
tú shū ɡuǎn ɡuǎn zhǎnɡ
  • librarian;curator;director of library
  1. 基层图书馆馆长有效领导力剖析与构建

    The Dissection and Construction of Efficient Leadership of Grass-root Curator

  2. 有效领导力对图书馆馆长绩效影响的研究

    A Research to the Influence of Effective Leadership on Curator 's Work Efficiency

  3. 他父亲是我们学校的图书馆馆长。

    His father is the librarian of our school library .

  4. 他们家里刚刚添了一口人。3.curatorn.管理者,管理人,图书馆馆长馆长带领我们在博物馆各处参观。

    The curator conducted us round the museum .

  5. 图书管理员:应该是Jenkins博士,图书馆馆长,她负责招聘事宜。

    Librarian : I guess you talk to Dr. Jenkins , the head librarian . She does the hiring .

  6. 那位读者得到图书馆馆长的欢心。

    The reader is in the cheif librarian 's good books .

  7. 高职院校图书馆馆长在图书馆公共关系中的角色定位

    Role Location of Director of Polytechnic Institute Library in Library Public Relations

  8. 他是这所大学第一位经过专业训练的图书馆馆长。

    He is the first professionally trained library director in the university .

  9. 大学图书馆馆长任职资格研究

    Research on the Qualifications of the University Library Director

  10. 论跨世纪图书馆馆长的形象

    On the Image of Library Director over the Century

  11. 图书馆馆长的权威与魅力&基于巴纳德的理论视角

    Authority and Charm of Librarian : on the Basis of Barnard 's Theory

  12. 利用胜任能力理论重构高校图书馆馆长的核心胜任力

    Competency Theory : Restructuring the Core Competency of the Curator of University Library

  13. 现代图书馆馆长素质浅谈

    On the Quality of Chief Manager of Modern Library

  14. 新世纪图书馆馆长的素质与领导艺术探析

    On the Quality and Leadership Style of Library Director in the New Epoch

  15. 新时期高校图书馆馆长职责探索

    Responsibilities of University Library Director In the New Era

  16. 幸好图书馆馆长请我和爸爸到他办公室避避雨。

    Fortunately the librarian called me and my father came into his office .

  17. 现代图书馆馆长的人才策略

    Talent Strategy of Library Director in Modern Library

  18. 图书馆馆长管理理念探析

    Discussion on the Managing Ideas of Library Curator

  19. 美国国会图书馆馆长詹姆斯比林顿阁下已发出行动呼吁所有的美国人。

    Librarian of Congress James H.Billington has issued a call to action to all Americans .

  20. 论网络环境下图书馆馆长协同思维创新

    The creation of the thought of synergetics a curator of libraries under the network environment

  21. 文章介绍了一名基层图书馆馆长的工作经验与工作成绩。

    Abstract This paper presents some experiences and achievements of a director of basic level library .

  22. 新时期与图书馆馆长

    New period and library director

  23. 谈图书馆馆长的人格魅力

    The Curator 's Personality Charm

  24. 我以前做图书馆馆长的时候,一般根据书评来作采购决定。

    In my previous career as a librarian , I used book reviews to make purchasing decisions .

  25. 这所大学正在努力寻找担任图书馆馆长的合适人选。

    This university is trying to seek out a suitable person for the position of library curator .

  26. 浅谈经济分析在高校图书馆馆长决策中的作用

    Simple Discussion on the Function of the Economy Analysis in the Decision of Library Curator of Colleges

  27. 馆员满意六策略&高校图书馆馆长领导艺术管见

    The Six Strategies of Library Staff Satisfaction & An Initial Analysis for Leading Art of College Library Curator

  28. 论图书馆馆长助理的角色交易商制度在哪些方面有助于提高市场效率?

    On the role of assistant director of the librarian How can a dealer market enhance market efficiency ?

  29. 图书馆馆长,特别是来自发展中国家者,都希望从讨论中得到具体和有现实意义的结论。

    Librarians , especially in developing countries , were looking forward to concrete and practical conclusions to those discussions .

  30. 图书馆馆长的领导风格对馆员工作效率和工作的满意度都存在不同的影响。

    The leadership different styles of library 's director can influence the work effectiveness and job satisfaction of librarians .