
yè jiǎo
  • page footer
  1. 页脚包含用户ID和发票生成的日期/时间。

    The page footer contains the user 's user ID and the date / time when the invoice was prepared .

  2. 如果选择此选项,则在第一页上显示页脚。

    Choose this option to show the page footer on the first page .

  3. 页面模式可以显示页眉、页脚、脚注和页码。

    Page Mode shows headers , footers , footnotes and page numbers .

  4. 为web页创建共享的页眉、页脚或边框。

    Creates shared headers , footers , or borders for your web pages .

  5. 在WORD中页眉和页脚的设置技巧与实现

    Setup and implement the header and footer of document in the word

  6. Word域在页眉页脚中的应用

    Application of Word Field in Setting Page Header and Footer

  7. 清单4提供了page元素中包含的页眉和页脚工具栏的示例。

    Listing 4 provides an example of both header and footer toolbars included within a page element .

  8. 要在页眉或页脚文本框中另起一行,请按enter。

    To start a new line in a header or footer text box , press enter .

  9. 您现在应注意到在页脚打印出了实例ID。

    You should now notice the instance ID printed out in the footer .

  10. 在基于Web的应用程序中,可重用组件的常见格式是页眉、页脚、导航栏等。

    Some of the common forms of reusable components in a Web-based application are Header , footer , Navigational bar , and so on .

  11. footer和number类将会用于页脚单元格的元素。

    The footer and number classes will be used for the element of the footer cell .

  12. 要加入页脚的url。

    URL of footer to include .

  13. 然后它通过包装这个文件列表的HTML头部和页脚从而产生了一个HTML文件。

    Then it generates an HTML file by an wrapping HTML header and footer around the list file .

  14. 在删除分组级别时,如果组页眉或组页脚中有分组字段,则access将把该字段移到报表的“主体”节中。

    When you delete a grouping level , if the grouping field was in the group header or footer , access moves it to the report 's detail section .

  15. 本文利用插入Word域的方法,解决了在文档的不同部分设置不同的页眉和页脚的问题。

    This paper mainly solves the problem of how to set different page headers and page footers in different parts of the document by inserting the word field .

  16. 可以定制页脚JSP,如增加或删除条目,修改布局,或者修改页脚样式等。

    The footer JSP can be customized to add or remove entries , change the layout , or modify footer styles .

  17. 我们将那个单一的HTML文件分割成小段,然后将标准的IBM页眉和页脚添加到每个小段中。

    We then took that single HTML file , broke it into small pieces , and added the standard IBM header and footer to each small piece .

  18. 默认的头部(header)包含文件名和文件创建日期和时间,以及一个页号和两行空白页脚。

    The default header includes the filename and file creation date and time , along with a page number and two lines of blank footer .

  19. footer标签将所包含的元素内容标记为文档的页脚。

    The footer tag marks the contained content of the element as the footer of the document .

  20. 对于CustomizeMeNow所有以前的版本,在页头和页脚的导航可能在实际中并不存在。

    As with all previous versions of Customize Me Now , the navigation in the header and footer would probably not exist in the real world .

  21. 教程的页眉和页脚是由样板生成的,并且面板主体中的大多数标记实际上等同于它们的HTML对应标记。

    The header and footer of the tutorial are generated by boilerplate , and most of the tags in the body of the panel are virtually identical to their HTML counterparts .

  22. 此步骤十分必要,因为Ajax响应通常需要忽略原本充当页面主要内容的页头、页脚和其他外部元素。

    This step is necessary because Ajax responses usually need to omit headers , footers , and other extraneous elements that are ordinarily served with the page 's main content .

  23. 用户可以选择以检视原始的RFC文件,或者隐匿,每一页的页眉和页脚。

    Users can select to view original RFC document , or to hide each page 's header and footer .

  24. 可以将XFDL文件本身包括在JSP页面内以便保留导航按钮、页眉和页脚。

    You can include the XFDL file itself in the JSP page to maintain your navigation buttons , header , and footer .

  25. 您还可以使用FooterTemplate来告诉Template列在页脚中以不同的方式显示该列。

    You can also tell the Template column to display this column differently in the footer by using a FooterTemplate .

  26. 所以如果您已经具有整个站点的页脚,或一个通用的徽标,或所有页面使用的CSS样式表,这些都是全局资源。

    So if you 've got footers for your entire site , or a common logo , or maybe a CSS stylesheet that all your pages use , those are global resources .

  27. GridView的默认属性是隐藏的页眉和页脚时没有行被绑定到它。

    The default property of the GridView is to hide the header and footer when no rows are bound to it .

  28. 例如,清单2显示了如何使用div标签创建一个只包含页眉、内容区域和页脚的简单页面。

    For example , Listing 2 shows how you can use div tags to create a simple page with a header , content area , and footer .

  29. 现在您已经创建了一个原始标题的合理副本,您也需要重写Footer方法,以便于您生成页脚。

    Now that you 've created a reasonable facsimile of the original header , you also need to override the Footer method so you can generate the footer .

  30. 主题页脚位于主题页面的底部,它在LotusQuickr位置、位置目录或位置管理页面上的所有页面都是通用的。

    Theme footer , which is the section at the bottom of the theme page , is common across all pages in a Lotus Quickr place , places catalog , or places administration page .