
  • 网络library history
  1. 但在相当长的时间里被图书馆史研究者们误读或忽略。

    But the fact has been read by mistake by the library history researchers or even be neglected quite long time .

  2. 从而为我省现代图书馆事业发展提供有益借鉴,并丰富安徽近代图书馆史内容,促进图书馆史研究的发展。

    Thus this paper will provide useful references for Anhui modern library career development , and enrich the content of modern library history of Anhui province , thereby promote the development of the research on library history .

  3. 世界近现代图书馆史述略(1850年至今)

    The Outline of Modern Libraries History in the World ( from 1850 - )

  4. 《中国图书和图书馆史》简帛部分辨析

    Discrimination on " Bamboo and Silk Documents Section " of the Book History of Chinese Books and Libraries

  5. 近十年来中国图书馆事业史研究述评

    The decade comes to the Chinese library business history research to say

  6. 造纸术和印刷术是图书馆发展史上的第一次飞跃;

    Techniques of papar-making and printing were the first leap in library development .

  7. 议图书馆学史研究

    On History of Library Science Research

  8. 建国以来晚清图书馆学术史研究综述

    A bibliometric study of the research of Chinese librarianship history in Late Qing Dynasty since 1950s

  9. 【中英文摘要】图书馆学史证明,协变性是图书馆学发展的根本规律。

    Covariance is the ultimate law of library science development which has been proved by library science history .

  10. 研究结果表明:半个多世纪以来,晚清图书馆学术史研究一直不是中国图书馆学研究的重点,核心作者较少,研究成果较少。

    The findings show that the research of Chinese librarianship history in Late Qing Dynasty has not been one of the core subjects of Chinese librarianship research for more than half a century because of a few researcher and academic achievements in this field .

  11. 重视图书馆学学术史研究

    Focus on the Academic History of Library Science

  12. 中国图书馆百年史中的三次思想启蒙

    On Three Times of Thought Enlightenment in the Chinese Library History of a Hundred Years

  13. 百年图书馆学发展史上出现过三次发展高潮,前后约计40余年。

    Abstract There are three climaxes of Chinese library science during its nearly 100 years ′ development , lasting about more than 40 years .

  14. 通过对世界图书馆事业发展史的研究,可以看出国外对图书馆法律的研究和实践起步很早,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,都纷纷出台有利于本国图书馆事业发展的法律法规。

    Through the history of the World Research Library , the library can be seen abroad , study and practice of the law started early , whether developed or developing countries , have introduced a national library development in favor of laws and regulations .

  15. 通过对秦皇岛外国语职业学院图书馆文献借阅史的分析,论述了影响文献借阅史的因素以及文献借阅史对图书馆管理包括文献资源建设、读者服务、馆员管理等方面的作用。

    By analyzing checkout statistics in Qin Huang Dao Foreign Language Professional College library , author argues the factors , which affect the checkout statistics and the roles of checkout statistics to the way of library management including collection development , reader service , librarian management etc.

  16. 图书馆里有法兰西史文献汇编。

    Documentary history of France is available in the library .

  17. 从古代藏书楼到近代图书馆是中国图书馆史上一次重大的变革,探索它的发展过程,研究其嬗变原因多年来一直成为史学家、图书馆学家们研究的重要课题。

    It is a great transformation in the history of Chinese library from ancient lofts for collecting books to modern library . Seeking after its developing course changing reasons have become the important task for historians and librarians .

  18. 早期安源的工人图书馆是中国革命图书馆史的一个重要部分。

    The early workers'library of Anyuan played an important role in the history of the libraries for Chinese revolution .

  19. 数字图书馆的产生是图书馆发展史上的里程碑,数字图书馆具有信息资源丰富,系统管理可靠和信息资源数字化、传递网络化和远程化,以及信息服务现代化和全球化特点。

    The creation of digital library shaped a milestone in the history of library development . A digital library is featured with richness of information resources , reliability of system management , digitalization of information resources , network-based remote transmission , and modernization and globalization of information service .

  20. 个人数字图书馆的出现与发展,在图书馆事业发展史上和图书馆事业研究领域具有重要的创新意义。

    The forming and development of private digital library are of important innovative significance in the development and study of library .

  21. 口述历史逐渐成为图书馆和档案馆馆藏的重要部分,国家图书馆收藏口述史资料既是对口述史工作的推动,也为国家图书馆履行保存和传播中华文化的职责补充重要的资源。

    In global , oral history materials have been an important part of the collection of library , which will push the study of oral history , and also fulfil its responsibility of preservation and spread of chinese culture .

  22. 将图书馆视为一个生长着的有机体可以说是图书馆思想史上的一次飞跃,这一思想蕴含着哲学的智慧。

    Making library as a growing organism can be said that a leap in the history of ideas library , which contains the wisdom of philosophy .

  23. 从弘扬公共图书馆精神到掀起21世纪新图书馆运动,这是中国图书馆学思想史上和中国图书馆事业建设与发展史上的一个意义深远的飞跃。

    From expand the public library spirit to arrive to bring about the new library movement of 21st century , this is a meaning leap in the history of thought of the Chinese library science and the history of construction and development of the Chinese librarianship .

  24. 常熟私家藏书及其学术活动,对中国近现代图书馆、图书馆学的发展,对目录学、藏书学及图书刊刻流布,都做出了重要贡献,在中国图书馆学发展史上具有重要地位。

    Private book collectors in Changshu and their academic activities have played important roles in the development of librarianship and library science in modern China , and have made great contributions to bibliography , book collection theories and book printing .