
  • 网络news outlook;news viewpoint
  1. 最终提出网络财经媒体的发展趋势:向大财经新闻观转变、更加注重与读者互动,应依据其自身的特点和优势,准确定位,使受众获得更多的使用价值。

    Finally put forward the development of the financial media network trends : the " big financial " news outlook changes , greater emphasis on interaction with our readers , should be based on its own characteristics and advantages , accurate positioning , so audience to get more value .

  2. 对马克思主义新闻观当代价值所在及新闻事业的未来朝向和趋势给予描绘。

    On the contemporary value of Marxist news outlook of Marx and the future of Journalism and the trend towards depicting .

  3. 最后,重点分析了马克思主义新闻观的当代价值,指明马克思主义新闻观对推进中国新闻事业全面发展的重要作用。

    Finally , selective analysis the contemporary value of the Marxist view of journalism .

  4. 第三部分系统论述了三位女记者的新闻观。

    The third part is to research the news concept of the three women journalists .

  5. 动态真实的理念是对传统新闻观的纠偏。

    The idea of dynamic reality is an improvement of some of the traditional news concepts .

  6. 由于历史原因,马克思的党报思想一直是马克思主义新闻观中的重要内容。

    Owning to history , Marxism Party newspaper thoughts has been the important points of Marxism journalistic views .

  7. 马克思主义新闻观的形成不是一蹴而就的,它是一代代的马克思主义者新闻思想的闪光,通过我国多年来的新闻宣传实践,马克思主义新闻观的正确性不断得到验证。

    The correctness of Marxist view of journalism is constantly verified by the practice of news propaganda for many years .

  8. 与时俱进,不断创新是马克思主义新闻观形成和发展过程的一个显著的特点。

    Advancing with the times , constant innovation is the Marx doctrine press concept formation and development process of a notable feature .

  9. 马克思主义新闻观是马克思主义理论在新闻学领域中的具体体现,是伴随着无产阶级新闻事业而产生和发展的。

    Marxism news view is the concrete reflection of Marxism in the field of journalism . Marx is the creator of Marxism news theory .

  10. 从与时俱进的观察视角,则认为马克思关于报纸是工人必要生活资料的观点,应该提升到马克思主义新闻观的基本观点的层面来认识;

    Marx ' point that the press is a necessary means of life of the workers should be understood as the basic viewpoint of Marxist journalism in our time .

  11. 第五章所要探讨的是马克思主义新闻观的当代价值。

    In third , the fourth chapter is to explore the contemporary journalism characteristic and the existence question and the contemporary value of the view of the Marx doctrine news .

  12. 第二、三、四章是马克思主义新闻观的历史演进,从马克思、恩格斯、列宁再到中国几代领导人对马克思新闻观的发展研究。

    The second chapter is the Marx doctrine view of journalism history , from Marx , Engels , Lenin and Chinese leaders of several generations of Marx news view development research .

  13. 迄今对马克思主义新闻观的学习形成一项日常的、有规模的工作,对于马克思主义新闻观内容的认识也是与时俱进的。

    Up to now , studying Marxism journalistic views has been a daily and scale work . Concerning the understanding about Marxism journalistic views , we also keep up with the times .

  14. 因此,应深入开展马克思主义新闻观教育,努力提高新闻队伍的政治素养;

    Therefore , the following measures should be taken : 1 . The education of Marxist views of journalism should be intensified so as to improve the political quality of the ranks of journalists .

  15. 马克思主义新闻观主要包括:喉舌观、党性观、真实观、功能观和自由观。

    Marxist views of journalism mainly include the view of " throat and tongue ", the view of the Party spirit , the view of truth , the view of function and the view of freedom .

  16. 当前,市场经济条件下社会风气的负面影响、西方资产阶级新闻观和现存的监督约束机制的乏力还影响着新闻队伍的形象建设。

    At present , the image building of journalists is affected by the negative influence of social morality under the conditions of market economy , the Western bourgeois views of journalism and the weak mechanism of supervision and restriction .

  17. 本文从四个方面介绍马克思主义新闻观的主要内容,即:人民报刊思想、新闻出版自由观、新闻报道的真实性和无产阶级党报思想。

    This thesis describes four main contents of Marxist view of journalism , that is : the people of the press thought 、 freedom of the press view 、 the authenticity of news reports and the proletarian party newspaper ideas .

  18. 正因如此本文力图对《国闻周报》所展现的历史进行研究,以《国闻周报》自身的变化,以及胡政之与社会方方面面的关系来展示这期间胡政之新闻观的发展。

    This is why this attempt on the " GuowenZhoubao " exhibited by the study of history to the " GuowenZhoubao " itself changes , and Hu affairs and social aspects of the relationship to show that during Hu affairs news View development .

  19. 本文提出了按马克思主义的新闻观加强新闻极道的指导性和针对性,进而营造出良好的舆论氛围,使之在新的形势下,对优化学校的育人环境发挥更加积极的作用。

    This paper proposes that it should strengthen the guidance and aim of news report in accordance with Marxism news viewpoints , construct a good opinion atmosphere and make it play more active role in optimizing the university 's cultivation environment under the new situation .

  20. 马克思主义新闻观有利于统领新闻工作的指导思想、有利于明确新时期的新闻报道方针、有利于明确在和谐社会建设中的媒体作用、有利于进一步加强新闻工作者的素质建设。

    Marxist concept of journalism is conducive to guide the guiding ideology is conducive to a clear policy of the new era news reports , is useful in building a harmonious society in the role of the media and journalists help to further strengthen the quality of construction .

  21. 重新审视西方传统新闻价值观

    A Reconsideration of the Concept of Traditional News Value in the West

  22. 论浅阅读时代我国大众新闻审美观的嬗变

    Aesthetics Evolution of the Public in the Times of Skim-Reading

  23. 用科学发展观观照新闻价值观

    Using Scientific Development View to Take Values of the News into Consideration

  24. 试论网络时代新闻价值观的新走向

    News Values : New Tendency in the Age of Network

  25. 传媒批判理论的新闻传播观

    Critical Media Theory and its Views on News Transmission

  26. 简论我国新闻人才观的变迁

    The Changes of News Talents ' Concept in China

  27. 新闻伦理观的分歧来自于伦理学本身的分歧。

    The divergences of news ethic view derive from the differences of ethnics itself .

  28. 这关乎大众媒体的社会责任与历史使命,也是建构媒体主流新闻价值观的必然要求。

    And it is also an inevitable requirement to construct the mainstream values of mass media .

  29. 一个民族、一个历史时期的政治文化对其新闻价值观的影响是必然的。

    Effect of a historical period of the political culture and a nation is inevitable for the value of the news .

  30. 不同的新闻伦理观直接影响着记者在新闻活动中行为的选择,而这种行为选择又会得到不同的道德评价。

    Different new ethics affect the reporter 's behavior choices directly , while the reporter ' behavior choices can receive different ethic evaluation .