
  • 网络Grant Park
  1. 4年前奥巴马获胜当晚在格兰特公园(GrantPark)发表演讲时的极度兴奋已成为遥远的记忆。

    The euphoria of his victory-night speech in Grant Park four years earlier is a distant memory .

  2. 去年11月4日那个温暖的夜晚,我走出自己位于密歇根大道(MichiganAvenue)的公寓,经过几个街区后来到格兰特公园(GrantPark),聆听巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的获胜演讲。

    On the balmy night of November 4 , I walked a few blocks from my apartment on Michigan Avenue to Grant Park to hear Barack Obama 's acceptance speech .

  3. “他太火了,”GredBechford笑着说,他还激动地给我们解释为什么在选举之夜来芝加哥的格兰特公园听奥巴马的演讲。

    " HE 'S HYPE ," says a smiling Greg Beckford , giddily explaining why he has come to Grant Park in Chicago to hear Barack Obama speak on election night .

  4. 人们已经聚集在芝加哥格兰特公园,在那里奥巴马将度过他的选举日。

    Crowds had been assembling in Chicago 's Grant Park , where Obama was set to spend election day .

  5. 针对美国已丧失其国父理想主义的指责,奥巴马在芝加哥格兰特公园发表讲话时,以自身经历作出了雄辩的回答。

    Speaking in Chicago 's Grant Park , Mr Obama offered his own story as an eloquent answer to the charge that the US has lost the idealism of its founding fathers .

  6. 在芝加哥的格兰特公园,当奥巴马当选下届总统已成定局,支持者们共同庆贺并留下激动地眼泪。

    Supporters cried and cheered on election night in Grant Park in Chicago as it became certain that Barack Obama would be the next president . ( Damon Winter , The New York Times-2008 )

  7. 他们周围则聚集着一大群各色宾客,其中许多人还在为奥巴马在格兰特公园的成功演讲激动不已。公寓里的四台平板电视机都播放了演讲。

    Around them milled a crowd of eclectic and jubilant guests , many still teary-eyed from Obama 's Grant Park victory speech , which had been broadcast on four flat-screen television sets in the apartment .