
  • 网络Standard process;standard operating procedure;Standard Operation Procedure;SOP;S.O.P. Standard Operating Procedure
  1. 这位心存疑惑的上司同意让斯特鲁普为一部分客户提供全面的方案以满足他们的特定需求&这是偏离标准流程的做法。

    The skeptical boss let him offer certain customers complete solutions for their specific needs-a departure from standard operating procedure .

  2. 风机检修的的标准流程是什么

    The wind turbine generator overhauls what is the standard flow ?

  3. 企业可从国家认可的清单中选择绿色包装材料,建立快件包装标准流程。

    Companies can choose green packaging materials from an approved list and establish a standard way to wrap parcels .

  4. 最后,在实验的基础上,我们总结出了一个通用多重PCR建立及结果检测的标准流程。

    Lastly , we summarized the protocol to perform multiplex PCR and detection of products based on the experiments .

  5. 下面的步骤是向Agavi应用程序添加新功能的标准流程。

    The steps below reflect the standard process you follow to add any new functionality to an Agavi application .

  6. 采用ASIC设计标准流程,设计了一款基于SHA-1算法的双向认证芯片,该芯片规模为3万2千逻辑门。

    A bidirectional authentication chip utilizing the SHA-1 engine is designed by the standard design flow of ASIC . This chip has 32000 logic gates .

  7. 为了将其付诸实践,她与Ari作了一次会谈,Ari是IT部门提供标准流程的一名方法工程师。

    To get going , she sets up a meeting with Ari , a method author who provides standard processes for the IT department .

  8. 网络优化按照单站验证、RF优化、系统优化的标准流程展开,注重对典型案例的分析与研究,以理论指导实践、以实践完善理论,达到理论联系实际的最佳效果。

    Network optimization starts according to standard processes including single-station network optimization , RF optimization , system optimization , focuses on the typical case analysis and research to guide practice theory to practice and improve the theory , achieving to the best match of theory and practice .

  9. 材料环境协调性评价的标准流程方法研究

    Research on method of standard flow for materials life cycle assessment

  10. 支持并扩充基础架构的标准流程。

    A standardized process to support and augment the infrastructure .

  11. 挑战了标准流程,也推动了标准流程的自我审视,并因此更上一层楼;

    Flexibilities have challenged standards and drive standards'self-reflections and make standards better .

  12. 电网运营商的“标准流程”是先用最便宜的电力。

    The grid operator 's standard procedure is to use the cheapest power first .

  13. 本文尽量采用了标准流程,以满足业务兼容和扩展的需要。

    Standard procedures were maximumly used to meet the needs of business compatibility and expansion .

  14. 她并不临驾于标准流程之上,却勇与为结果承担失败的风险;

    Flexibilities are not superior to standards while dare to assume the risks of failures .

  15. 监督现场生产按照标准流程进行,确保产品质量;

    To make sure the operation process is in line with the work order and procedures ;

  16. 此处数据是按照标准流程取得的平均测试结果可能会有变化。

    Data are average results of tests conducted under standard procedures and are subject to variation .

  17. 新兵这是标准流程来训练新人,但却出了问题

    New recruits . It 's standard procedure break the new boys in.But it went wrong .

  18. 在开发和测试阶段,定义标准流程,规范代码质量和测试标准。

    When in the development and testing phases , the project needs necessary coding and testing standard .

  19. 第四章介绍了某企业《应用开发标准流程》网上培训课程的开发实例;

    The fourth chapter introduces a case about a corporation 's online training course Applied Development Standard Process .

  20. 这种标准流程是麦当劳最大肉类供应商在任何地方都应遵循的。

    It 's the type of standard procedural stuff that you expected McDonald 's largest protein supplier to follow everywhere .

  21. “标准流程”下的旧版“旧汽车保修检查”不得再行使用。

    The old version , which you will find under standard processes-used car warranty check , must not be used any more .

  22. 按照按照软件工程标准流程阐述电子作品评价系统设计开发过程。

    In accordance with the standard procedure of software engineering , we expound the design and development process of digital work evaluation system .

  23. 整个业务工作基于国家认可实验室监测分析业务标准流程。

    The work of the whole business is based on the " national laboratory accreditation " to monitor the process analysis of business standards .

  24. 文章还从信贷标准流程化操作、信贷风险定价管理等视觉角度提出了化解中小企业信贷风险的思路。

    Article also propose ideas to resolve credit risk for SMEs from the visual points of credit standards of operation , pricing of credit risk management .

  25. 这是许多药物测试的标准流程,这样研究人员才能比较病人的结果,并确定治疗是否是有效而无害的。

    That is a standard procedure in many trials so that researchers can compare patient outcomes and determine whether the treatment was effective and not harmful .

  26. 将电子商务平台和互联网技术同招标采购的标准流程相结合,开发出更加便捷、高效、透明的电子招标投标平台,是近些年来我国招标投标事业的一项重大进步。

    The combination of e-commerce platform and Internet technology with the standard bidding process to develop a more convenient , efficient , transparent electronic bidding platform , bidding cause a significant progress in recent years .

  27. 全文按照软件工程标准流程组织,从需求分析、系统设计到实现与测试等,较为完整的展现了系统从设计到实施的各个环节。

    Full-text software engineering standards in accordance with organizational processes , from requirements analysis , system design to implementation and testing , etc. , show a more complete system from design to all aspects of the implementation .

  28. 系统开发过程采用软件开发的标准流程,通过对系统的测试表明:本文开发的物业管理系统符合用户规范,可以投入使用。

    System development process of the software development process , through to the standard system test showed that : in this paper , development of the property management system meet user standard , can put into use .

  29. 以模具制品业信息化为研究对象,通过实践提出了其设计生产标准流程,在此基础上成功开发出适应于该行业的信息化系统,有效地融合了ERP/SFC/PLM等企业信息化内容。

    Aimed to information system for die / mold manufacturing , put forward its standard flow of design and manufacturing and then developed the system for this industry , which had integrated ERP / SFC / PLM technology successfully .

  30. 主要从物资备品编码的规范化入手,结合行业特点建立物资管理的标准流程,使得物资备品信息能够和设备管理系统进行对接,提高系统的可用性。

    Mainly from the materials code standardization and materials classification , combining features of the establishment of industry standard materials management process , making materials and equipment , spare parts management information system to docking , improve system availability .