
  • 网络Library scientist;Librarians
  1. 新一代图书馆学家及其时代使命

    New Generation of Library Scientists and Their Mission on Present Times

  2. 杜定友是我国著名的图书馆学家。

    DU Ding you is a famous library scientist in our country .

  3. 20世纪初我国图书馆学家在图书馆学本土化中的贡献

    Chinese Library Scholars ' Contribution to Library Science Indigenization in the Early 20th Century

  4. 汪长炳(1904~1988),中国著名的图书馆学家、教育家,长期从事图书馆管理工作。

    Wang Changbing ( 1904-1988 ) is a notable Chinese library scientist , library educator and library manager .

  5. 图书馆学家把图书馆文化分为精英文化和大众文化两个层面,二者是图书馆发展不可或缺的组成部分。

    Library experts divide library culture into two aspects : carefully chosen culture and popular culture , both of which are inseparable parts in development of library .

  6. 袁同礼是中国图书馆学家、目录学家,对中国近代图书馆事业的发展和学术研究做出了重要贡献。

    Yuan Tongli is a Chinese library and bibliography specialist , he had made important contribution to the development of Chinese modern age library cause and scholarship research .

  7. 图书馆学家如果希望发挥知识分子的作用,就应该主动地、积极地介入公共领域并在其中表达业余的关怀意见,成为能够连接专业与公共、引领公共话题、传达公共价值的大识见者。

    To play the role of intellectuals , library scientists should actively enter into the public sphere and in which express their concern opinion like " amateurs ", make themselves the persons of great wisdom who can link specialness to publicness , lead public topic and transmit public value .

  8. 近代中国图书馆事业和图书馆学从无到有,再到兴盛,图书馆学家们作出了巨大的贡献。

    The experts in library science had made huge contribution for the modem Chinese library undertaking and library science start from scratch and prosperity .

  9. 从古代藏书楼到近代图书馆是中国图书馆史上一次重大的变革,探索它的发展过程,研究其嬗变原因多年来一直成为史学家、图书馆学家们研究的重要课题。

    It is a great transformation in the history of Chinese library from ancient lofts for collecting books to modern library . Seeking after its developing course changing reasons have become the important task for historians and librarians .