
  • 网络video processing;dsp;premiere
  1. 基于DSP的医用X射线实时视频处理系统设计

    Real-time Video Processing System Design of Medical X-ray Based on DSP

  2. 视频处理DSP性能分析及选型

    Performance Analysis and Selection of DSPs for Video Processing

  3. 基于DSP和FPGA的实时视频处理平台的设计与实现

    Design and realization of real-time video-processing platform based on DSP and FPGA

  4. DSP、CPLD处理器协同完成实时视频处理。

    DSP and CPLD processor collaborative achieve real-time video processing .

  5. 天文观测相机低噪声CCD视频处理电路的分析与设计

    Analysis and design of a low noise CCD video processing circuit for astronomical camera

  6. 多媒体CAI课件中数字视频处理技巧

    Digital video processing technique in multimedia CAI courseware making

  7. 一种可重构的数字视频处理SoC芯片验证平台

    A Re-configurable Verification Platform of Digital Video Processing SoC Chip

  8. Osd(Onscreendisplay屏幕显示)系统是视频处理系统不可分割的一部分。

    Osd ( On screen display ) system is an indiscerptible part of video processing system .

  9. DSPs实时视频处理中的Cache优化算法研究

    Optimization Algorithm for Cache in Real-Time Video Processing Based on DSPs

  10. 空间模板卷积滤波的视频处理算法及其VLSI实现

    Spatial Template Convolution Filtering for Video Processing Algorithm and Their VLSI Implementation

  11. 视频处理电路对影响CCD像质的主要噪声均有明显的抑制效果,提高了信噪比,为进一步的信号处理提供了高质量的信号。

    Video processing circuit can obviously restrain the main noise , enhance SNR and obtain high quality video signal for further signal processing .

  12. 三维摄像中的视频处理系统及分离出RGB三基色信号的新电路

    The videosignal treatment system of 3 & dimension camera and the new circuit of separate 3 chrominance primary signal

  13. 接着利用改进的Arnold置乱技术作为视频处理框架的核心算法,对数字视频做置乱处理。

    Then advanced Arnold transform is used as the core of the frame for the scrambling of digital videos .

  14. 作为世界知名的图形视频处理软件开发商,Adobe有着非常传统的制作风格。

    As a world famous software developing company of figure and video , Adobe Company has a traditional style .

  15. PixelBender技术提供了一个通用的图像、视频处理基础设施,它可以在不同的硬件上自动进行运行期优化。

    The Pixel Bender technology delivers a common image and video processing infrastructure which provides automatic runtime optimization on heterogeneous hardware .

  16. 导航系统的主要任务是在DSP视频处理板上实现运动目标检测和跟踪,并控制自主车。

    The main task of the navigation system is to realize target detection and tracking as well as control the smart car , which is based on the DSP video processing board .

  17. 该文介绍了一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)和数字信号处理器(DSP)的实时视频处理系统,此系统以FPGA为数据缓冲和逻辑控制单元,DSP为图像数据处理单元。

    A real-time video image processing system is presented . In this system , FPGA is used as a main logic control unit and data buffering , and DSP processes image data .

  18. 并且由于PCI总线在高速信息处理、传输及视频处理方面具有其它加固机无可比拟的优势,必将成为我军新一代信息战的主要装备。

    Moreover , this kind of computer is sure to become the main military equipment due to its incomparable advantages in high-speed information processing , transmission and video processing .

  19. 高速数字视频处理系统中,为了缓解恒速的视频编解码与变速的DSP图像处理过程之间的矛盾,常采用乒乓缓存结构作为图像数据输入/输出缓冲器。

    In high - speed digital video processing system , ping - pang cache structure is usually employed to avoid the conflict between the invariable video codec speed and variable speed of DSP image processing .

  20. 视频处理系统软件是IP网络摄像机系统软件的一个重要组成部分,承担和实现了多种任务和功能,具有较高应用价值。

    Video processing system software is an important part of IP network camera system software ; it responds to many functions and tasks in the IP network camera system software and has a good value in application field .

  21. 其中RISC处理器可以利用专用信道,通过远程函数调用的模式高效实现对视频处理引擎的任务调度和DMA的配置启动。

    The RISC processor can schedule the tasks on video engine and configure and kick off DMA transaction efficiently in a remote procedure call mode .

  22. 本文首先研究了RTVA系统的实时视频处理和运动图像检测技术。在深入研究了基于linux的图像处理后,提出了一种实时多路视频处理技术,可以在Linux下高效稳定的显示多路视频;

    At first the paper studies realtime video processing and motion detecting : we studies the technique of image processing under Linux operation system and gives a method for realtime video processing based on X Window ;

  23. 同时,随着DSP芯片集成度、运算速度、数据吞吐率等性能的不断提高,它已被广泛地应用于许多视频处理与传输领域。

    At the same time , DSP chip is used widely in video processing and transmission field , because it 's integration density , computing speed and digital taking in and sending out rate is improved continuously .

  24. 随着互联网电视、智能电视及云电视这些高端产品的发展以及该市场日益激烈的竞争环境,对视频处理SOC(System-On-Chip)芯片在性能和成本方面提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the development of internet TV , smart TV and cloud TV , the requirements of chip performance and cost for video processing soc is increasing .

  25. 随着MPEG-4标准的发展和基于内容的视频处理研究,视频对象平面(VOP)的有效产生成为一个关键问题。

    With the development of MPEG 4 standard , the efficient generation of video object planes ( VOPs ) becomes a key issue .

  26. 该系统充分利用了FPGA器件在视频处理方面的优势,提升了性能,使系统更具灵活性,可满足不同视频格式的需求。

    This system not only has made full use of superiority of FPGA device in the video processing aspects , enhancing the performance and increasing the flexibility , but also has satisfied the demand of the different video format .

  27. 另外,对暗电平自动校正和A/D模数转换也进行比较深入的研究。XRD4460是CCD视频处理专用集成芯片,它包含了上面所述的所有功能。

    The XRD4460 chip is highly analog application specific integrated circuit ( ASIC ) designed primarily for CCD signal processing , which provides the completely functions mentioned above .

  28. 采用当前流行的DirectShow视频处理技术实现了视频数据的采集、播放、压缩、解压缩、回放等功能。

    Using the DirectShow , which is popular video management technology nowadays , to implement video data 's gathering , preview , compression , decompression , replaying , and so on .

  29. 抠图(matting)是图像和视频处理的一项重要的技术,在医疗诊断、电影特效和家庭娱乐中,获得了广泛的应用。

    Matting is an important operation in image and video processing . With the development of digital technology , matting is widely applied to medical diagnosis , special visual effects and home entertainment .

  30. 主要从缩短编码时间出发,采用STS(自变换系统)模型,引入非线性映射,结合运动补偿,探讨了一个有望应用于实时视频处理的分形压缩新方案。

    A new fractal based encoding scheme for real time video signal is presented . To greatly reduce the coding latency , the models of self transformation system ( STS ), nonlinear transformation and motion compensation are combined here .