
  • 网络visual identity;image;visual images
  1. 产品造型与CIS视觉形象整合研究

    The Research of Product Development and CIS Visual Identity

  2. 文章结合CI的相关理论和实际案例,从企业理念、企业行为和企业视觉形象三方面出发,阐述了CI策划在树立优良企业形象中的具体运用和现实意义。

    This dissertation , combined with uses correlative theories and actual cases of CI , starts from the three aspects , expands separately the uses and real meaning that Mind Identity system , Behaviour Identity system and Visual Identity system for the establishment of Corporate Identity .

  3. 2007年,加拿大Alberta大学做过一项短期记忆和视觉形象记忆研究。

    In2007 , the University of Alberta , Canada , conducted a study on a feline 's short-term , visual memory .

  4. 让包装发挥POP广告功能及作用,设计时可在下列三方面有所作为,即:视觉形象统一化、陈列效果醒目化与广告活动整合化。

    To endow package with the function of POP , three aspects could be attempted and accomplished in the period of designing as the follows : Unifying the visible image ; Displaying the effect strikingly ; Combining and melting with the advertising activity .

  5. 首先,论文概述了国内外医院引用ISO9000标准的现状,提出了本文的结构和创新点:即医院实施质量管理体系后在医疗质量管理、医疗安全管理和视觉形象三个方面的突破。

    Firstly , the thesis clarifies the status of internal and international hospital using ISO9000 standards , then it introduces the structure and three new ideas of the thesis : the medical quality management breakthrough , the medical security management breakthrough , and the vision image breakthrough .

  6. Terrell等人对高速运动物体(直尺、立方体等规则物体)视觉形象的讨论,并进一步探讨了任意形状的高速运动物体的总体视觉形象,给出简明、普适的结果且易于用计算机模拟。

    Further discussion of total vision image of any shape objects at high speed has been probed into . The concise and universal result and the method easily simulating with computer have been given .

  7. 车身前三分之一的设计严重受制于一些因素:比如V8发动机尺寸、行人安全要求造成的发动机顶盖高度、通风与制冷要求、捷豹格栅设计风格(即单一大弧度线条的视觉形象down-the-roadgraphic)等。

    The design of the front third of the car was heavily constrained by factors such as the size of the V-8 engine ; hood height driven by pedestrian safety requirements ; ventilation and cooling requirements ; and accommodating Jaguar 's grille design , the down-the-road graphic .

  8. 矩形物体的相对论视觉形象

    The Visual Image of the Theory of Relativity for Rectangle Objects

  9. 论品牌成衣女装连锁经营专卖店的视觉形象设计

    On Designing Visual Image for Brand Chain Stores of Female Fashion

  10. 区域视觉形象识别系统设计的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice on the District Visiual Identity System Design

  11. 视觉形象具有语言绝对达不到的动感。

    Visual images have a fluidity that words can never achieve .

  12. 地域文化对现代城市视觉形象设计的启示

    Enlightenment from Region Culture to Visual Image of Modern City Design

  13. 平面构成是一种视觉形象的构成。

    The formation of plane is a form of vision art .

  14. 内陆城市空间视觉形象设计分析

    Study on spatial design of visual image for inland cities

  15. 高速立方体的视觉形象及其运动速度的估算

    Visional Image of High Speed Cube and Estimate Amount of Its Speed

  16. 设计识别是通过产品强化统一的品牌形象,并以视觉形象作为补充。

    Brand image is enhanced by product , and VIas a supplement .

  17. 企业形象含理念识别、行为识别、视觉形象三大标志。

    Business image includes mind identity , behavior identity and visual identity .

  18. 在文艺上的表现形态:反英雄、个人感受、平面零散,非理性、非视觉形象性;

    In literature : anti - hero , individualism .

  19. 企业视觉形象的设计与管理研究

    Research on design and management of corporate visual identity

  20. 民族文化特征在奥运会视觉形象设计中的体现

    National Cultural Character Embodied in Designing Olympic Visual Image

  21. 区域传播与户外广告视觉形象的关联性

    Regional Transmission Associated with Visual Image of Outdoor Advertisement

  22. 但是关于榜样人物的视觉形象,人们是怎么说的来着?

    But what does it say about the visual identity of role models ?

  23. 心理学者运用的仪器;为简单暴光呈现视觉形象。

    An instrument used by psychologists ; presents visual stimuli for brief exposures .

  24. 新中国成立以来的儿童视觉形象,几乎都来自于成人的塑造。

    Since the founding of New China , child-image has shaped by adults .

  25. 品牌与形象视觉形象的构造

    Brand and Vision The Structure of Visual Images

  26. 声乐演员在舞台上的歌唱是听觉形象与视觉形象有机结合的一种创造性活动。

    Singing is a kind of creative activity that hearing is combined with vision .

  27. 视觉形象感知与评价研究

    Study in Perception and Appraise of Visual Figure

  28. 奥林匹克视觉形象设计中的民族文化

    National Culture in Design of Olympic Visual Image

  29. 论民间艺术的视觉形象

    On the visual figure of folk art Vision

  30. 论医院视觉形象的建立

    Talk about the Foundation of Hospital Visual Image