
sǐ shuǐ
  • dead water;stagnant water;backwater;unfree water
死水 [sǐ shuǐ]
  • [stagnant water;unfree water] 固定在一个地方,不流动、不循环的水,比喻长期墨守陈规,没有变化的地方

  • 一团死水

  • 死水微澜

死水[sǐ shuǐ]
  1. 英国有变成在世界上没有真正影响力的政治死水之虞。

    Britain could become a political backwater with no serious influence in the world

  2. 星系际介质(GM)全不是死水一潭,它正跃居宇宙演化的中心舞台。

    Far from an austere backwater , the intergalactic medium ( IGM ) is turning out to be the central staging area for cosmic evolution .

  3. 池塘里的水逐渐变成了死水。

    The water in the pond was stagnating .

  4. 死水微澜。

    Stagnant water scarcely ripples .

  5. 像这样的死水给了传染疟疾的蚊子绝佳的繁殖地点。

    Standing water like this gives malarial mosquitoes the perfect place to breed .

  6. Eg.stillwater死水absolutely/completely/perfectlystill极其宁静我给你拍照时请别动。

    Eg. Please keep / stay / hold / sit / stand still while I take your photograph .

  7. 英国需要你;它象死水一潭。

    England hath need of thee : she is a fen .

  8. 《死水微澜》主题的史诗性与法国自然主义

    The epic of RIPPLES IN THE STAGNANT WATER and French naturalism

  9. 死水上常有成群的蠓虫飞舞。

    Gnats are often found flying in swarms above stagnant water .

  10. 我们让死水流动来标记这一时刻。

    So we got a backwater drift to sign the charter .

  11. 又算死水叫出了歌声。

    It 'll let out a song for the dead water .

  12. 让死水酵成一沟绿酒。

    Let the stagnant water ferment , become green wine .

  13. 但到了1970年代,这座城市就成了一湾死水。

    But by the 1970s , the city had become a backwater .

  14. 但是,他也认同说:确实是一滩死水一样。

    But , he agrees , It was pretty deadly .

  15. 它们在死水附近孳生,例如在烂泥塘边上。

    They breed near stagnant water , such as a slimy pond .

  16. 污浊的死水是疾病的孳生地。

    The stagnant water was a breeding ground for disease .

  17. 你们不知道,该如何让鲑鱼重回变死水的河川吧?

    You don 't know how to bring salmon back to dead stream .

  18. 为了激活平静如死水的婚姻,我决定改变自己。

    To activation calm is like lentic marriage , I decide him change .

  19. 这是因为蚊子在死水中繁殖。

    That 's because mosquitoes breed in standing water .

  20. 没有良好的渠道合作关系,渠道中的水就是一滩死水,毫无任何活力。

    Without sound channel cooperation , there is no vitality to speak of .

  21. 清理死水,把蚊虫滋生减少到最低;

    mopping up standing water to minimize mosquito breeding ;

  22. 尽可能清除蚊虫滋生的死水。

    If you can , get rid of standing water where mosquitoes breed .

  23. 情况总是这样:年轻有为的人决不会在死水中待很久。

    These things happen : bright young things never last long in backwaters .

  24. 闻一多:爱国的诗人与革命的学者&对诗集《死水》和《诗经》研究的比较分析

    Wen yi-duo : patriotic poet and revolutionary scholar

  25. 那不过是死水一潭。

    What the pond contains is dead water .

  26. 形成一块块城市死水、臭水、脏水景观。

    Become a city stagnant water , smelly water , dirty view of water .

  27. 沼泽地中有些死水坑。

    The swamp has standing pools of water .

  28. 不是因为你的部门是一潭死水;死水可以变活。

    Not because your department is a backwater ; backwaters can be perfectly nice .

  29. 一名驻北京的交易员表示:市场已经死了,如死水一潭。

    The market is dead – nothing is moving , said one Beijing-based trader .

  30. 虫蛆在死水里滋生,罪恶在懒惰中长成。

    As worms are bred in a stagnant , so are evil thoughts in idleness .