
ruǎn jiàn xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • software license
  1. 该文提出了一种对软件许可证进行控制,维护的LicenseServer系统。

    In this paper , license server system is put forward to control and maintain software license .

  2. 基于ACE的软件许可证系统设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Software License System Based on ACE

  3. IBM员工购买软件许可证以补充标准平台。

    IBM employees purchase software licenses to complement standard platforms .

  4. 重用IBM员工已经购买的第三方软件许可证,这存在具有说服力的理由。

    There 's a compelling case to be made for reusing third-party software licenses that IBM employees have purchased .

  5. 其基本思想在于,通过IBM员工参与来创建的软件许可证存储库将会在IBM中促进高效的软件重用。

    The idea was that a software license repository , created through IBM employee participation , would make efficient use of software reuse within IBM .

  6. 该实现准确、快速,而且易于使用,并且在有Apache软件许可证的情况下是免费提供的。

    The implementation is accurate , fast , easy to use , and offered free of charge under the Apache Software License .

  7. 这一点是gpl与其他禁止商业用途的自由软件许可证最大的不同。

    This latter point distinguishes the GPL from software licenses that prohibit commercial redistribution .

  8. 创建软件许可证库的思想是在IBM的内部创新交流站点ThinkPlace中提交的。

    The idea of creating a Software License Library was submitted in ThinkPlace , IBM 's internal innovation marketplace .

  9. 长期以来,软件许可证收入一直是微软业务的主要基石。今年PC销售滑坡拖累了微软的这块收入,导致它日益依赖硬件销售和转而挖掘商业云收入。

    A collapse in PC sales this year has served to undermine the licensing revenue that has long been the main foundation of Microsoft business , leaving it increasingly dependent on hardware sales and a shift to commercial cloud revenues .

  10. PC制造商贡献的软件许可证收入下降了22%,Windows和Office均受到新PC发货量下滑冲击。研究公司高德纳(Gartner)表示,上一财季新PC发货量减少了9.5%。

    Sales of software licences to PC makers fell by 22 per cent , with both Windows and Office suffering from a decline in shipments of new machines that research firm Gartner put at 9.5 per cent in the latest quarter .

  11. 有了WebsiteSpark,符合条件的公司可以得到设计和开发软件许可证和处理器许可证,无需任何前期成本。

    With WebsiteSpark , eligible companies can receive design and development software licenses and processor licenses with no up-front costs .

  12. 这种用户权利保护可通过称为copyleft的设备实现:软件许可证声明了版权保护和禁止发布,除非用户被授予了这些权利。

    This protection of users'rights is accomplished with a device called a copyleft : The software license claims copyright protection and prohibits distribution unless the user is granted these rights .

  13. 提出了在机群环境下,组织多个用户作业共享有限软件许可证模型PBSLM,并阐述了该模型的原理和实现方法。

    It presents the license management model PBSLM , which allows multiuser share limited software license in cluster , and illustrates the principle and implementation of this model .

  14. 该思想将社区驱动的软件许可证管理进行了概念化。

    The idea conceptualized a tool for community-driven software license management .

  15. 别忘了软件许可证还要花钱呢。

    Don 't forget to count the extra cost for software licenses .

  16. 大型机的软件许可证和维护费用非常昂贵。

    Software licenses and maintenance fees are expensive on mainframes .

  17. 第二部分:开源软件许可证。

    Part ⅱ, Open source software license .

  18. 机群环境中软件许可证管理的研究

    Research of Software License Management in Cluster

  19. 起初,软件许可证库应用程序是为在单个部门中使用而创建的。

    Initially , the Software License Library application was created for use within one department .

  20. 第二部分着重分析开源软件许可证的法律特征,探讨在开发、使用开源软件过程中有关许可证使用的法律问题及解决办法。

    The second part focuses on analyzing the legal character of the open-source software license .

  21. 还要注意服务器软件许可证也许对同时用户的数量有所限制。

    Also note that some server software licenses might have limits on number of concurrent users .

  22. 软件许可证库情景应用

    Software License Library situational application

  23. 为此,微软公司摒弃了一次性软件许可证,转而决定为客户提供永久性服务。

    To that end , Microsoft has transformed Windows from a one-time software license into a perpetual service .

  24. 大多数软件许可证的目的是要剥夺你共享和修改软件的自由。

    The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it .

  25. 这笔费用要比在购买新的基础设施、培训新的雇员或者购买新的软件许可证方面节省的成本高。

    This outweighs costs they could save on new infrastructure , training new personnel , or licensing new software .

  26. 您可以从公共映像的菜单中选择或者从您自己的软件许可证和应用程序中选择。

    You can choose from the menu of public images or pick from your own software licenses and applications .

  27. 为了满足软件许可证预算编制的需求,市场上出现了一些能够产生许可证使用报表的许可证使用统计工具。

    To meet the license budgeting requirement , some license usage statistics tools that can generate license usage reports occur .

  28. 通过许可证管理器,企业的采购部门并不能获知他们需要购买多少个软件许可证。

    The purchasing department of an enterprise could not have the knowledge that how many licenses they would need with the license manager .

  29. 研究了在机群环境下作业管理系统中软件许可证管理的方法,该方法将软件许可证视为资源管理系统中的一类资源对象进行管理。

    This paper researches the license management of cluster job management system . It regards the software licenses as one of the resource object of resource management system in cluster .

  30. 云计算的一个承诺就是虚拟化将会减少所需服务器的数量,这会导致在硬件、软件许可证、能源和维修上的减少。

    One promise of cloud computing is that virtualization will reduce the number of servers needed , leading to reductions in hardware , software licenses , energy , and maintenance .