
  1. 他是个电脑编程专家。

    He is a specialist / an expert in computer programming .

  2. 哈迪•帕托维与Zappos的创始人谢家华还参加了哈佛大学的一个电脑编程队,在一次全球编程大赛上获得了第7名的成绩。

    Hadi and Tony Hsieh , on a Harvard computer programming team together , placed seventh in a global coding competition .

  3. 2011年在硅谷参加完YCombinator创业孵化器项目后,Codecademy网站的创始人们回到了纽约,该网站教授电脑编程技能。

    After completing the Y Combinator accelerator programme in Silicon Valley in 2011 , the founders of Codecademy , a site that teaches computer programming , moved back to New York .

  4. 香港的电脑编程师斯图尔特金厄姆(stuartkingham)通过ultissimo房产公司在科莫湖购置了一套房子。

    This was the case for Stuart Kingham , a Hong Kong-based computer programmer , who bought a second home in Lake Como through ultissimo .

  5. CO-200型是电脑编程的,访问权限存储在电子所中,并随时可更改。

    The CO-200 is computer programmable ; rights are stored on the lock and can be changed at any time .

  6. 软件工程师、电脑编程员和数学家都被评为压力小的工作。

    Software engineer , computer programmer and mathematician were all rated low-stress .

  7. 锡泵的转速由电脑编程电子闭环调速来保证达到最佳的波峰。

    The pump speed is controlled electronically to provide optimum flow rate .

  8. 他们会告诉你是统计和电脑编程,

    they 'd have told you statistics and computer programming ,

  9. 马斯克出生于南非,小时候就自学电脑编程。

    Born in South Africa , Musk taught himself computer programming at a young age .

  10. 无用输入,无用输出:电脑编程中的习惯说法。

    Garbage In , Garbage Out . This is an old saying in computer programming .

  11. 两年电脑编程的经验。

    Have two years programming experience .

  12. 产品采用电脑编程控制,全自动化运行,操作简单,全中文液晶显示,一目了然。

    Our product is used computer control system , automatically running simply operating and Chinese showing .

  13. 要是生下来就喜欢税法、化学或电脑编程,那该有多好啊。

    How much better to have been born with a passion for tax law , chemistry or computer programming .

  14. 一些领域,例如财务计划、平面设计、电脑编程、写作以及编辑,都是值得内向的人去探索的。

    Fields like financial planning , graphic design , computer programming , writing , and editing are worth exploring for introverts .

  15. 她是第三个为这台电脑编程的人,并亲手写了一册操作指南,以便让后续参与研究的学会她的编程。

    She was the third person to program this computer , and she wrote a manual of operations that lit the path for those that followed her .

  16. 当我学习电脑编程的时候,我就经常试图将抽象、概念性的变量、函数、多形性与更生动的视觉上的描述关联起来。

    When I was learning computer programming , I often tried to connect the abstract concepts of variables , functions or polymorphism into more vivid , visual descriptions .

  17. 出于员工便利,印度人对个人电脑编程的熟悉程度以及西部区域开发中心预算限制等等的考虑,网络管理器任务最终被分配到了班加罗尔。

    The NetManager assignment eventually went to Bangalore because of staff availability , familiarity of the Indians with personal computer-based programming , and budgetary restrictions at Western RDCs .

  18. 国内首家推出调频调速、电脑编程、悬浮减震及中文人机对话的先进洗涤设备,更将公司的产品推向更高的境界。

    It makes the company to a higher level for its first channel-and-speed-changing technology , computer programmer , concussion-reduced by float and communication between human and machine in Chinese .

  19. 将来的劳动者将要学会很多种技巧,从战略谋划到员工雇用,从电脑编程到产物打算,并要不竭更新本身的技巧。

    Future workers will learn a wide array of skills from strategic planning and hiring to computer programming and design and will be expected to constantly upgrade those skills .

  20. 塔塔咨询服务今年正在其位于金奈的一个培训中心内训练1500名大学理科毕业生,向他们传授电脑编程知识和沟通技巧。

    TCS this year is training 1500 college graduates who studied science to learn computer programming and communication skills , at a center it built for that purpose in Chennai .

  21. 她还利用自己的电脑编程技能,创作并出售动画程序,让虚拟人物可以跳舞、踢腿或倒立。

    F also used her computer programming skills to create and sell programmes that give movement to avatars , so that the characters can dance , kick or stand on their heads .

  22. 智能化电脑刺绣编程环境的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Environment for Computer Embroidery Programming

  23. 问题是你如何在大多数电脑上编程?

    Well , it turns out you can write a program on most any computer .

  24. 我们能够立刻想到的例子就是那些新的电脑软件编程人员所具有的优势。

    One example that immediately comes to mind is that of the superiority of new computer software programmers .

  25. 其中就包括早期电脑和编程的产生,以及给现在随处可见的触摸屏打下基础的原型机的开发。

    from early successes in creating and programming computers to development of prototypes that laid the groundwork for the now-ubiquitous touchscreen .

  26. 机器人与自动化机器的区别在于完成一项特定工作后,它们可以被电脑重新编程去执行一项任务。

    Robots differ from automatic machines in that after completion of one specific task , they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one .

  27. 用电脑软件MATLAB编程绘出求得包络线方程的曲线,从理论上证明本文所推导方程的可靠性;

    Through draw the curve of wrap-up line equation with MATLAB program of computer software . I prove the dependability of the equation in theory ;

  28. 雷军告诉记者,三十年前他正是在一台苹果II电脑上学习了编程知识,他还说沃兹尼亚克是他的偶像之一。

    Mr. Lei told reporters that he learned computer programming on an Apple II three decades ago and that Mr. Wozniak was one of his role models .

  29. 这本书是向电脑初学者介绍计算机编程。

    The intent of this book is to introduce computer programming to a complete beginner .

  30. 在20世纪80年代中期,托拉尔通过自修和在电脑学校学习了电脑语言和编程。

    In the mid-1980s , Toral studied computer languages and programs on her own and in computer schools .