
Tú sēn
  • Tucson
  1. 而这个洗手间却是又小又窄,所以我摇摇头,将这种感觉挥散。然后我又回去和朋友们会合一起回图森市。

    I shook off the feeling since the bathroom was small and cramped2 , and met back with my friends and we drove back to Tucson .

  2. 为了找到问题的根源,美国亚利桑那州图森市调暗了1.4万盏路灯,与此同时研究人员使用人造卫星来测量其影响。

    To get to the root of the problem , the city of Tucson , Arizona , dimmed its 14000 streetlights while researchers used a satellite to measure the effect .

  3. 我那两个皇家空军的朋友把这件事告诉了几个也在图森市驻扎的同事,他们在我们去墓碑市的第二天也去了那儿(因为听我朋友说了那个地方是多么的酷)。

    Eventually the two guys in the RAF talked to some of their friends who were also stationed here in Tucson and in the RAF who went down to Tombstone the day after we did . ( Due to the fact my friends gushed3 how cool it was ) .

  4. NasserPeyghambarian是图森亚利桑那大学该项目的首席研究人员。

    Nasser Peyghambarian is the lead researcher for the project at the University of Arizona in Tucson .

  5. 图森警佐FabianPacheco也指出,他所在的城市40%的警官是拉美裔人。

    Tucson police Sergeant Fabian Pacheco also notes that forty percent of officers in his city are Hispanic .

  6. 图森一些像KristinaParsons这样的教师认为,他们成为亚利桑那教育委员会的打击目标,因为他们口音很重。

    Some teachers like Kristina Parsons in Tucson , believe they are being targeted by the Arizona Department of Education , because they have accents .

  7. 研究人员在之前的一次研究中对亚利桑那州图森市(Tucson)的两组人进行了户外采访,一次是在初夏,另一次是在冬天。

    Researchers in an earlier study conducted outdoor interviews with two groups of people in Tucson , Ariz. , one in early summer and one in the winter .

  8. 该发现对传统教科书有关海马主要功能是形成新的记忆的描述提出了挑战,来自图森的亚利桑那州大学的认知神经学家LynnNadel说道。

    The findings challenge the traditional textbook view that the main job of the hippocampus is to encode new memories , says Lynn Nadel , a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson .

  9. 飞机墓地亚利桑那州,图森市外的戴维斯—蒙森空军基地,是旧飞机报废的地方,基地上停着从B-52s到隐形轰炸机等共超过4000架军用飞机。

    Airplane Graveyard The Davis-Monthan Air Force Base outside of Tuscon , Ariz. , is where old planes go to die . More than 4000 military aircraft are parked on the base , from B-52s to stealth bombers , where they are salvaged for parts and broken down for scrap .

  10. 我只是从图森搬来的帅气的整形医生。

    I 'm just a handsome plastic surgeon relocating from Tucson .

  11. 看看这个。图森,非常有意思,

    Look at that.And the funny thing about that , Tuson ,

  12. 这是一个位于亚利桑那州图森的非盈利人道主义组织。

    It 's a non-profit humanitarian organization based in Tucson , Arizona .

  13. 在图森,女性穿长裤违法。

    In Tucson , it is illegal for women to wear pants .

  14. 从图森市反观伦敦,它简直是个迷宫。

    London , unlike Tucson , is a maze .

  15. 但由于图森市的悲剧我们暂停了争吵。

    But there 's a reason the tragedy in Tucson gave us pause .

  16. 在遥远的帕图森他又重新以生命为代价救赎了自己的灵魂。

    In distant world , he rescues the soul with the price of life .

  17. 从正面来看,在图森市里走动是一件非常简单的事情;

    On the plus side , Tucson certainly is easy to get around in ;

  18. 两年前,吉福兹在图森市遭遇枪击。

    Giffords was shot point blank in the head 2 years ago in Tucson .

  19. 他也是在图森的亚利桑那大学行星地质学教授。

    He also is a professor of planetary geology at the University of Arizona in Tucson .

  20. 他们刚刚告诉我准备共用亚利桑那州图森城的公寓。

    They just told me they 're going to share a condo in tucson , arizona .

  21. 图森市方面表示,该项法律适用于被扣押或废弃的武器,而不适用于这些自愿上交的武器。

    The city said the law applies to seized or abandoned firearms , not those turned in voluntarily .

  22. 高登.爱卫是亚利桑那大学图森医学院的一名心脏科医生。

    Golden Envy is a heart doctor at the university of Arizona , college of medicine in Tucson .

  23. 一位在亚利桑那州、图森的女士把她可爱的小狗分享给一些老人院的老人。

    One lady in Tucson , Arizona , shares her lovely little dog with many elderly nursing home residents .

  24. 不仅如此,对图森市表格似的控制,并没有起到鼓励突出交流和邻里关系的重要性的作用。

    Furthermore , the constraints of Tucson 's grid do not encourage the emergence of alternative neighborhoods and communities .

  25. 我出演的那部电影是《潇洒有情天》,我们在亚利桑那州的图森拍摄的。

    The film I was on was Boys on the Side , and we 're shooting in Tucson , Arizona ,

  26. 他在图森是教授而且他经常出去考古挖掘而我,

    In Tucson , he was professor and he would go out to the field and do archeological digs and I ,

  27. 图森市举行了枪支回购活动,每件武器可以得到50美元的购物卡。

    The city of Tucson held a gun buyback , giving 50 dollars in grocery cards for every weapon turned in .

  28. 亚利桑那州甘尼特公司旗下的《图森市民报》将于本周六停刊,这样一来该市将仅存一份报纸。

    In Arizona , Gannett Co 's Tucson Citizen is set to close on Saturday , leaving one newspaper in that city .

  29. 医生彼得李承晚,创伤在图森大学医学中心的主任,代表吉福德说,他预计生存。

    Doctor Peter Rhee , trauma chief at the University Medical Center in Tucson , says he expects Representative Giffords to survive .

  30. 剩下的时间,她在位于亚利桑那州南部城市图森的家中撰写游记和饭店美食评论。

    The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson , Arizona .