
shā dú ruǎn jiàn
  • antivirus;anti-virus software;McAfee
  1. 问:Mac用户需要安装杀毒软件吗?

    Q : should Mac users install anti-virus software ?

  2. 移动恶意软件的威胁正日益增长,但同时也给手机杀毒软件生产厂商,特别是针对Android设备的厂商带来巨大商机。

    Mobile malware is on the rise , and so is the market for companies that develop anti-virus software for cell phones & particularly Android devices .

  3. 来自英特尔杀毒软件公司IntelSecurity的拉杰萨马尼则说,任何在线服务都需要密码,而且为了确保其安全性,密码越复杂越好。

    Raj Samani from Intel Security said : Almost every service used online requires a password , and to ensure your passwords are secure , they must be complex .

  4. 为了能够让大众更安全地上网,政府应该普及有关计算机病毒和特洛伊木马病毒(Trojanhorses)的各种知识,让公众能够识别并预防,除此之外,还应该不断更新使用的杀毒软件。

    Educating people about computer viruses and Trojan horses will help , and using updated antivirus software is also important .

  5. 毒霸三分天下&2001年杀毒软件产品广告投放简析网络防毒软件在电厂MIS中的应用

    The three main servers in Chinese anti virus software market Application on the management information system of power plant for the network protect virus software

  6. 来自英特尔杀毒软件公司IntelSecurity的拉杰•萨马尼则说,”任何在线服务都需要密码,而且为了确保其安全性,密码越复杂越好。”

    Raj Samani from Intel Security said : " Almost every service used online requires a password , and to ensure your passwords are secure , they must be complex . "

  7. 目前最引人关注的是一款名叫“MAC防御者”(MACDefender)的假冒杀毒软件,运行Safari浏览器的MacOSX用户可能会碰到它。

    The immediate concern , ironically , is a bogus antivirus program called " MAC defender " that targets Mac OS X users running safari .

  8. 作为一个精明的用户和PC技术,我知道要寻找什么,当涉及到恶意软件,所以我不倾向于让这个垃圾感染,觉得我不需要杀毒软件。

    As a savvy user and PC tech I know what to look for when it comes to malware , so I just don 't tend to get infected with this junk and feel that I don 't need antivirus software .

  9. 腾讯撤消了300万用户装有奇虎杀毒软件的QQ(这一国内最流行的网络聊天工具),在用户中间引起了愤怒情绪。

    Tencent withdrew QQ , the nation 's most popular online chatting tool , from 300 million users of Qihoo 's anti-virus software , causing outrage among the users .

  10. “杀毒软件已死!”,就在一周前,赛门铁克公司(Symantec)信息安全部高级副总裁布莱恩o代伊在接受《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)采访时发表了这番简短的悼词。

    Just over a week ago , Symantec 's ( SYMC ) senior vice president of information security Brian Dye delivered a concise eulogy for anti-virus software . It " is dead , " he told theWall Street Journal .

  11. QQ用户虽然认为360是一款非常好的免费杀毒软件,也非常气愤QQ的做法,但是其在面临抉择的时候,仍然选择卸载360。

    QQ user think that 360 is a very good free anti-virus software , also very angry with QQ , but in the face of choice , still choose uninstall 360 .

  12. 本周,两家外国杀毒软件公司——俄罗斯的卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)和美国的赛门铁克(Symantec)——也被排除出中国的政府采购名单。

    This week , both foreign antivirus software companies in China , Kaspersky Lab of Russia and Symantec of the US , were also struck off the list .

  13. 这也许意味着安装定制软件(比如杀毒软件、JDBC驱动程序、监视代理等等),修改操作系统配置(比如网络超时)等等。

    This might mean installing custom software ( like anti-virus programs , JDBC drivers , monitoring agents , and so on ), altering operating system configurations ( such as network timeouts ), and much more .

  14. VIPRE是结束杀毒软件,你知道这一点。

    VIPRE is the end of antivirus software as you know it .

  15. 今年迄今为止,腾讯已经收购了网上旅行社艺龙(elong)、杀毒软件公司金山软件(kingsoft)、以及美国网游公司riotgames的部分股权。

    Tencent has bought stakes in elong , an online travel agent , Kingsoft , an antivirus company , and riot games , a US online gaming company , this year so far .

  16. 他表示,目前,RAP分数对既定的VB100认证没有影响,只是反映杀毒软件性能。

    At the moment , the RAP scores had no bearing on the established VB100 Certification and were only indications of performance , he said .

  17. 与此同时,迈克菲(McAfee)和赛门铁克(Symantec)等知名公司也纷纷推出了手机安全应用,这些公司在上世纪90年代都曾在PC机领域杀毒软件领域创造过佳绩。

    Big-name security companies like McAfee and Symantec who made their mark selling antivirus software for PCs in the 90s have also come out with security features for phones .

  18. 这样一来,我们将从2014年4月8日起停止对WindowsXP系统的技术支持,包括自动进行系统更新等保护个人电脑的程序。届时微软还将停止提供WindowsXP系统微软免费杀毒软件的下载。

    As a result , after April 8 , 2014 , technical assistance for Windows XP will no longer be available , including automatic updates that help protect your PC. Microsoft will also stop providing Microsoft Security Essentials for download on Windows XP on this date .

  19. 虽然大部分新电脑会提前安装上,但是如果你的电脑上没有,那就一定要安装上McAfee,Symantec或者其他杀毒软件。

    It comes pre-installed on most new computers , but if you don 't have it yet , be sure to checkout McAfee , Symantec , or other anti-virus software .

  20. 杀毒软件制造商Avast首席执行官文斯施特克勒(VinceSteckler)说,当看到个人信息被从美国零售商——如Target和家得宝(HomeDepot)——那里被窃取时,人们会感到害怕。

    Vince Steckler , chief executive of Avast , an antivirus software maker for consumers , says people become scared when they see thefts of individuals " data from companies such as Target and Home Depot , the US retailers .

  21. 大学教授、杀毒软件公司安博士(Ahnlab)的创始人安哲秀(AhnChul-soo)是一匹黑马,他赢得了很多选民的支持,特别是在韩国年轻人中间。

    The surprise package has been Ahn Chul-soo , a university professor and founder of Ahnlab , an antivirus company , who has gained a cult following especially among Korean youth .

  22. 该方案有别于杀毒软件的杀毒机制,而是依靠程序自身进行的CRC32位校验、辅助线程等代码的监视功能来防止病毒的植入。

    This method is different from using previous killing-virus tools , only depends on CRC32 self-check and monitor of sub-thread to protect itself from virus ′ s embedding .

  23. 环境科研中计算机防毒与杀毒软件的探讨

    Discussion On Computer Anti-virus And Anti-virus Software In Environmental Scientific Research

  24. 你必须在电脑上安装一个杀毒软件。

    You have to install an anti-virus software on your computer .

  25. 罗施将杀毒软件比作汽车安全带。

    Rosch analogizes anti-virus software to the seatbelt in a car .

  26. 这个杀毒软件和我的计算机系统不兼容。

    The anti-virus software is incompatible with my computer system .

  27. 本杰明:对于电脑,杀毒软件是必需的吗?

    Benjamin : Do you know what 's wrong with my PC ?

  28. 这是股票报价信息表,这是一个杀毒软件

    This is the stock quotes . This is an anti-virus software .

  29. 你打算什么时候更新你的杀毒软件?

    When are you going to upgrade your anti-virus software ?

  30. 安装杀毒软件,保护所有服务器不受病毒攻击。

    Install antivirus software to protect all the servers from virus attacks .