
  • 网络software development process;software process
  1. 一种有效的JavaME游戏软件开发过程

    An Effective Software Development Process for Java ME Games

  2. Rational统一过程是一个风险驱动的,基于用例的,体系结构为中心的迭代式软件开发过程。

    RUP is a risk-driven , use-case-based , and architecture-centric , iterative software development process .

  3. 针对mis软件开发过程特点的CASE工具

    A case tool in accordance with the special features of MIS software development process

  4. 提高您的软件开发过程的关键是了解什么时候在哪里使用Rational产品。

    Knowing when and where to use Rational products is key to improving your software development process .

  5. UML软件开发过程和支持环境研究

    Research on UML Software Development Process and Support Environment

  6. 类似于RationalAssetManager的企业资产仓库在组织中是软件开发过程的关键部分。

    Enterprise asset repositories like Rational Asset Manager are a critical part of the software development process in organizations .

  7. 整个分析和设计过程采用了业界广泛使用的Rational统一软件开发过程。

    During the process , it uses the popular Rational Unified Software Development Process ( RUP ) to develop the work .

  8. 过程验证计划(ProcessValidationPlan)定义了一系列用来确认自动化软件开发过程实现了控制对象的测试。

    Process Validation Plan defines a set of tests that can be used to validate that an automated software development process fulfills control objectives .

  9. 基于UML的迭代式软件开发过程

    Iterative Software Development Process Based on UML

  10. RationalMethodComposer(RMC)提供了唯一一种用来设计用户定制软件开发过程的方法。

    Rational Method Composer ( RMC ) provides a unique way to design a customized software development process .

  11. MDA方法将软件开发过程分成两个主要阶段:模型级和代码级。

    MDA methodology divides software development process into two main phases : model-level and code level .

  12. 简要介绍可视化环境下化工设备CAD软件开发过程中有关软件可视化界面的制作技巧。

    The author briefly introduces the production techniques of visible interface of related software in development of chemical equipment CAD software under the visible environment .

  13. 统一软件开发过程RUP中的关键技术研究

    Key technology on Rational Unified Process

  14. RUP指出对于全面正式的特定软件开发过程来说,使用统一方法体系架构(UnifiedMethodArchitecture,UMA)是一种产业旗舰和标准。

    RUP now specified using Unified Method Architecture ( UMA ) is an industry flagship and standard for a comprehensive , formally specified software development process .

  15. 数据操作是基于J2EE的多级应用开发中常见而又具有通用性的重要一部分,而框架技术的研究可以实现软件开发过程中的重用,提高软件开发效率和质量。

    The research of the framework technology can realize the reuse of the component development and improve the efficiency and quality of the software development .

  16. Rational公司从当前对软件开发过程的需求及其动向出发,提出了UML柔性软件开发过程的概念,并以Rose为核心创建了迭代式的UML集成化支持环境的框架方案。

    Rational creates flexible software development process for Unified Modeling Language , and establish a iteratively integrated development framework based on UML with Rational Rose as the kernel .

  17. 参照RUP软件开发过程,对校园MIS系统建设中的系统分析、建模、设计等问题进行了分析,并用一个实例来详细介绍了需求分析建模方法。

    Analysis on system modeling and design process in campus MIS construction refer-ring RUP process , with an instance for more de-tailed description .

  18. 然而,在基于UML的面向对象的软件开发过程中,用例经常被错误地使用,或过于庞大,或缺少结构化的规格描述。

    However , in the object-oriented software development process based on UML , Use case is often misused , either too big or short of structured specification .

  19. ALM计划和高国提供了一个可扩展性的CM工作流程解决方案,它可以获取软件开发过程设计的最佳实践。

    The ALM schema and packages provide a scalable CM workflow solution that captures the best practices of software development process design .

  20. 在统一建模语言UML的基础上产生了统一软件开发过程USDP。

    Unified software development process ( USDP ) is established based on unified model language ( UML ) .

  21. TMIS工程软件开发过程中的质量控制和质量保证

    Quality control and quality assurance of software development process for TMIS engineering projects

  22. 成熟的软件开发过程如RUP(Rational统一过程)等以及流行的软件工程工具如RationalROSE等对于高校研究室这样的具有特殊要求的软件开发组织并不适用。

    The mature software developments such as RUP and the popular software engineering tools such as Rational Rose aren 't in point to the university labs which have the especial requirements .

  23. CLASP实际上是一组过程的片断,可以集成到任何软件开发过程。

    CLASP is actually a set of process pieces that can be integrated into any software development process .

  24. 针对目前软件开发过程中模块之间通信开发复杂、代码可读性差、应用程序和网页接口不统一等缺点,本文在支持平台中采用ICE(InternetCommunicationsEngine,即因特网通信引擎)中间件技术进行开发。

    To avoid the disadvantage such as complexity of communication between modules , unreadable code and the Non-uniform application interface , we adopt the ICE ( Internet Communications Engine ) middleware technology in the supporting platform .

  25. RUP是先进实用的软件开发过程,UML是功能强大的可视化建模语言,二者的结合在面向对象软件工程技术中应用广泛。

    RUP is an advanced software development process , UML is a powerful visual modeling language , both of which are widely used in object-oriented Software Engineering .

  26. 本文利用该种方式从统一软件开发过程的角度对整个OTA业务系统进行了构造:需求、分析和设计。

    In the thesis , according to RUP , the whole OTA service system is constructed by CHI means .

  27. 在CLASP的核心有三十个新的活动,他们可以集成到一个软件开发过程。

    At the core of CLASP are thirty new activities that can be integrated into a software development process .

  28. 构造性成本模型COCOMO成功地解决了传统软件开发过程及产品的成本估算问题。

    The Constructive Cost Model successfully estimated the cost of traditional software development .

  29. 作为软件开发过程管理和过程改进的一个重要标准,CMM最主要的一个作用就是管理软件的质量、保证软件的质量。

    As an important standard of software process management and improvement , a most important function of CMM is to manage and guarantee the quality of software .

  30. 一个根本性的解决方法就是开发一个通用的Web二次开发平台,屏蔽技术上的实现细节,形成一个标准的软件开发过程,使开发人员集中于业务的分析和实现。

    A fundamental solution is to develop a general Web second development platform which shields the technical detail of implementation and causes a standard software process . With it , much attention will be paid to the analysis and implementation of Web business system .