
  • 网络power system and its automation;Power System and Automation;Electric Power System and Automation
  1. 合肥工业大学电气工程及其自动化专业是由电机、电器及其控制和电力系统及其自动化两个专业于1999年合并而成,至今已有60年的历史。

    The specialty of electrical engineering and its automation in Hefei University of Technology was combined of two specialties in 1999 , motor elements and its control , power system and its automation . It has 60 years history by now .

  2. 电力系统分析课程是一门应用广泛的电力系统及其自动化专业基础课程,而基于网络的教学系统是随着知识经济的发展而产生的新型教学模式。

    Power system analysis is a widely used course in the major of electric power system and its automation . And the education system on the Internet is a new teaching mode with the developing of knowledge economic .

  3. 电力系统及其自动化专业毕业设计改革的探讨

    Analysis on the Graduation Design Reform of Power System and Automation Major

  4. 谈电力系统及其自动化专业的毕业实习与设计

    The Graduation Practice and Design for the Specialty of Electric Power System and Automation

  5. 电力系统及其自动化专业实验课教改探索

    The exploration of reform to the part of experimental course in the electric system and automatism major

  6. 电力系统及其自动化专业硕士研究生课程教学改革与创新能力的培养

    The Teaching Reform and Creative Ability Training in the Course Reform of Power System and Automation Graduate Students

  7. 在此诚恳地向您推荐我自己,一名即将毕业的电力系统及其自动化专业研究生。

    I recommend myself an graduate student major in Power System and It 's Automation sincerely to you .

  8. 本文探讨了电力市场的出现对电力系统调度运行方式及其自动化系统高级应用软件设计的影响。

    Power market has great impact on pow-er system dispatching operation .

  9. 电力系统负荷预测的结果是研究电力系统规划问题、电力系统经济运行及其调度自动化的重要依据。

    It is the important foundation of the study on electric system planning problem , economical running and dispatcher automation .