
  • 网络Iraqi President
  1. 他最大的考验就是伊拉克总统萨达姆·侯赛因攻击科威特。

    His greatest test came when Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait .

  2. 这是土耳其元首33年来首次访问巴格达,在这历史性的时刻,伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼和土耳其总统居尔都满面笑容。

    Both Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Turkish President Gul were all smiles for the historic occasion .

  3. 伊拉克总统N召开会谈,表示对于伊朗和美国对于伊拉克政策达成共识很有信心。

    Minister Nouri al-Maliki opened the talks by saying he was confident Iran and the United States have the will to reach common ground in their Iraq policies .

  4. 对于在巴格达举行的前伊拉克总统萨达姆胡赛因的审判已经延缓到议会选举后。

    The trial of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in Baghdad has been suspended until after parliamentary elections .

  5. 官员们称伊拉克总统萨达姆?侯赛因正在扩大他的生化武器计划,并且准备建造核武器。

    Officials say Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is expanding his biological and chemical weapons program and seeking to build nuclear weapons .

  6. 伊拉克总统提名议会副议长海德尔·阿巴迪为新任总理,接替努里·马利基。

    Iraq 's president has nominated parliament 's deputy speaker , Haider al-Abadi , as the new prime minister to succeed Nouri al-Maliki .

  7. 但他谴责伊拉克总统萨达姆将平民安排在军事设施内,置他们于险地。

    But he condemned Saddam , the president of Iraq for placing civilians within a military installation , and placing them in a dangerous situation .

  8. 在周四的白宫会议上,布什总统向伊拉克总统保证美国将全力帮助伊政府。

    At a White House meeting Thursday , President Bush assured Iraq 's President that the US is fully committed to helping the Iraqi government .

  9. 伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼和总理马利基要求对近期的议会选举重新进行人工计票,选举委员会拒绝了他们的要求。

    The electoral commission in Iraq has rejected calls by President Talabani and the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for a manual recount of the vote in recent parliamentary elections .

  10. 库尔德反对派团体在他们的网站上说,他们在苏莱曼尼亚赢得了大部分的选票。那里是伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼的传统基地。

    The Goran , or Change list , said on its website that it had won a majority in Suleimaniyah , the traditional bastion of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani .

  11. 伊拉克总统是被劝说后,做飞机到阿曼接受治疗的,塔拉巴尼的儿子说道。

    The Iraqi president , who had been persuaded to seek medical care , walked on and off the plane that took him to Amman , his son said .

  12. 伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼会晤了伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德,两国代表讨论了贸易问题以及在教育、文化和电力等领域进行合作等问题。

    The Iraqi leader met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad , as both country 's delegations discussed trade and cooperation in the fields of education , culture and electricity .

  13. 美国白宫发言人麦克莱伦20日在新闻发布会上说,布什总统当天分别与伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼和总理贾法里通了电话,对伊拉克成功举行大选表示祝贺。

    US President George W.Bush congratulated President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari of Iraq on Tuesday on their country 's elections , White House spokesman Scott McClellan said .

  14. 伊拉克总统和两位副总统试图缓解与叙利亚的紧张关系。他们称,两国之间的外交芥蒂应该通过对话来解决。

    Iraq 's President and two Vice Presidents have tried to ease tension with Syria , saying that a diplomatic growl between the two countries should be resolved through dialogue .

  15. 数年前,为了取得美国在海湾地区的支持,伊拉克总统萨达姆.胡斯提出和他的敌国伊朗建立长久和平!

    Years ago : In an attempt to gain support against the US-led coalition in the Persian Gulf , Iraqi President Saddam Hussein offered to make peace with longtime enemy Iran .

  16. 马利基和议会副议长海德尔·阿巴迪举行会谈后做出以上决定,阿巴迪也是伊拉克总统提名的新总理,他将负责组建新内阁。

    The decision follows a meeting between Maliki and Haider al-Abadi , a deputy speaker of parliament , who 's been nominated by Iraq 's president to form a new government .

  17. 伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼星期五凌晨抵达伊朗时,在德黑兰机场受到伊朗高级官员的欢迎,这是在两年多一点的时间里塔拉巴尼第二次造访伊朗首都。

    President Talabani was greeted at the airport in Tehran by top Iranian officials , as he arrived in the early morning Friday for his second visit to the Iranian capital in just over two years .

  18. 伊拉克的总统躲在洞里也被找到了。

    Even Saddam Hussein can be found hiding in his hole .

  19. 不是你真希望看到的伊拉克前总统居住的那种环境。

    Not the conditions you would really expect the former Iraqi leader to be living in .

  20. 尽管伊拉克前总统萨达姆.侯赛因已经被抓到了,他还在制造麻烦。

    EVEN though he has been caught , the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is still causing trouble .

  21. 该委员会直接向萨姆达负责,由伊拉克副总统塔哈·亚辛·拉马丹领导。

    The committee reports directly to Saddam Hussein . It is headed by Iraq 's vice president , Taha Yassin Ramadan .

  22. 伊拉克副总统迈赫迪在最后的会议中说,伊拉克正式地表达了它对该宣言所作的保留。

    At the final session , Iraqi Vice President Adil Abdul-Mehdi said Iraq was formally expressing its reservations about the text .

  23. 2007年,一笔总值200亿欧元的现钞被运抵俄罗斯一个机场,但是至今无人认领。有情报指出,这笔钱可能是伊拉克已故总统萨达姆侯赛因的秘密资产。

    A stash of 20 billion euros in cash that could be Saddam Hussein 's secret fortune has sat unclaimed at a Russian airport since 2007 .

  24. 而一旦做了决定(进攻)伊拉克,总统要问的战略性问题不是我们该不该在伊拉克执行一个特殊的任务。

    And the strategic question that the president has to ask is not whether or not we are employing a particular approach in the country once we have made the decision to be there .

  25. 国务卿约克里在伊拉克新任总统选出新的总理后催促伊拉克新领导人迅速形成一个联合政府,然而,现任总理努里马利基说他不会下台。

    Secretary of State , John Kerry is urging Iraq 's new leaders to quickly form an inclusive government after the country 's new President picked a new Prime Minister . However , incumbent Prime Minister , Nouri Al Maliki says he won 't step aside .

  26. 当时,由于施罗德公开反对美国攻打伊拉克,美国总统布什甚至一度不接施罗德的电话,但是花旗集团主席桑迪·韦尔却对施罗德发出了友好的邀请。

    He had been invited to New York by Citigroup Chairman Sandy Weill at a time when President George W.Bush would not even take Schroeder 's calls because of his outspoken opposition to the war in Iraq .

  27. 1月:伊拉克美军增兵美国总统乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)增加了驻伊美军数量。这一决定会成为美国开始扭转形势的时刻,抑或只是失败的最后一搏,目前还言之太早。

    It is too soon to tell whether US President George W. Bush 's decision to increase the number of American troops in Iraq will go down as the moment when the US began to turn the situation around ; or just a last , failed throw of the dice .

  28. 伊拉克逊尼派副总统哈希米,否决了拟议的选举法的早期版本,说星期四他可能会否决了经修订的法律。

    Iraq 's Sunni Arab Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi , who vetoed an earlier version of the proposed electoral law , said Tuesday that he may veto the revised law as well .

  29. 自2003年美军入侵伊拉克以来,伊朗总统内贾德成为首位访问伊拉克的中东地区的国家元首,旨在强调伊朗在伊拉克日益增长的影响力。

    Iran 's president , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , became the first regional head of state to visit Baghdad since the American invasion of Iraq five years ago , underlining his country 's growing influence there .

  30. 一个伊拉克法庭判处伊拉克逃亡的副总统塔里克·艾尔·哈什米死刑,他因缺席以什叶派穆斯林和伊拉克安全部队的成员为目标的敢死队而被判有罪。

    An Iraqi court hassentencedIraq 's fugitive Vice President Tareq al-Hashemito death , he has been convicted in absentia of running death squads that targeted Shiite Muslims and members of Iraq 's security forces .