
  • 网络Standard Name;canonical name
  1. 在WEB-INF目录中创建名为geronimo-web.xml(这是GeronimoWeb部署计划的标准名称)的新文件。

    Create a new file in the WEB-INF directory called geronimo-web . xml ( this is the standard name for Geronimo Web deployment plans ) .

  2. 您甚至可以在属性文件里保存这些JNDI上下文属性(标准名称为jndi.properties)。然后,不用再对代码做任何的变动就可以修改这些属性了。

    You can even store these JNDI context properties in a properties file ( the standard name is jndi . properties ) and then modify them without having to change ( and recompile and re-JAR ) any code at all .

  3. 由于无法更改托管默认文件夹的foldername参数,因此用户将始终看到标准名称。

    The foldername parameter of managed default folders cannot be changed , so the user always sees the standard name .

  4. 2002年批准发布的工程建设标准名称及实施日期

    The Names and Implementation Dates of Engineering Construction Standards Issued and Approved in 2002

  5. 不要使用以下名称,因为它们与标准名称冲突。

    Do not use the following names , as they will conflict with standard names .

  6. 介绍粘度测量的一般思路,列举出测量粘度的标准名称,简要叙述了高分子溶液特性粘数的获得方法。

    Introduce the general procedure and standard of viscosity measurement , the method of obtaining the intrinsic viscosity of macromolecular solution .

  7. 从2009年以来,国家海洋局就着手对中国所有岛屿,包括钓鱼岛,进行一次普测,并准备于2012年3月公布它们标准名称和位置。

    Since 2009 , the SOA carried out a general survey of all Chinese islands , including the Diaoyu Islands , and announced their standard names and locations in March , 2012 .

  8. 其中,GB/T3098.2-2000在标准名称、适用范围、标记制度、机械性能、保证载荷、试验方法以及标志等方面存在程度不同的修改。

    GB / T 3098.2-2000 exist modify of level not alike in standard name , scope of application , mark system , mechanical properties , pledge load , trial method , sign and so on terms .

  9. 凝析油芳构化产品的研究通过此项工作规范了产品名称和标准名称,提高和统一了同类产品标准的技术要求,优化和统一了标准的实验方法,维护了油田的经济利益。

    Through this work , they standardize the product names , raise and regulate the technology requirement for the same products , optimize and unify the standardized experiment method and protect the economic interest of the oil field .

  10. 前缀是标准XML名称。

    The prefix is a standard XML name .

  11. 相比之下,由于不考虑使用非标准的名称空间扩展以及已实现的不一致的名称空间扩展,RSS只能处理普通文本和不严格的HTML内容。

    In contrast , without resorting to the use of non-standardized and inconsistently implemented namespace extensions , RSS is capable only of handling plain text and escaped HTML content .

  12. 这是JAR文件的签名文件,它内部的信息根据RFC822标准以名称值对的形式显示。

    This is the signature file for the JAR file , in which information is represented as name-value pairs followed the RFC822 standard .

  13. 出于对更改范围的强调和其他原因,这个后续标准的名称更改成了JAX-WS2.0。

    Partially to emphasize the extent of the changes , the name of the successor standard was changed to JAX-WS2.0 .

  14. 品牌商品是具有标准商标名称的商品。

    Branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name .

  15. 措辞有环境相依性必须被加入到有环境相依性的标准程式名称中。

    The phrase with Environmental Dependencies shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that have environmental dependencies .

  16. 第二节在第一节建议的基础上,对图形用户界面申请外观设计专利的审查标准如名称、图面、简要说明提出了具体建议。

    Then there are some suggestions about the name , drawings and descriptions of the GUI and ICON design patent application in Section II .

  17. 针对光谱标准样品名称术语上存在的混乱现状,提出了作者的观点和建议。

    Authors ′ viewpoint and suggestions for correction of the confusion in naming or terminology of various kinds of reference materials used in instrumental analysis of spectrometry were proposed .

  18. 措辞需要部分核心延伸词集必须被加入到需要系统提供部分核心延伸词集的标准程式名称中。

    The phrase Requiring name ( s ) from the Core Extensions word set shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that require the system to provide portions of the Core Extensions word set .

  19. 标准化队列名称中的节点和节点分隔符。

    Standardize on nodes and node separators in queue names .

  20. 选择此项以标准化内部名称或命名约定。

    Select this option to standardize an internal name or naming convention .

  21. 本文使用一个标准化部件名称的示例,使用一家制造公司的部件名称子程序。

    This article uses an example of standardizing part names using the part name subroutine for a manufacturing company .

  22. 该特性使您能够避免使用标准来处理名称空间,允许您编写更高效的代码。

    They enable you to avoid using naming standards to handle namespacing , allowing you to write more efficient code .

  23. 数据录入:为确保所收录病例的可信性,本文搜集了从宋、元、明、清、近代、现代的名医医案一万余例,证型按国家标准证型名称做了统一规范。

    Data inputting : In order to make sure the authenticity of the cases , we collect about ten thousands of the cases treated by TCM from the famous doctors ' books from Song , Yuan , Ming , Qing dynasty to modern times .

  24. “输入用于分类的特定标准或系统的名称。”

    " Enter the name of the specific standard or system used for classification . "

  25. 当名字的长度受到限制时,命名标准就会为简化名称而被使用。

    Even when severe constraints on the length of names , naming standards were used for simplification reasons .

  26. 生成动态快照作业的名称时,您可以截断标准快照作业的名称。

    When generating the name of the dynamic snapshot job , you may truncate the name of the standard snapshot job .

  27. 只有起亚的标志、商标符号、商标标准字和经销商名称标志才能放在建筑物的主要正面。

    Only the Kia signature , brand mark , logotype and the dealer name signs can be placed on the primary elevation of the building .

  28. 标签可以基于任何标准,例如工作名称、用户是否是管理人员或者用户是否属于某个特定的部门。

    Labels can be based on any criteria , such as a job title , whether the user is a manager or not , or whether the user belongs to a specific department .

  29. 为了和C语言标准兼容,所有非标准的名称都已下划线开头。

    In order to be compliant with the requirements of the C language standard , all non-standard names start from the underscore symbol .