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  • Graph line;lines in a drawing/etc.
  1. AutoCAD中快速改变图线宽度的方法

    Technigues of Changing the Width of the Graphic Line Rapidly in AutoCAD

  2. Word文档中插入AutoCAD图形后避免图线打印过细的几种方法

    Several Methods for Avoiding Drawing Lines Were Printed Too Thin after AutoCAD Graphics Were Inserted in Word Documents

  3. 在解决热力学有关问题时,△U、A、Q的正负号往往容易搞错,正确利用图线判别法,可使问题变得简便、明了。

    When solving the problems of thermodynamics , we are easily confused by the plus sign and the minus sign of △ U , A and Q. If one can use the method of chart differentiating , the above will be simple and clear .

  4. 然而,把这个区域放大,我们发现图线变得可解,在磁场扫描率的精度为10-4G/s的量级上,遂穿率随扫描率的变化图变成有规律的类周期结构。

    With magnifying the regime , however , we find interestedly that the plottings become resolvable under a resolution of 10-4G / s where the tunneling probability with respect to the sweeping rate shows a regular periodic-like pattern .

  5. 计及转盘陀螺效应的转子临界转速计算图线

    The Critical Speed Diagram of the Rotors Considering the Gyroscopic Effect

  6. 光电效应的数据和图线的微机处理

    Data and Figure Lines Microprocessing in Relation to Photoelectric Effect

  7. 多方过程P&V图线的特点

    Characteristics of P-V graph lines of polytropic processes

  8. 用波动和振动图线讲授平面简谐波方程

    Representing the equation of simple harmonic plane wave by graphs of wave motion ant oscillation

  9. 计算机绘制出三视图图线整理和投影关系的检查

    Reorganize for objects and Check for Projection in Three Orthographic Views which draw by Computer

  10. 关于技术制图中图线等标准的看法与建议

    Thoughts and Suggestions on the Standard of Drafting Line and so Forth in Technical Drafting

  11. 工程师通常喜欢把这些函数用图线来表示,而不愿意写成代数形式。

    Engineers usually prefer to express the function as graphs rather than in algebraic form .

  12. 机械图样中应如何实施《技术制图图线》新标准

    How to Implement New Standard " Technical Drawing , Line in Drawing " in Mechanical Draft

  13. 然后,对神经网络模型进行仿真和参数分析,绘制出相应的图线。

    Then , neural network model for simulation and parameter analysis and draw the corresponding diagram lines .

  14. 有点难看出来,但是在这里图线是上扬的。

    Well , it 's a little hard to see , but things tend to take off .

  15. 详细说明了卸箱机的运动建模过程,并给出相应的运动图线。

    Kinematical modeling for the machine is described in detail and motion graph is given in this paper .

  16. 看到一个比较顺畅的图线,让我觉得比较舒服,而且我们取得了合适的答案。

    Seeing a relatively smooth trend makes me feel somewhat comfortable that we 're actually getting an appropriate answer .

  17. 在进行大量计算后得到了可供实际使用的各型转子临界转速计算图线。

    After a great quantity of calculations the critical speed diagrams are obtained , which can be used in practice .

  18. 经数值计算得到一组圆柱形简单梁的共振响应图线族。

    Using these curves with some simple calculations , the amplitude of the resonant response of a circular cylinder vibrating can be .

  19. 你知道如果像上次一样,图线又上又下的话,我们会说,天呐,没有规律。

    You know , if it had been bouncing up and down as we went , then we 'd say , jeez , no trend here .

  20. 现有的三维电视(至少,那些不需要戴三维眼镜的那种)通过在屏幕上现实交替图线。

    Existing3DTV ( at least , the sort that does not need glasses ) creates the separate images by showing them as alternating lines across the screen .

  21. 文中还提出了压气机叶栅在高亚音速、跨音速工作条件下,修正气体压缩性影响的新的图线方法。

    In this paper , a new curvilinear method for correcting the gaseous compressible effect under higher subsonic and transonic intake condition upstream of the cascade is . presented .

  22. 如果我们在球极坐标中作?猛枷撸0得到熟知的8字形截面;再说一遍,这是图线而不是轨道形状。

    If we graph ?? in spherical polar coordinates we get surfaces with the familiar figure eight cross section ; again , these are graphs and not orbital shapes .

  23. 本文通过对斜面上滚动球体的分析,得出这种刚体运动的空间极迹和本体极迹,并对其图线进行了讨论。

    In this paper , the herpolhode and polhode os a rolling ball on an inclined plane have been obtained and discussed by analysing the motion of this ball .

  24. 它比国内外现有的图解法具有制图简单、图线规则、使用方便的优点。

    The method has the advantages , over the graphic methods available at home or abroad , of simplicity in drawing , regularity of lines drawn and convenience in use .

  25. 本文分析了平面曲柄摇杆机构工作行程的最佳传力条件,给出了优化工作行程最小传动角γWmin的设计公式和图线。

    This paper analyses the optimun transmission force conditions of planar crank-rocker mechanisms over working stroke , and gives the design equations and diagram of optimizing mininum transmisson angle over working stroke .

  26. 合金相图是应用图解的方法,表示合金的成分、平衡相状态及外界条件(温度、压力等)之间关系的图线。

    Using the graphic method , a alloy phase diagram describes the relationship among alloy composition , the state of balance phase and external conditions ( temperature 、 pressure and so on ) .

  27. 使用本设备制成的刷漏板可以在布料上留下高精度且非常清晰的排料图线,还可以快捷精确地制出衣片样板。

    The bushing plate which is made up by the apparatus can leave a layout line with high precision and clearness on the cloth and can also make garment piece template rapidly and exactly .

  28. 该算法能在构成三视图的各种图线组合中,自动选择出能简化三维重建难度的正交分解面,并用其不断地对三视图进行递归分解。

    On the algorithm , orthographic faces with which orthographic views can be broken without increasing element of views are automatically selected from element of the views , so 3D reconstruction can be simplified by using recurrently this way .

  29. 本文结合工程图线划构成特点提出了如何在保持细节信息的基础上滤除噪声的方法;任用数学形态学方法设计了一种简单的文字过滤器,以过滤不同角度走向的文字;

    The paper puts forward a noise filtering method while maintaining the detail information based on characteristics of engineering drawing and designs a simple character filter for the filtering of character of different strikes based on the mathematic morphology theory .

  30. 本文给出了刚性转向架模型的修正方法,给出了典型工况的计算结果图线及拟合公式,进而对不同的轨道参数对钢轨侧磨的影响进行了分析。

    This paper makes an improvement upon the rigid bogie model of the Creep Center Method , gives the calculated curves and the fitted formulas for the typical curving behaviors , analyses the influences of track geometry parameters on rail gage wear .