
  • 网络Standard combination;characteristic combination
  1. 维修方舱标准组合的环境应力筛选

    Ambient Stress Screening of Standard Units in Maintenance Shelter

  2. 不同指标标准组合的最大摄氧量判定标准对结果的影响很大。

    VO2max assessing criteria of different indicators criteria combination had great impact on results .

  3. 该级别表示标准组合及条带化、镜像和奇偶校验的实现。

    The levels represent standard combinations and implementations of striping , mirroring , and parity .

  4. 用标准组合特征图进行了说明,并以应用实例,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。

    The paper illustrated this method by standard combination characteristic chart , and verified its feasibility and validity with applied samples .

  5. 研究了差动式电感传感器的输出特性,在此基础上提出了采用标准组合量块的传感器标定方法。

    The output characteristic of differential inductance sensor is analyzed , and the calibration of sensor using standard combinatorial gauge is put forward .

  6. 利用该集成平台,将供应链管理的核心业务流程和企业管理应用系统等通过相应的标准组合起来,实现面向多企业的供应链集成化管理。

    Through the supply chain application integration platform , the core business processes for supply chain management and other enterprise applications could be integrated by corresponding standards to implement cross-enterprise supply chain integration management .

  7. 就此论述了标准组合方法的合理性及标准的设定方法,以帮助设计师形成自己的应用标准,从而提高其设计能力。

    Here in this article the rationality of the standard forming method and the setting method of standards are explored to help the designers form their own standards of application and thus improve their design ability .

  8. 按荷载效应的基本组合进行承载能力极限状态分析,按荷载效应的标准组合进行抗拉疲劳分析,采用许用应力设计法进行地脚螺栓的设计。

    Ultimate state analysis of carrying capacity and tensile fatigue analysis are conducted according to basic combination of loads effect and standard combination of loads effect respectively . Design of foundation screws through allowable stress design method is presented .

  9. 在产品形态设计过程中,采用标准组合这种简单、快捷的方案构思方法,可以产生出大量有效的产品形态供厂商选择,来满足市场对产品多样性的需求。

    In designing the models , the simple and quick plan conceiving method of standard forming can be used to produce a large quantity of models for the purchasers to choose so as to meet the needs of the markets with a variety of the products .

  10. 320和H.323标准的组合应用方式。

    Discussing the application mode of combing H.320 and H.323 ;

  11. 说得更详细一点,SCA给开发者提供了一种基于标准的组合应用开发方法。

    To elaborate a bit on that , SCA provides developers with a standards based approach for composite application development .

  12. 科学家说,把抗生素莫西沙星(moxifloxacin)加入用于治疗结核病的标准药物组合中,可以缩短治愈患者所需的时间。

    Adding the antibiotic moxifloxacin to the standard combination of drugs currently used to treat tuberculosis ( TB ) could reduce the time needed to cure patients , researchers say .

  13. 夏普(Sharpe)于1963年提出了简化的单指数模型以解决标准投资组合模型计算困难,单指数模型在西方发达市场得到了广泛的应用。

    In 1963 , Sharpe raised the Single - Index Model to solve the algebraic complexity of the standard Portfolio Selection Model . The Single - Index Model was well utilized in the Western market .

  14. 组合的分组测试算法的近似控制标准投资组合的分散情况

    On the Approximate Control Criteria for Combinatorial Group Testing Procedure

  15. 中转房屋标准构件组合二人单位

    Interim housing 2-p standard modular flat

  16. 如果希望将错误或标准输出组合为单个文件,请使用编号重定向(请参见清单4)。

    If you want to combine error and standard output into a single file , use numbered redirection ( see Listing 4 ) .

  17. 本规范并不适合应用程序开发者和商业分析师。希望本规范能够简化标准服务组合工具的开发和针对特定服务的开发。

    It is hoped that this specification will facilitate the development of standard service composition tools and services targeted specifically at this group .

  18. 首先,几乎所有的任务组织成所谓的标准任务组合,每一个任务组合由1到4个任务组成。

    Firstly , almost all jobs are organized into the standard job combinations , each of which consists of one to four jobs .

  19. 针对不同的实验对象及方案合理的运用指标标准的组合及达到标准个数上的不同要求来确定最大摄氧量的判定标准可以得到更为准确的结果。

    For different subjects and programs we should reasonably use the combination of the indicators criteria and different requirements of the number that meet the standards to determine the VO2max criteria to get more accurate results .

  20. 在以往的水源林造林规划设计里,存在功能目标模糊不清、树种选择及配置单靠经验和标准随意组合、缺乏对某个具体功能目标的定量描述与验证等问题。

    In the past planning and design of afforestation , there were many problems , such as blurred functions , random selecting tree species and configuration by experience or technical standard , lack of quantitative description to a specific function and verifying .

  21. 本文的主要研究重点就是深入分析当前的Web服务技术标准和服务组合技术,以及这些新技术对未来应用服务器发展的影响;

    The main work of this paper is listed as below : depth analysis of technical standards of web service and service composition , and the impacts of these new technologies on the future development of application server ;

  22. 第三部分阐述了客户资产获取/保留的测评标准与矩阵组合。

    The third part elaborates client equity acquisition / retention measurement and matrix .

  23. 概率加权对冲对更标准的投资组合选择几乎完全没用。

    A more normal selection would hardly be helped by a probability-weighted hedge .

  24. 通过对公路主要技术指标的综合优化,以获得技术标准的最优组合。

    Through overall optimization on the main highway technical indicators , the optimum combination of technical .

  25. 在第一个赛车游戏中,作者首创了使用标准弯曲赛道组合成游戏中赛道弯曲的思想;

    In the first racing game , Author is the first one whom uses some standard curved roads to compose the curved road in game ;

  26. 最后,本文通过对峡江服务区扩建项目进行实例分析,主要是选用文中设计的各类型标准单元进行组合设计。

    Finally , this paper analyzed the subject about the expansion of the highway service in Xiajiang . mainly use and combine those standard units .

  27. 文中分析了在多期风险资产投资中按照安全第一标准选择资产组合的特性,给出了实际计算方法,并以实例计算说明了多期风险投资的效果。

    The paper analyses the properties of the portfolio chosen by the safety first criterion . The method of practical computation is given , and the effects of multi period risk investment are showed through an example .

  28. 所有的计划都必须提供方便比较的标准化福利待遇组合。

    All the plans would have to provide standard benefit packages that would be easy to compare .

  29. 您可以利用Web服务标准和通过一些组合方法和技术应用创新方法(如GOOD)来实现这一目标。

    You can achieve this by exploiting Web services standards and applying novel methods through methods and techniques for composition , such as GOOD .

  30. 以回代正确率为标准,利用因子组合对多个总体的样本数据建立Fisher线性判别方程。

    We take the correct rate of back substitution as a standard , and use the combinatorial factor to establish Fisher distinguishing equation .