
  • translator;English Translation;English Translator
  1. ESP理论视角下的英语翻译教学发展趋向

    The Development Tendency of English Translation Teaching under the Perspective of ESP

  2. 文化差异对法律及经贸英语翻译的影响

    Impact of the Cultural Difference on Legal & Commercial English Translation

  3. 我们雇用她作英语翻译。

    We employ her as an English interpreter .

  4. PaulWarambo解释了“性交”这个单词通常是如何从英语翻译成斯瓦希里语。

    Paul Warambo explains how the term " sexual intercourse " is commonly translated from English into Ki'Swahili .

  5. 单词“dram”用英语翻译是“钱”与古希腊的硬币名称是同词源的。

    The word " dram " translates into English as " money ", and is cognate with the Greek drachma .

  6. 本文旨在介绍西方英语翻译语料库(简称TEC),分析以语料库为基础的研究方法如何被用作研究翻译理论的工具。

    This paper aims to introduce western Translational English Corpus ( Shortened as TEC ) and analyse how a corpus-based approach can be applied to the translation studies .

  7. 科技英语翻译:大学生的必修课

    Translation for Sci-tech Literature : a Required Course for College Students

  8. 渗入与透出:国际商务英语翻译过程之浅见

    Permeating and Interpreting : On Translating Process in International Business English

  9. 浅谈电力专业英语翻译

    A Tentative Discussion on Translation of Specialty English for Electric Power

  10. 今天好冷。/今天冷风飕飕。英语翻译机。

    It 's cold today . / It 's chilly today .

  11. 浅谈企业科技英语翻译

    Talking About the Translation of Scientific and Technological English in Enterprises

  12. 科技英语翻译中汉语成语的审美功能

    Aesthetic Function of Chinese Idioms in Translation of English Sci-tech Documents

  13. 关于大学英语翻译选修课教学的思考

    On the Teaching of the Selective Translation Course for Non-English-Major Students

  14. 浅谈商贸英语翻译教学

    A Brief Discussion of Translation Teaching in Business and Trade English

  15. 大学英语翻译教学与学生语用能力提高研究

    Pedagogical Translation of College English and Cultivating Students ' Pragmatic Competence

  16. 英语翻译不必附在书中。

    The English translation needn 't be built into the book .

  17. 略论格语法在科技英语翻译中的运用

    On the application of case grammar to the translation of EST

  18. 高职英语翻译教学存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of English Translation Teaching in Higher Vocational College

  19. 影响法律英语翻译的因素

    On the Factors that Influence the Translation of Legal English

  20. 广告英语翻译中的修辞运用及美感功效

    The Use of Rhetoric and Aesthetical Effect in Translating English Advertising Slogans

  21. 浅谈科技英语翻译的几个问题

    Brief Review on a Few Problems of Science and Technology English Translation

  22. 其二是视点转换理论,这同样为科技英语翻译奠定了理论基础。

    The second one is the theory of the shift of perspective .

  23. 武术谚语英语翻译的技巧与原则

    The Skills and Rules in the Translation of Wushu Proverbs

  24. 民航飞行员英语翻译的特点和技巧

    Characteristics and Techniques of the CA Pilot English oral Interpretation

  25. 简论农科专业英语翻译教学中若干应予重视的问题

    A few problems on translation during English teaching concerning agriculture

  26. 科技英语翻译中的语段等级

    The Rank of Language Section in the Translation of Science and Technology

  27. 浅谈商务合同英语翻译的准确性

    Brief Discussion of the Exactitude of the English Translation of Business Contract

  28. 浅议英语翻译中的理解与表达能力的提高

    Discussion on the Improvement of Comprehensive and Expression Ability of English Translation

  29. 技能描述:国际贸易、英语翻译、销售。

    International trade affairs , translation or interpretation , sale .

  30. 翻译补偿研究在英语翻译教学中的应用

    The Study of Translation Compensation and Its Application in English Translation Teaching