
  • 网络graphics algorithm;GRECO
  1. 基于Visualc.NET的刺绣CAD图形算法测试系统

    Embroidery CAD Graphics Algorithm Test System based on Visual C # . NET

  2. 一个适合图形算法硬化的通用硬件设计

    A general-purpose hardware implementation of graphics algorithm

  3. COM技术在基于图形算法的GIS开发中的应用

    Application of COM Technology in GIS Development Based on Graphic Algorithm

  4. 用VB实现电脑画尺及其衍生图形算法

    Using VB to Realize Computer Ruler and Its Derived Graph Algorithm

  5. 本文以图形算法为例来说明了COM技术在GIS开发中的应用。

    The graphic algorithm is illustrated to explain the application of COM in GIS development .

  6. 离散平面Voronoi图的光栅图形算法

    The Raster Graphic Algorithm of the Voronoi Diagram in Discrete Plane

  7. 该算法不同于传统的计算机图形算法,由于进化机制的引入,进化程序将生命的气息引入图形软件设计,从而有可能开拓计算机艺术(computerart)的新领域。

    Unlike the traditional computer graphics 's algorithms , the evolutional algorithms may extend the field of computer art by means of evolving mechanism , and it has a good prospects for application .

  8. 本文主要论述了在基于LCD的中间件开发中的核心问题之一,那就是基于LCD模块的图形算法的实现。

    This composition is based on the LCD middle development problem which is based on the realization of the figure calculation .

  9. 为快速预估飞行器类复杂目标雷达截面,从RCS图形算法计算公式出发,总结提出了针对该算法的3个加速技巧。

    Three accelerating techniques are summarized to the method of graphical electromagnetic computing ( GRECO ) from the corresponding formula for fast radar cross section evaluation of aircraft-like complex objects .

  10. 此外,Neo4j还提供了非常快的图形算法、推荐系统和OLAP风格的分析,而这一切在目前的RDBMS系统中都是无法实现的。

    This gives secondary effects like very fast graph algos , recommender systems and OLAP-style analytics that are currently not possible with normal RDBMS setups .

  11. EFIS是典型的嵌入式系统,在其上进行真实感三维处理,必须在有限的系统资源和复杂的图形算法之间进行折衷。

    EFIS systems are typically implemented on embedded system , and to realize three-dimen-sional terrain on it , careful tradeoff must be made between the limited system resource and complex graphic algorithms .

  12. 基于数学矩阵、矩阵光学和光学折射定律等理论对AOD激光扫描加工图形算法进行了推导计算,在此基础上建立了DEA控制模型。

    It made the laser scanning geometry to be distorted . The geometry algorithm was deduced and obtained based on mathematics matrix , optical matrix and refraction law of light . The DEA ( DualEnds Approach ) control model was founded based on the geometry algorithm .

  13. 复动力系统生成分形图形算法研究

    On the Algorithm of Fractal Image form Complex Dynamic System

  14. 首先要掌握一些基础的图形算法。

    Firstly there are the fundamental graphic algorithms to grasp .

  15. 利用改进的主图形算法提取指纹骨架

    Fingerprint skeletonization extraction based on improved principal graph algorithm

  16. 本文提出一种数字系统故障模拟的新算法&图形算法。

    A new graph algorithm for fault simulation in digital systems is presented .

  17. 数字系统故障模拟的图形算法

    Graph Algorithm for Fault Simulation in Digital Systems

  18. 尝试使用主曲线代替指纹细化图,并对主曲线的主图形算法进行了较大改进,使其能够得到更好的指纹骨架。

    And the principal graph algorithm was developed to get a better skeletonization of fingerprint .

  19. 六角网格单色显示器及图形算法研究

    Hexagonal Grid Display and Algorithms for Graphics

  20. 图形算法的第一步是把数字系统转换为一种特殊图形&条件有向图。

    The first step in the graph algorithm is to transform a digital system into a special kind of graph named conditional digraph .

  21. 具体应用到工程领域,又会涉及图形算法、软硬件设计、系统设计和人机交互算法等课题。

    When we apply it for business and application system development , more fields will be involved such as architecture design and algorithm design .

  22. 真实感实时绘制是在当前图形算法和硬件条件限制下提出的在一定时间内完成真实感绘制的技术。

    Realistic real-time rendering is a technique which accomplishes realistic rendering in a definite period of time under the constraint of current hardware and graphic algorithms .

  23. 使用布尔函数图论分析稳态酶动力学过程,并提供一种简易图形算法。

    The Boolean function graphic analysis has been applied to the analysis of processes of Steady-State enzyme kinetics and a set of simple graphic methods has been presented .

  24. 先介绍图形算法中常用的数学理论基础:矩阵变换,三维向量代数,四元数基础,随后介绍了图形硬件和图形应用编程接口的发展,并从应用角度分析了图形软硬件的发展趋势。

    Firstly , the math theory used in the engine was described . For example , Matrix Transform , 3D Vector , Quaternion , secondly , introduced the development of Graphics Card and Programming API nowadays and their evolutions .

  25. 研究图形算法构造,加上一些绘画和色彩学等知识,创造出一幅幅奇妙而精美的图形,已成为数字时代应运而生的一门独立的艺术流派&分形艺术。

    The study of graphic algorithm construction , painting , color and so on , and then creating some beautiful graphics , is become a separated art sect which is called fractal art produced with the coming digital era .

  26. 就我们所知,已有的一些模糊逻辑函数分解方法都只能适用于某些特珠类型的函数,本文,在参考考资料的基础上,提出了一种分解模糊逻辑函数的图形算法。

    So far as we know , the algorithms for decomposing fuzzy logic functions are only at the level of treating certain particular patterns , Based upon the algorithm in [ 1 ] , a graphic algorithm for decomposing fuzzy logic functions is given in this paper .

  27. 专业图形运算算法研究是CAD技术研究的难点。

    Graph algorithm studying is a key for CAD system developing .

  28. 工程CAD系统中的实时图形处理算法和技术

    Real-time graphic processing algorithm and technology in engineering CAD system

  29. PC环境下三维图形重构算法的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of 3D Graphic Reconstruction Algorithm in PC Environment

  30. ICCAD中的图形运算算法与实现

    Geometric Operation Algorithm in IC CAD and Its Implementation