
  • 网络Universal service;Universal Access
  1. 在引入米尔恩(Milne)提出的普遍服务五阶段模式的基础上,通过计量技术论证了我国的电信发展与经济增长存在着很强的正向关系,进而得出我国普遍服务发展的五阶段模式。

    Introducing five-stage universal service raised by Milne , this paper analyzes the relationship between Chinese economy growth and telecom industry development and offers a framework of universal service policy at different times for China .

  2. 我国电信普遍服务的几个基本问题探讨

    A study of several basic problems in China telecom universal service

  3. 电信普遍服务是在中国电信市场开放、加入WTO以后迫切需要解决的问题。

    Telecom rife service is the urgent question needed to be solved after China opening it 's telecom marketing and joining in WTO .

  4. 地处中国西部的G省邮政担负着沉重的普遍服务责任,在面临的普遍服务和竞争性业务带来的服务压力和服务现状上在中国各省中具有典型代表性。

    G province postal enterprise is a typical case that are confronted with the pressure of universal service and competitive service , and have the same status with others provinces ' postal enterprise .

  5. 中国的电信普遍服务实施策略探讨

    Searching After the Strategy Actualizing Our Country 's Telecom Rife Service

  6. 我国邮政普遍服务范围研究

    A Study of the Universal Postal Service Range in Our Country

  7. 邮政普遍服务补偿成本核算方法研究

    Study on the Measurement of Compensation Cost of Universal Postal Service

  8. 论电信普遍服务的实施模式与效益体现

    Study on Implementation Mode and Benefit Embodiment of Telecommunications Universal Service

  9. 自然垄断行业实现普遍服务目标政策分析

    Policy Analysis of Achieving Universal Service Objectives in Natural Monopoly Industries

  10. 普遍服务政策实际上是一个经济与社会发展问题。

    Universal service policy in essence belongs to economical and social domain .

  11. 第三倡导构建公平的电信普遍服务机制,建议选择电信普遍服务基金作为我国电信普遍服务的补偿形式,探讨此制度与中国电信市场的契合性;

    Establish justice universal service system : Universal Service Fund .

  12. 我国电信普遍服务成本分析

    Cost Analysis is for Universal Service of Telecommunication in China

  13. 高成本地区电信普遍服务补贴拍卖研究

    A Study on the Telecom Universal Service Subsidy Auction in High-cost Area

  14. 对普遍服务和竞争性业务未能给予区别对待;

    Competitive service has not been treated differently from Universal Postal Service ;

  15. 我国电力普遍服务有两个主体:一个是责任主体:政府;

    The power universal service of our country has two enforcement bodies .

  16. 定价约束、社会福利与电信普遍服务机制设计

    Price Constraints , Social Welfare and Mechanism Design of Telecommunications Universal Service

  17. 竞争环境下的电信普遍服务管制博弈分析

    Game analysis about telecommunications universal server regulation with competitive environment

  18. 电信普遍服务若干问题研究

    A research on some problems of universal services in telecommunication

  19. 建立中国电信普遍服务机制的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Building China 's Telecommunications Universal Service Mechanism

  20. 信息公平与数字图书馆普遍服务障碍

    Information Equality and Universal Service Obstacle of the Digital Library

  21. 我国电力普遍服务问题研究

    Study on Universal Service of Electric Power in Our Country

  22. 推进邮政普遍服务机制的建立和完善。

    To promote the establishment and improvement of universal postal service mechanism ;

  23. 电信普遍服务的源起及其在发达国家的发展

    Origin and Development of Telecommunications Universal Service in Developed Countries

  24. 第五部分,则是对实现普遍服务的保障体系研究。

    The fifth part then researches safeguard system to realize the universal service .

  25. 浅议本地电话的普遍服务(上)

    General Service of Local Telephone ( Part One )

  26. 基于可再生能源的电力普遍服务中供电方式的研究

    Studies of Power Supply Mode in Electric Universal Services Based on Renewable Energy

  27. 中国电信普遍服务市场竞争发展模式研究

    The Research on Market - competitive Mode of Telecommunication Universal Service in China

  28. 而普遍服务又是电信行业规制的重要内容。

    The universal service regulation of the telecommunications industry is an important part .

  29. 财政补贴、分片包干和普遍服务基金是三种选择。

    Financial subsidies , area divided and universal service fund are three options .

  30. 关于中国邮政普遍服务义务与赢利冲突的探究

    On China 's Universal Postal Service Obligations and Profitable to Explore the Conflict