
  • 网络Photoshop;Adobe photoshop;acdsee;software
  1. 一个可编程C语言图像处理软件中跟踪调试功能的实现

    A Method of Implementing the Debugging and Tracing Techniques in the Image Processing Software Based on the C Compiler

  2. 用VB与Matlab开发动态图像处理软件的方法

    Approach to Developing Dynamic Image Processing Software Using VB and Matlab

  3. 基于VB与MATLAB的图像处理软件设计

    The Realization of Image Processing Software Based on VB and MATLAB

  4. 以上海市中心城区为例,详细阐述了阴影面积法在图像处理软件及GIS技术支撑下的实施方案。

    The shaded area method has been implemented for estimating urban FAR of Shanghai central district .

  5. 同时基于Matlab平台设计了直观的灰度图像处理软件。

    Furthermore , based on Matlab platform , a visible gray image processing software has been developed .

  6. 基于RUP的遥感图像处理软件设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Remote Sensing Image Processing Software Based on RUP

  7. 基于Visualc++开发的图像处理软件,应用计算机图像处理技术对图像进行相关处理分析。

    With the image processing software basing on Visual C + + , we use related computer image processing technologies to do some analysis . 5 .

  8. 遥感图像处理软件ENVI与GIS软件的信息转换

    Information conversion between the remote sensing image software ENVI and GIS software

  9. 本图像处理软件系统借助于高清晰度数字CCD照相机采集图像,利用计算机对所得到的图像进行处理,自动给出检测结果,并打印结果报告。

    The software system process the images got from Digital CCD camera , give the result and print the report automatically .

  10. 最后基于MATLAB平台设计了检测混凝土桥梁底面裂缝的图像处理软件,并通过了实例验证。

    Finally , based on MATLAB platform a kind of software is designed to detect bottom crack of concrete bridge and verified by examples .

  11. Photoshop对其他图形图像处理软件的支持

    Photoshop 's Supports for other Kinds of Image and Picture Processing Software

  12. 浅谈Photoshop图像处理软件的教学

    Software Shallowly Talking Teaching and Learning of the Photoshop Diagram

  13. 研究方法:应用数字高程模型(DEM)原理,结合土方量计算的方格网法,借助ERDASIMAGINE遥感图像处理软件,建立土方量计算模型。

    Methods of DEM and grid principle were employed . A model was built using ERDAS IMAGINE software .

  14. 而在此开发过程中,因缺乏过程支持或者没有依据其发展趋势和特点来形成本领域的软件开发过程,从而导致了一些GIS、遥感图像处理软件的缺陷。

    GIS software and RS image processing software have some defect because of lacking for software process support or no consideration about the trends and features of GIS software development .

  15. 在对系统架构进行了分析和设计后,利用Visualc++开发了基于X射线的图像处理软件平台。

    After analysising of the truss of the system and designing the system , the author design and implement an image-processing software system based on X-ray with visual c plus plus .

  16. 根据已得各主要部件的设计参数,利用3D图像处理软件对整机进行结构设计及优化,建立机构的虚拟样机模型。

    According to the parameters of some primary parts , a virtual sample machine mode would be founded , by structure and optimization design for whole machine through 3D image software .

  17. 提出使用数字CCD拍摄光干涉条纹,使用图像处理软件进行灰度值扫描分析光干涉条纹的方法,对不透明薄膜进行光干涉法测厚。

    Digital measurement of thickness was conducted by optical interferometry , assisted with a CCD camera to record fringes and a software package to analyze the fringes .

  18. 用图像处理软件PhotoShop进行显微测量

    Micro - Measurement by PhotoShop Software

  19. 了解关于TheGimp图像处理软件的更多信息并下载该工具。

    Learn more about and download , The Gimp image manipulation software .

  20. 简述了图像处理软件PhotoShop中的通道的概念:“颜色通道”和“Alpha通道”。

    The article briefly presents two main concepts of channel of Photoshop , " color channel " and " Alpha channel " .

  21. 本系统选用执行效率高的VC作为开发工具来设计图像处理软件,并采用VFW技术实现了对该缺陷图像的实时获取。

    An image processing system is designed by VC and the image of the imperceptible flaws is captured by VFW Technique .

  22. 利用Matlab语言和Visualc++6.0语言混合编程,完成了粒子场自动测量软件设计,开发了自动、高速提取粒子信息的图像处理软件包。

    The automatic measurement software of particle field has been completed in Matlab and Visual C + + 6.0 , and image processing software package for automatic and high-speed particle information extraction has been developed .

  23. 课件还使用了图像处理软件PhotoShop制作了大量的图片。

    Many pictures , created by use of the image-processing software PhotoShop , are also available in this courseware .

  24. 第五章研究了VC++与MATLAB混合编程用于SAR图像处理软件。

    In chapter 5 we research the steps and advantages of mixed programming between MATLAB and VC + + by MATCOM . It is used in SAR image processing and evaluating software .

  25. 遥感图像处理软件ENVI应用中的若干技巧

    Some technique in application of the remote sensing image software ENVI

  26. TrueType字体在图形图像处理软件中的应用

    TrueType font and its application to software of image processing

  27. TWAIN协议是解决图像处理软件和图像设备之间传输数据的一种实用且高效的途径。

    The TWAIN protocols is an applied and efficient method that resolve the data transmit between image software and image device .

  28. 首先在Visualc++环境下建立了基于BMP文件格式的图像处理软件环境,实现了图像的读入、显示、处理和存储功能。

    Firstly , image processing software based on BMP in Visual C + + is made , and it has the functions of reading , showing , processing and storing pictures .

  29. 目前最为流行的AdobePhotoshop图像处理软件,为工程标书中复杂图像的处理提供了方便。

    At present , the most prevailing picture processing software is Adobe Photoshop , which facilitates the processing of complex picture in tender .

  30. 提出了一些图像处理软件开发需要改进的问题,通过对COM技术的分析研究,通过实验得出了解决这些问题的途径,并给出了一套通用的软件开发方案。

    This paper presents some necessary to be improved problems about test software , with the analysis and research on COM , gets the approach to solve the problems and design a general project .