
  1. XML技术与B2B电子商务发展

    XML Technology and B2B Electric Business Development

  2. 基于3G技术平台的区域移动电子商务发展战略思考

    Strategic thinking for the development of regional mobile E-commerce based on the platform of 3G technology

  3. 近年来,中国电子商务发展速度正在以远高于GDP的增速增长。

    In recent years , the pace of development of China E-Commerce GDP growth rate is much higher than growth .

  4. 它吸收了电子商务发展的经验,采用目前最主流与稳定的J2EE技术来实现。

    SA absorbs the development experience of the current e-commerce , uses the most mainstream and stability J2EE technologies .

  5. 从我国的电子商务发展的实践来看,电子商务中B2C占据着非常重要的地位。

    B2C of EC has taken up the important role according to the practice of international EC .

  6. 此外,随着互联网的迅速发展,电子商务发展更加迅猛,电子商务对世界经济做出了巨大的贡献,并且在GDP中的比重越来越大,冲击着传统企业的组织形式和经营方式。

    It makes huge contribution to the global economy and occupies bigger portion in GDP . The organizational and operational styles of tradition companies are being influenced by the electronic commerce more and more .

  7. 对于房地产经纪企业而言,建立企业内部网INTRANET及企业的WEB站点的巨大投入阻碍了电子商务发展,其中大多数仅停留在网上黄页的层面。

    The huge investment for intranet and web site prevents the development of the application of electronic business in small and medium real estate agency corporations , which only use the electronic business as an information platform simply .

  8. 此外,受到电子商务发展的局限,各大门户网站在B2C这个利润率相当高的领域内发展受阻,这直接影响到门户网站的发展。

    In addition , due to the limitations of e-commerce development , major portal sites in the field of B2C which has a very high profit margin arrested development , resulting in directly affecting the development of the portals .

  9. 纵观目前B2B电子商务发展局势,虽然中小企业使用第三方B2B平台的需求日益高涨,然而优秀的第三方B2B电子商务平台仍然屈指可数,供需矛盾凸显。

    The holoscopic current development situation of B2B e-commerce , the demand for small and medium-sized enterprises using third-party B2B platform to do business is fast increasing , but good third-party B2B e-commerce platform still can be numbered . The contradiction between supply and demand is obvious .

  10. 论我国电子商务发展对人才的需求

    On the qualified personnel demand of E-Business development in our country

  11. 中小企业电子商务发展模式的交易费用经济学分析

    Transaction Expense Analysis of E - Commerce Development in Small-and Middle-Size-Enterprises

  12. 美日电子商务发展比较

    A Comparative Study of the e-Commerce Development between American and Japan

  13. 诚信问题是电子商务发展的重要影响因素。

    Credit has become the important influence factor of E-business .

  14. 近年来,我国电子商务发展迅速。

    In recent years and in our country electronic commerce quickly develops .

  15. 政府在电子商务发展中的角色定位

    The Role of Government in the Development of Electronic Commerce

  16. 随着互联网的推广和普及,电子商务发展得如火如荼。

    With the development of the Internet , the Electronic Business develops rapidly .

  17. 电子商务发展的需要使网上银行应运而生。

    E-commerce development , the need to make online banking came into being .

  18. 三峡库区旅游业电子商务发展战略的思考

    Thought of Electronic Commercial Affairs Development Strategy in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Travel

  19. 电子商务发展中的银行结算

    Bank clearing in the development of E - commerce

  20. 我国证券电子商务发展主要问题探析

    On Problems of Securities Electronic Commerce Development in China

  21. 网上支付已成为阻碍电子商务发展的瓶颈。

    Internet payment has become the bottle-neck of blocking the development of E-business .

  22. 然而由于多种原因,我国的电子商务发展远远落后于国外。

    However , for various reasons , Chinese electronic commerce is far left behind .

  23. 这就使得信用和安全问题成为制约电子商务发展的瓶颈。

    The credit and security issues become bottlenecks that restrict the development of E-Business .

  24. 船舶工业中的电子商务发展研究

    Research into Electronic Commerce Development in Ship Industry

  25. 略论电子商务发展

    Study on the Development of E - Business

  26. 影响西部地区电子商务发展的主要因素及对策

    Main Factors Influencing the Development of E-commerce in the Western Area of China and Countermeasures

  27. 信用缺失对我国电子商务发展的影响及对策分析

    Influences of Credit Absence on the Development of Electronic Commerce in China and Corresponding Countermeasures

  28. 电子商务发展前景的经济学观点

    Economic views on prospect of the e-commerce

  29. 搭建一个安全的网络环境是促进电子商务发展的关键。

    A secure network is a sticking point which promote the development of Electronic Commerce .

  30. 会计信息系统适应电子商务发展的探讨

    An Exploration on Information System of Accounting meeting the need of the Development of E-business