
  • 网络Format text;formatted text;pre
  1. 在文本编辑器中,使用下列快捷组合键在打开的文档中删除、移动和格式化文本。

    Use the following shortcut key combinations in text editors to delete , move , and format text in an open document .

  2. 所有形式域可被扩展为一个完整的文本编辑器,它允许你格式化文本,处理表格包括图像,等等。

    Every form field can be expanded into a full-sized rich text editor that allows you to format text , work with tables , include images , and so on .

  3. 如果仔细遵循这些步骤,则应当看见电子表格出现,其单元格A1中具有正确的格式化文本。

    If you 've followed the steps carefully , you should see a spreadsheet appear with the correctly formatted text in cell A1 .

  4. 在后面的章节中,我们将看到GDI对位图,元文件和格式化文本的支持。

    In later chapters , we 'll look at GDI support of bitmaps , metafiles , and formatted text .

  5. 至此,您可以开始通过LotusScript控制那个应用程序,执行打开文档、传递文本、格式化文本等常见任务。

    At this point , you can begin controlling that application through LotusScript , performing such actions as creating or opening documents , passing text , and formatting that text .

  6. 虽然其中的代码不是着重于从ResourceBundle提取正则表达式,但是它的确包含了一个扩展格式化文本域的默认行为的好例子。

    Although the code doesn 't focus on extracting regular expressions from a ResourceBundle , it does include a good example of extending the default behavior of the formatted text field .

  7. 格式化文本风格给人以文本为控制重点。

    Formatted text gives style to text for controlled emphasis .

  8. 提供用于格式化文本、查找文本等的命令。

    Provide commands for formatting text , finding text , and so on .

  9. 根据半展开规则格式化文本。

    Formats text according to the semi-expanded rules .

  10. 一旦您选中了所有的简单格式化文本,您就可以一次性地应用格式。

    Once all the similarly formatted text is selected , you can apply the formatting all at once .

  11. 尝试选择所有的唱片,将返回结果的格式改为格式化文本。

    Try to select all the CDs ; then change the format of the returned results to formatted text .

  12. 可以想见,如果没有这些新的CSS3.0特性,像这样格式化文本将会是多么的繁琐!

    You can only imagine how tedious it is to get the text to format like this without these new CSS 3.0 features .

  13. 当格式化文本时,用户代理应该识别出这些单词并且根据相应书写语言以及目标介质来将它们展示出来。

    When formatting text , user agents should identify these words and lay them out according to the conventions of the particular written language ( script ) and target medium .

  14. 按住鼠标左键选取你想要格式化的文本。

    Select the text you want to format by holding down the left button on your mouse .

  15. GUI使用格式化的文本字段以四种不同的格式显示数值。

    This GUI uses formatted text fields to display numbers in four different formats .

  16. PRE元素被用于预格式化的文本,在哪里空白符是不会被瓦解的。

    The PRE element is used for preformatted text , where white space is significant .

  17. 只包含ASCII字符未经特殊格式化的文本文件。

    A text file that contains only ASCII characters without special formatting .

  18. 由于需要以不同方式重新格式化每个文本块以生成正确的HTML输出,状态机似乎就是自然的解决方案。

    Since you do need to reformat each text block type differently to produce the correct HTML output , a state machine seems like a natural solution .

  19. 用定点小数格式将数字格式化为文本

    Formats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals

  20. A部分输入并格式化一些文本,然后插入一个硬回车。

    The Part A agent enters some text , formats it , then inserts a hard return .

  21. 使用格式化的文本字段的另一个选择或另一个修饰方法是在字段上加装一个验证器。

    Another alternative or adjunct to using a formatted text field is installing an input verifier on the field .

  22. 注释:数字的显示方式由区域设置属性面板中指定的数字格式决定。用定点小数格式将数字格式化为文本

    Note : Numbers will be displayed using the numeric settings specified in the Regional Settings control panel . Formats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals

  23. 无论您选取哪种格式,如果未格式化任何文本或将任何格式化文本粘贴到邮件中,则邮件将以纯文本格式发送。

    Regardless of what format you choose , if you don 't format any text or paste any formatted text into your message , the message will be sent as plain text .

  24. 如果当前页面使用某个主题,则网页横幅使用主题的样式和图形,否则,网页横幅仅显示可以格式化的文本。

    Page banners use the styles and graphics of a theme if one is used on the current page ; otherwise , the page banner just displays text , which you can format .

  25. 作为额外的功能,我的插件还可以提供反向操作;该插件使开发人员能够解析数字,从格式化的文本字符串中获取数字。

    As an added bonus , my plug-in will also do the opposite function ; the plug-in will allow developers to parse numbers , getting a number out of a formatted text string .

  26. B部分输入一些文本、插入硬回车并输入更多的文本,然后格式化原来的文本。

    The Part B agent enters some text , inserts a hard return , enters additional text , then moves up and formats the original text .

  27. 如果选择设置dataformatstring属性,可以格式化显示的文本。

    You can optionally format the displayed text by setting the dataformatstring property .

  28. 这里,OutputFormat类包装文档,并为格式化生成的文本提供了多种选项。

    Here the OutputFormat class wraps the document , giving a wide variety of options for the formatting of the generated text .

  29. 我们将会把完全格式化的超文本网页直接发送到你的收件箱。

    We 'll deliver fully formatted HTML pages right to your inbox .

  30. 文本文件格式化功能的文本页面与其他的需求元素之间,可能是独立的也可能是相互联系的。

    Rich text document Text page with formatting capabilities that can be independent or associated with other requirement elements .