
  • 网络Labeling;Label Algorithm;label method;labelling method
  1. 对Ford-Fulkerson标号法进行改进,使得通过一次标号便可找到全部增广链,并同时增流即得最大流.还给出了求最小费用最大流的一种新的、更简单的方法。

    Through improvement in the labeling method of Ford Fulkerson , with the first label the grand augmented chains are found and the maximal flow is obtained . A new and simple method of obtaining maximal flow of minimum cost is given .

  2. 求最短路径的改进标号法

    A Improved Labeling Method for Shortest Path

  3. 方法VB6.0编制软件,采用图象两值化,扫描标号法等分析方法测定毛细血管数。

    Methods Software was made by VB6.0 version , including the binary fashion image and coding .

  4. 给出了计算网络最大流的表格法,避免了标号法(由FordFulkerson提出)在计算最大流过程中选择增流链的随机性,并通过实例给出了具体算法步骤。

    The method of calculating the maximum flow in network picture is given . The method avoids from finding the zip of growing flow put forword by Ford-Fulkerson in the sign method , and a practical step of calculating is introduced by a example .

  5. 使用二进制标号法实际上只运用1和0两个数。

    Using binary notation is in fact just manipulating ones and noughts .

  6. 求解最小费用流的复合标号法

    A Mixed Labelling Algorithm for Solving Minimum Cost Flow Problem in the Network

  7. 基于标号法求解网络最大流算法的研究

    Research in the Algorithm on the Solution to the Maximum Network Flow Problem Base on Mark

  8. 物体受力分析的标号法求解此外,研究了它们的表上求解法。

    A new method of free-body diagram Fur-thermore , their solving methods in a tableau are studied .

  9. 算法首先对输入的染色体图像进行了预处理,接着用标号法给图像中的每个对象赋予惟一的标号。

    Then , the label algorithm is utilized to assign an exclusive label to each object in the image .

  10. 在此基础上,首次对其进行了改进,提出了后推式标号法。

    In this dissertation , the algorithm was improved ; a new method & backward labelling method was put forward .

  11. 本文使用交错的与非交错的标号法,证明了一类龙虾树优美。

    This paper proves that a class of lobster-trees is graceful and this class of graceful lobster-trees has interlaced numbering and noninterlaced numbering vertices .

  12. 为进一步完善整和图理论,采用顺序标号法给出龙虾树的一种整和标号。

    This paper is an attempt to further improve the theory , of integral sum graph by introducing an integral sum labeling of the lobster tree through sequential labeling method .

  13. 本文采用一般均衡理论及其模型,揭示证券市场股票价格的形成机理,利用向量标号法计算股票的均衡价格,具体实现其计算。

    This paper uses the general equilibrium theory and model , disclose the formation mechanism of the stock price and realize its calculation concretely by the way of vector sign method .

  14. 本文在求最短路和求最大流标号法的基础上,提出了求解最小费用流的复合标号法。

    This paper presents a new mixed labelling algorithm for solving minimum cost flow problem on the basis of labelling algorithms for solving shortest path and maximum flow problems in the network .

  15. 针对中标者确定问题提出一种算法:标号法,并分析了标号法的一些性质。

    Then , an algorithm ( named sign algorithm ) is proposed for determining the winners of the auction considered , and some ( properties ) of the algorithm are discussed as well .

  16. 染色体图像进行阈值分割以后,利用标号法实现了染色体图像的自动分割,得到单条染色体图像信息,最后进行边缘检测及边界跟踪。

    After the processing of chromosome image , using the method of tab , we can finish automatic division of chromosome image and get the single chromosomes , then describing the boundary each chromosome .

  17. 依据动态规划的最优化原理,提出了求解一类最优化问题的树状图解法:先画出求解问题的树状图,然后再用标号法进行求解。

    According to the optimization principle of dynamic programming , the Tree Diagram Method of solving one kind of optimization question is proposed in this paper . The first step is to draw a picture of the question , and then solve it with the marking method .

  18. 给出常用遥感图像直接统计像点、八链码表示方法计算面积的步骤,并且给出了两种新方法:扫描标号计算面积法和格林公式求面积法。

    It is proposed that remote sensing image element counts directly and eight-direction code calculates the method of area . Two algorithm to calculate the area : scan grades and Green 's formula are put forward .

  19. 本文简要介绍了停扩建工程裸露钢筋防护施工技术,主要有密封钢筋防护法,低标号砼防护法,阻锈砂浆防护法及阻锈剂防护法。

    This paper briefly introduces construction technique for protection of bare reinforcement bars in suspended-extended projects , laying special stress on sealed reinforcement protection method , low strength concrete protection method , anticorrosive mortar protection method and corrosion inhibit or protection method .

  20. 基于标号场的光流法二维运动估计

    Two-dimension motion estimation based on labeling field and optical flow field

  21. 一种有效的结点标号上下文无关图文法分析算法

    An efficient parsing algorithm on node label context free graph grammar

  22. 三相变压器联接组标号的简易确定法

    Method of Deciding Label of Connecting Group of Three-phase Transformers