
  • 网络the Erie Canal
  1. 因为担心这条航道落得和早已过时的伊利运河(ErieCanal)一样,运河管理局打算建一条更大的运河。

    Fearing that its waterway might end up like the long-outdated Erie Canal , the canal authority set out to build a bigger one .

  2. 随后伊利运河成为美国的贸易大传送带

    The Erie Canal is America 's next great conveyor belt of commerce .

  3. 伊利运河成了这个系统里最大的部分,连接其它三条较短的运河。

    The Erie Canal became the largest part , linked to three shorter canals .

  4. 伊利运河把纽约变成了一座繁华都市,规模增至之前的4倍

    The canal transforms New York into a boom town that quadruples in size .

  5. 伊利运河就开凿在这里。

    Here the Erie Canal was constructed .

  6. 由于伊利运河逐渐失去生意,有些防洪大堤开始破裂。

    As the Erie Canal was losing business , some of its levees began to break .

  7. 原先的伊利运河的终点站将重新修葺以吸引观光客和商铺;

    The original terminus of the Erie Canal is being rebuilt to attract tourists and shops ;

  8. 这些大炮是见证伊利运河竣工典礼的一部分。

    The cannons were part of a celebration to observe the completion of the Erie Canal .

  9. 1825年开通了伊利运河,成为贯穿纽约城的一个重要通道。

    In 1825 , the Erie Canal opened , to serve as a crucial waterway through New York State .

  10. 美国纽约州东部的一座城市,位于莫霍克河岸;在伊利运河开通后开始繁荣。

    A city of eastern New York on the Mohawk river ; it prospered after the opening of the Erie Canal .

  11. 伴随着1959年圣罗伦斯河海上航道的开通,伊利运河被绕开,布法罗也走向了真正意义上的衰落。

    The slump began in earnest after the opening in1959 of the St Lawrence Seaway , which bypassed the Erie Canal .

  12. 一天我听见了故事乘坐了从水牛城到阿尔巴尼的一个小组,沿老伊利运河拖曳道路。

    One day I heard a story about a group who had ridden from Buffalo to Albany , along the old Erie Canal tow path .

  13. 伊利运河始自伊利湖的布法罗市,结束于哈德逊河的奥尔巴尼市和特洛伊市,横跨整个纽约州。

    The Erie Canal crossed the state of New York from the city of Buffalo on Lake Erie to Albany and Troy on the Hudson River .

  14. 纽约市经济发展局局长宾斯基预计在纽约市兴建一所应用科技大学将造就一个“伊利运河时刻”。

    The plan to open an applied sciences university campus in New York City , reckons Seth Pinsky , who heads New York 's Economic Development Corporation , is an " Erie Canal moment . "