域的每一个人探究与反思。

    Academic fraud , Why the people cry in the " prosperity is still "? Worthy of attention throughout the academic and academic inquiry and reflection for everyone .

  6. 然后他们让他们处理各种复杂的道德问题:比如说应该如何对待学术造假,或者如何控制校园酗酒问题。

    Then they gave them some complicated moral problem to solve : say what should be done about academic cheating , or how to regulate drinking on campus .

  7. 但是,多年来在中国打击学术造假的批评人士方舟子说,评估研究者工作成果的方式需要深刻的变革。

    But Fang Zhouzi , a critic who has been fighting academic fraud in China for years , said that a profound change was needed in the way researchers'work is evaluated .

  8. 方舟子是中国最坚定的伪科学及学术造假打假者。周日在北京的住所附近,他遭到两名埋伏歹徒辣椒水和铁锤的袭击。

    Fang Zhouzi , China 's most steadfast fighter against pseudoscience and academic fraud , was ambushed by two suspects using pepper spray and iron hammer near his residence in Beijing on Sunday .

  9. 近年来,世界各国包括我国在内的主要媒体陆续报道了一些学术造假、不当使用科研经费等发生在科学研究领域中的不端行为。

    In recent years , countries in the world , including my own , the major media have reported a number of academic fraud , improper use of funds for scientific research and other scientific research in the field of misconduct .

  10. 利益驱动、道德滑坡和管理失当等因素是造成学术论文造假现象的重要原因。

    The main causes of this fakement phenomena lie in the factors of being prompted by profit , of the loss of morality and of incorrect administration .

  11. 草案指出,学位申请人在学位授予单位学习期间存在学术不端、作伪造假等行为的,学位评定委员会可以作出不授予其学位的决定。

    Institutions of higher education that award degrees can deprive a student of a degree if the applicant is involved in academic misconduct , forgery , and other violations during his or her academic years , according to a draft law that has been released to solicit public opinion by the Ministry of Education .

  12. 20世纪末以来,学术失范、学术不端、学术腐败事件在大学中屡有发生,甚至个别知名学者也陷入涉嫌学术造假事件,引起社会各界的广泛关注。

    Since the end of the 20th century , academic anomie , academic misconduct and academic corruption cases happened frequently at Universities , and even well-known University scholars ' involved " suspected of academic fraud " cases , have aroused wide attention from all sectors of society .