- soft magnetic material

At the high temperature , the peak of XRD diffraction maximum moves towards a small angle . So the cobalt element is doped into the crystal lattice of CeO2 , and nanometer compound oxide of cobalt and cesium is formed . It is a good soft magnetic material .
Fe-Zr-B amorphous alloy is an important soft-magnetic material , which has important applications in preparation of transformer , magnetic recorder , electromagnetism disturbing shield and so on .
Recent Advances in Hard and Soft Magnetic Materials
N this paper , two attractive features of the recent advances in Hard and Soft magnetic materials are reviewed .
FeCo-based nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials have an amorphous and nanocrystalline two-phase structure with high Curie temperature . The exchange coupling among nanocrystals happened through the laminar amorphous phase .
Examples of this class include many of the rare or precious metals , strip or extruded shapes in base metals or alloys , some bearing metals , some hard or soft magnetic materials , etc.
By the understand of the characteristics of magnetic materials and analysis of the requirements for the soft magnetic materials , the paper proposes to use industrial silicon steel sheet as magnetic pole materials and pure iron as magnetic yoke materials .
Studies on processing techniques for one dimensional soft magnetic particles of CNTs / Fe_3O_4 nano-composite
In order to meet the needs of magnetic devices , the soft magnetic thin films with high permeability and high frequency has become the latest hot area of research of magnetic materials .
Technical Revamp of Acid Regeneration and Development of Soft Ferrite Material