
  • 网络standard setting
  1. PET放射性药品标准制订和质量控制初探

    Preliminary consideration on establishment of quality standards and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals for pet

  2. 复测:为重复分析和可接受标准制订一个SOP或指南是很重要的。

    Repeat Analysis : It is important to establish an SOP or guideline for repeat analysis and acceptance criteria .

  3. 着手对HFC网络安全技术的研究,对适用我国HFC网络数据传输系统安全标准制订的探索,有着非常重要的学术价值和现实意义。

    So it is academically and practically significant to embark on studying security technologies of HFC network and discussing the establishment of our national security standard using in data transmission system of HFC network .

  4. 国家涂料工业污染物排放标准制订的思考

    Discussion on National Standard for Pollutant Emission Control in Coatings Industry

  5. 技术标准制订过程中的经济学行为研究

    Study of Economic Behavior in Establishment Process of Techno - standards

  6. 关于家用电器能效标准制订的研究

    Research on working out energy efficiency standard of the household appliances

  7. 变电站控制与保护接口&IEC国际标准制订情况介绍

    Substation control and protection interface ── introduction to IEC standard

  8. 排放标准制订原则的探讨

    Investigation of the principle of formulation of the discharge standard

  9. 我国摩托车排放现状及标准制订

    China 's Present Status and Standards Formulation of Motorcycle Emission

  10. 土壤有机物污染控制标准制订的方法学研究

    Methodology for enacting pollution control standard of organic pollutants for contaminated soils

  11. 化学药物质量研究和质量标准制订的一般原则和内容

    Principles and contents for specification establishment in quality investigation of chemical drugs

  12. 人类工程学在绞盘机标准制订中的应用

    Application of Ergonomic Principles in Drawing up the Standard of Winches for Forestry

  13. 湖泊营养盐控制标准制订方法的初步研究

    Primary Study on Enacting the Lake Nutrient Control Standard

  14. 浅论皂素行业环境标准制订的必要性

    Discussion on the Necessity to Draw up the Environmental Standard in Saponin Industry

  15. 《主要切花产品包装、运输、储藏》国家标准制订的研究

    Studies on National Standards Making & Packing , Transportation and Storage for Cut Flowers

  16. 回归分析在渔具材料标准制订中的应用

    The Application of Regression Analysis to the Formation of the Standard of Fishing Gear Material

  17. 白酒企业标准制订

    Formulation of Liquor - making Enterprise Standards

  18. 介绍了作者所在工作组新标准制订的一些进展情况。

    Finally , the authors introduced the program of getting along with some new standards .

  19. 油桐产品质量等级标准制订说明

    Interpretation of Tung Oil Quality Grade Standard

  20. 病例分型医疗质量管理考评标准制订与应用

    Working Out and Applying the Testing Standards for Quality of Medical Services by Case Variety

  21. 欧盟关于环境空气中几项污染物质量标准制订方法

    The Method Of Formulating Quality Standard Relating To Several Pollutants In Ambient Air In EC

  22. 论温室工程标准制订中的几个问题

    Issues of Working out National Greenhouse Standards

  23. 论便携式林业机械标准制订中应考虑的安全要求和人机工程学因素

    On Safety Requirements and Ergonomics Factors to be Considered in Formulating Standards for Portable Forestry Machinery

  24. 介绍学位论文描述性元数据标准制订中遇到的几个问题;

    This paper introduces several problems of designing the description metadata standards of theses and dissertations .

  25. 我们试图获得基础架构的权利、标准制订的权利和模型设计的权利。

    We tried to get the fundamentals right , the standards right and the programming model right .

  26. 介绍了原机标法兰及垫片标准制订的依据和使用情况;

    The compilation basis and application of original mechanical standared ( flange and gasket ) ale discussed .

  27. 本文笔者通过多年从事泡沫灭火剂研究及标准制订工作的实践,提出了泡沫灭火剂标准制订应遵循的六项原则。

    The author has done some probing experiments on the suppression of vehicle-using ethanol gasoline fire by foam agent .

  28. 与他们的交流会间接的造成行业标准制订与教学成果之间的互相反馈。

    The communication with them is an indirectly exchange of teaching outcomes and updated information of professional criteria and regulations .

  29. 对数字电影国际国内标准制订的背景、特点和主要内容分别作了简介和对比。

    The making background , characteristics and main contents of digital movie standards at home and abroad are introduced and compared .

  30. 本文对海参的品种基源、药材性状、显微鉴别主要特征等进行了研究,为海参资源开发、质量标准制订等方面提供参考依据。

    The studies on origins , macrograph of crude drugs and main microscopic characteristics are provided for their resource developing and drug standardization .