- 名electron flow

The features of discharge at initial and final stages , and soft x-ray energy spectra of discharges with rather intense runaway electron flow are discussed .
The results indicate that : the sulfate reduction efficiency decreased with the ratio of COD / SO42 - decreasing , but the electron flow of SRB increased 29.61 % .
The aberrations included chromosome bridge , chromosome fragment , chromosomal adherence , ring chromosome , micronuclei etc.
Electron flow via the cyt pathway is coupled to ATP production , whereas electron transfer through the alternative pathway branches from the cyt pathway at the ubiquinone pool and reduces oxygen to water without conservation of energy in the form of ATP , which is lost as heat .
The current loss in magnetically insulated transmission line ( MITL ) on pulsed power installation " S-300 " is studied by measuring bremsstrahlung between the electrodes , current and voltage in the load .
Overexpression of NrfA is insufficient to induce nitrite utilization in young cells . During exponential phase , electron flux has a preference towards terminal reductases and pathways for electron acceptors with more positive redox potential .
The radiation is produced by the coherent motion of electron streams .
Influence of Disturbing Electron Current on the Performance of Quadrupole Mass Filter
Generators use magnetism in producing a flow of electricity or electrons .
Effect of electron beam implantation on in vitro culture of young rice panicle
This flow of electrons driven through a conductor is called an electric current .
The Electron Current Collected by Electrical Probe
The Self-focusing Fast Electrons Flow in the Interaction of Ultra-Intense Ultra-Short Laser Pulses with Underdense Plasma
Cyclic eletron flow open-cycle MHD generator
This subject has screened high yielding strain via mutagenesis by high frequency current and nitrosoguanidine .
In this paper , producing mechanism of secondary electron is discussed and seVeral methods are introduced .
In addition , water stress led to a reallocation of respiratory electron flow between two respiratory pathways .
Simulation calculation indicates that secondary electron can be controlled well by electrostatic field combined with Faraday cylinder .
Studies on Mutagenic Breeding of Agricultural Antibiotic 120 Producing Strain by High Energy Electron Beam and Its Fermentation Characteristics
A continuous stream of charged particles , called the solar wind , impinges on the earth 's magnetosphere .
In this paper the dislocation in quartz have been studied with convergent beam electron diffraction ( CBED ) .
Experiments show that , with this structure , more electrons are injected into the SiO2 under a low electric field .
It is shown that for confined equilibrium the axial velocities of two rotating electron streams shall not go beyond a threshold .
If the amount of positive and negative charges is varied , the electron stream can be made to bend up or down in varying amounts .
According to this theory , the atoms consist of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by a stream of electrons kept together by attractive forces from the nucleus .
In EDM process with tool as anode , tool wear is largely produced by electron current in gap during the frist hundreds nano seconds of the spark ignition .
Growth of diamond Films by High-current Electrons-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition The numbers of positive nNOS neurons in various ischemic groups were analyzed statistically a using one - way a
Based on the theory of electron current collected by probe , that the maximum derivative of electron current with respect to probe potential corresponds with the plasma potential is presented .
When the axial velocity of the electron stream is equal to the threshold velocity , the angular velocities of two electron stream are equal , and the electrostatic wave is stable .
For the self-magnetic field MID with relatively simple structure , the stability of self-magnetic field generated by electron flow is obtained by adjusting the diode gap and the delay time of bipolar pulse .